Dairy Chemist Interview Questions & Answers
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Elevate your Dairy Chemist interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 34 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Dairy Chemist interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 34 questions to help you succeed in your Dairy Chemist interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

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Dairy Chemist Job Interview Questions and Answers
Dairy Chemist Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell me how Many Breeds Of Dairy Cattle Are There?

There are six main breeds of dairy cows: Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, Jersey and Milking Shorthorn. A seventh, Red and White, is a variation of the Holstein breed.

2 :: Please tell me the formula to calculate pH of a solution?

In order to calculate the pH of a solution you have to use the formula pH= -log [H+] or pH = -log [H3O+]

3 :: Please tell me what is Avogadro’s law?

According to Avogadro’s law, at same temperature and pressure equal volume of gases contains the same number or molecules regardless of the chemical nature and physical properties.

Avogadro’s number = 6.023 X 10 (-23)

4 :: Please tell me what is buffer?

A buffer is an aqueous solution which has highly stable pH. It is a blend of a weak acid and its conjugate base or vice versa. On adding small amount of base or acid to buffer, its pH hardly changes.

5 :: Please tell me what is oxidation and reduction reaction?

☛ Oxidation = When there is a loss of hydrogen or electrons, OR gain of oxygen is known as Oxidation reaction.
☛ Reduction = When there is a gain of hydrogen or electron OR loss of oxygen is known as reduction reaction
Example of oxidation-reduction reaction is observed in human body, when an electron is transferred into the cell and oxidation of glucose take place from which we get the energy.

6 :: Tell me do you know how buffer works?

In buffer when hydrogen ion is added, it will neutralized by the base in buffer. Hydroxide ion will be neutralized by the acid. On the overall pH of the buffer solution, these neutralization reactions will not show much effect.

While when you select an acid as a buffer solution, try to use an acid acid that has a pH closed to your desired pH. This will help your buffer to achieve nearly equivalent amount of acid and conjugate base, so that it will enable to neutralize as much as H+ and OH -.

7 :: Tell me is Organic Milk Fresher Than Regular Milk?

Probably not. Most milk, including organic and regular milk, is delivered to stores within a few days of milking. However, some organic milk has an extended shelf life if it has undergone ultra-high temperature pasteurization.

8 :: Tell me what is the difference between Molarity and Normality?

Both techniques are used to the amount of chemical present in the solution. However they are almost similar but differs in

☛ Molarity is used to know the total amount of molecules in a 1 litre solution
☛ It is expressed as moles of a compound per litre of solution

☛ Normality is used to know the total number of reactive units in 1 litre of solution
☛ It is expressed in equivalent per litre

9 :: Please explain what is titration?

Titration is a process to determine the molarity of a base or an acid. In this process a reaction is carried out between the known volumes of a solution with a known concentration, against the known volume of a solution with an unknown concentration.

10 :: Explain what is the difference between fractionation and distillation?

Both methods are used to separate the components present in the solution based on the melting points

☛ Distillation : This technique is used when boiling point of chemicals are different in the mixtures
☛ Fractionation : This technique is used when boiling point of chemicals are close to each other in the mixtures

11 :: What is the metal used to extract copper from the solution of copper sulphate?

Fe or ferrous is the metal that is used to extract copper from the solution of copper sulphate.

12 :: Behavioral Dairy Chemist interview questions:

☛ How do you feel about your career progress to date?
☛ What qualities would you look for if hiring someone?
☛ Discuss your educational background.
☛ How quickly can you adapt to a new work environment?
☛ To what extent would you say that your last job was a learning experience?
☛ What do you look for in a job?
☛ Why do you want to work for us and not for our competitor?

13 :: Difficult Dairy Chemist interview questions:

☛ How to overcome less punctual?
☛ What specific skills acquired or used in previous jobs related to this position?
☛ Can you work without supervision?
☛ Tell me what are the first 5 things you would do if you got this position?
☛ Would you like to have your boss' job?
☛ What do you do when you disagree with your line manager?
☛ How would you define a conducive work atmosphere?

14 :: Phone based Dairy Chemist interview questions:

☛ What factors contribute to your sense of satisfaction in this job?
☛ What would you do if you were fired in two years?
☛ Why did you contact me?
☛ Who has inspired you in your life and why?
☛ What qualifications do you have that make you think that you will be successful?
☛ What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours?
☛ What interests you most about this job?

15 :: Panel based Dairy Chemist interview questions:

☛ Give an example of when you had to present complex information in a simplified manner.
☛ Tell about a Dairy Chemist training program that you have developed.
☛ Where do you see yourself in five years time?
☛ Do you know anyone who works as Dairy Chemist at this company?
☛ How do you get a peer or colleague to accept one of your ideas?
☛ What negative thing would your last boss say about you?
☛ What would you say are your strong points?

16 :: Group based Dairy Chemist interview questions:

☛ What are three positive character traits you don't have?
☛ Examples of situations when your initiative ideas for improvement have made a significant difference.
☛ How do you establish good communication and information flow with others?
☛ How do you make the decision to delegate work?
☛ Tell me about your proudest achievement.
☛ Specific example of a time when criticised your work.
☛ What are you looking for in terms of Dairy Chemist career development?

17 :: General Dairy Chemist interview questions:

☛ Are you willing to take calculated risks when necessary?
☛ How have you improved yourself recently?
☛ What led you to choose your field of major study?
☛ How much money do you need to make?
☛ Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size?
☛ What is important to you in a job?
☛ What features of your previous jobs did you like and dislike?

18 :: Mention how many millilitre is equal to 1 litre and how many microliter is equal to litre?

☛ 1 millilitre = 0.0001 litre
☛ 1 microliter = 0.0000001 litre

19 :: Please tell me what is the formula you will use to calculate how many millilitres of 5.5 M NaOH are required to prepare 400 mL of 1.5M NaOH?

To know the amount or volume of NaOH to prepare 400 mL of 1.5 M NaOH, we use formula

M1 X V1 = M2 X V2

V1 = M2 X V2/ M1

But before that we will convert 400 mL into litre = 0.4 L

5.5 X V1 = 1.5 M x 0.4 L

V1 = 1.5 M X 0.4L/ 5.5

V1= 0.10 L

V1 = 100mL

So, you need 100mL of 5.5 NaOH

20 :: Tell us what is the chemical composition of fat in human body?

Fat found in human body is mainly composed of

☛ Glycerides
☛ Glycerides+Phospholipids
☛ Glycolipids
☛ Phosphoinotisides
☛ Tocopherol

21 :: Please explain what Do You Call Male And Female Dairy Animals?

Males are called bulls. Females, prior to giving birth, are called calves or heifers. After they give birth, female dairy animals are called cows.

22 :: Tell me why Do Dairy Farms Smell?

Animals eat, therefore they produce manure. Manure has an odor. Dairy farmers work hard to minimize these odors by maintaining clean facilities, following proper manure storage practices, and properly applying manure as a natural fertilizer for cropland.

In some cases, farms are required to implement an odor management plan. Research and development has inspired new practices and innovative technologies to help farmers maintain clean air for everyone. Dairy farmers care about air quality; their families live and work on their farms and breathe the air, too.

23 :: Tell us what is iron ore consists of?

Iron ore is consists of Fe2O3

24 :: Why graphite rod is used in nuclear reactor?

Graphite rod is used in nuclear reactor to convert fast moving neutrons into thermal neutrons.

25 :: What makes a molecule into organic molecule?

In a molecule when hydrogen atom is less than the ratio of carbon atom, then such molecules are referred as an organic molecule.
Dairy Chemist Interview Questions and Answers
34 Dairy Chemist Interview Questions and Answers