Essential Zoologist Interview Preparation Guide
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Zoologist Frequently Asked Questions in various Zoologist job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview

128 Zoologist Questions and Answers:

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Essential  Zoologist Job Interview Questions and Answers
Essential Zoologist Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Which is the largest marsupial?

The largest of all marsupials is the red kangaroo (Macrpus rufus).

2 :: Which is the largest Indian deer?


3 :: Which animal live in hot region?

Camels, lizards, scorpian, centipedes, millipedes, spiders, snakes, goats etc.

4 :: Name three aquatic mammals?

Walrus, whale and Dolphins.

5 :: Which is the worlds smallest and ferocious mammal?

The Shrew; a tiny mouse like mammal only two inches long and weighs about as much as a nickel.

6 :: Define what is an Ovoviviparous animal?

Oviparous animal is one which after laying eggs, keeps them within its body to hatch and incubate later.

8 :: Define what is hippology?

The study of horses is called Hippology.

9 :: Which animal subsist on flesh?


10 :: Which is the smallest marsupial?

The smallest Marsupial is the very rare Ingram’s planigab(planigabingrami), a flat-skulled mouse.

11 :: Why do elephants flap their ears so much?

To keep themselves cool in hot weather.

12 :: Define what is Murrah?

It is a hybrid buffalo which is a high milk producer.

14 :: Which animal is the fastest on foot?

Cheetah is the fastest runner with a speed of 65 miles/hour.

19 :: Which is the smallest member of the Fox family?

The Fennec Fox, which lives in the Sahara

20 :: Define what does a Beaver build?

Beavers build wooden dam to stop flowing water.

22 :: Which are the biggest cats; tiger or lion?

Tiger: male Siberian Tigers average 3.15 meter (10.3 feet) in length.

23 :: Which cat can live without water for the longest time?

The sand cat, which lives in the Sahadra desert.

24 :: Which are the animals that live in cold regions?

Seal, Penguin, Some fishes, polar bear and rein deers.

25 :: Define what is the difference between a hare and a rabbit?

Hares have longer binding legs and longer ears than rabbits
Zoologist Interview Questions and Answers
128 Zoologist Interview Questions and Answers