Essential Construction Welder Interview Preparation Guide
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Construction Welder based Frequently Asked Questions in various Construction Welder job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting

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Essential  Construction Welder Job Interview Questions and Answers
Essential Construction Welder Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is girts?

The vertical or horizontal framework to which sash, siding or another finished material is attached is referred as girts.

2 :: Explain what is GMAW?

Gas Metal Arc Welding is a welding method more commonly referred to as GMAW or MIG welding.

Typically used in the automotive and sheet metal industries, GMAW can be an automatic or semi-automatic process. GMAW provides high quality welds at a low cost to the manufacturer.

This arc welding application feeds a GMAW metal consumable electrode and shielding gas through the welding gun. An electrical current travels down the electrode and strikes the arc between the metal being welded and the wire electrode.

3 :: Explain me what is the SMAW process?

The SMAW process is an arc welding process also known as shielded metal arc welding. It is utilized in welding a variety of materials with an electrode attached to a constant current power source connected to a rod holder. The welding process is one of few where shielding gas is not required.

4 :: Explain why do you want a career as a Welding Engineer?

A career as a welding engineer is what I have invested my time and energy in to achieve the past 5 years. I enjoy being a valued assest in the manufacturing processes that utilized my welding knowledge and expertise to produce the best product for the customer. With welding being an underappreicate skill and profession, I relish in the opportunities to educate my coworkers on the importance of materials joining and the complexity of the science behind welding.

5 :: Explain what are the technology used in structural engineering?

☛ Inventory tracking and management software
☛ Cost estimating software
☛ Computer aided design CAD software
☛ Accounting software

6 :: Tell me what are the essential variables for SMAW process?

In base metal thickness, P-number, dia of pipe, pre, post weld heat treatment
In filler metals F,A-numbers, dia

7 :: Tell me what is a welding crater?

Unless welding is performed with a very low current, a concave dip, called a crater occurs at the end of a weldment.

This crater results from the force of the arc and the contraction of melted metal when it cools and solidifies. The size of each crater relates directly to the welding current. Craters are not desirable because they cause a welding defect due to slag wrapping.

Crater welding is one method used to fill craters. It requires regular welding current. There are control sequences that allow you to switch to a crater filler current.

8 :: Explain what was your greatest accomplishment as a Welding Engineer?

Improved the welding process which cut the tack times and cycle times down by 50% that was in time 40 min. Which then increased production and profitability.

9 :: Explain are welding robots safe to use?

Welding robots are equipped with internal and external safety features. Light curtains, safety stops, walls, weight-sensitive mats, and shielding protect the robot and the robot operator. Other safety features are programmed into the robot. Vision peripherals can also work as safety devices.

Furthermore, welding robots provide a safe alternative to manual welding. Unlike their human counterparts, welding robots don’t run the risk of electric shock, severe burns, eye damage, etc.

Instead, they remove workers from the danger zone to the safety of operator’s positions. They are oblivious to the bright light, sparks, chemical fumes, and extreme heat caused by welding applications.

10 :: Tell me what is the Procedure for Fit-Up inspection?

Base metal classification, cleaning, Alignment, root gap, root face, bevel angle & mismatch (or) overlap.

11 :: Tell me why a performance qualification is done for welder?

In performance qualification, the basic criteria established for welder qualification is to determine the welders ability to deposit sound weld metal. The purpose of the performance qualification test for the welding operator is to determine the welding operators mechanical ability to operate the welding equipment.

12 :: Tell me while doing welding work what is the risk factor?

Welding process releases poisonous gas or dust, when welding is done on steel structure coated with lead containing paints.

13 :: Explain me what is prototype tooling?

☛ Prototype tooling as basic part fixturing, as well as the use of manual clamping and rigid steel framing that is fabricated from a customer’s parts.
☛ Prototype tooling provides a concept of what the production tooling is meant to be. It is not meant for production tooling. When the prototype tooling is tried out, final tooling could be quoted to you and provided.
☛ Prototype tooling does not include: part presence sensors, tooling design drawings or pneumatic clamping and isn’t subjected to a customer’s specifications or original design. Prototype tooling demonstrates the correct way to weld the part and also shows how tooling can be instituted at low cost to the customer.

14 :: Explain me what is the difference between MIG and TIG Welding?

While Metal Inert Gas (MIG) and Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) are both shielded arc welding applications, they are very different from one another. MIG welds are created with a consumable electrode, while TIG welds are created with a non-consumable electrode. TIG welding typically includes filler metal as well.

TIG and MIG arc welding can both be automated. However, TIG is a more complicated process so the equipment is more expensive and difficult to set-up. Find out more about the pros and cons of MIG vs. TIG.

15 :: Explain how do you get a peer or colleague to accept one of your ideas?

Explain it as best as possible and listen to his or her ideas and try to collaborate maybe on of their ideas improve on mine of vise versa.

16 :: Explain me what is the required maintenance for welding robots?

Welding robots have their own set of maintenance needs. Robotic welding systems have to keep everything regulated correctly – torch angle, wire feed, gas flow. As with most equipment, when it comes to welding robots, a little maintenance goes a long way. RobotWorx recommends paying attention to these items for the best results:

* Proper connection of welding leads: Positive from power source to wire feeder and negative from power source to work piece, table, and fixture.
* Wire feeder: The wire drive roll needs to have the proper tension and the rollers must be the proper size.
* Welding Gun: Check the condition of torch contact tips, nozzles, and make sure there is the right amount of gas flowing through the gun.
* Robot Tool Center Point (TCP): Make sure you’ve programmed this point correctly. It controls the torch’s position and makes it possible for the robot to perform the proper movements.

17 :: Explain how do you keep track of work so that it gets done on time?

I use a 25% scale when I am working on task that gives me the opportunity to keep track of my time an how each task is going also using hard dates to keep with my self not to go over.

18 :: Tell us are you efficient with your time as Construction Welder?

Yes, manufacturing keeps me on my toes and have to be ready for deadlines as well as line stoppages. So keeping up with my time and using it wisely is very important.

19 :: Tell me which RIA standards are new and used robotic systems required to follow?

The Robotic Industries Association (RIA) standard is the ANSI/RIA R15.06-1999, Safety Requirements for Industrial Robots and Robot Systems.

The ANSI/RIA is not a law but a voluntary American National Standard. Adhering to it is not so much a legal issue as it is a compliance issue. As more and more users require compliance with the standard in their contract specifications, you may be obligated to comply with the standard. More contracts will be let this way, since the user is required to comply with OSHA directives that include voluntary standards by reference.

20 :: Explain me what is turnkey integration?

Turnkey integration gets its name from being all-inclusive and production-ready.

Robot workcells are turnkey integration systems because they require little installation and have every necessary element: robot, safety, tooling, etc. Turn a key or flip a switch, and presto – you’re automated!

Interested in a robotic turnkey integration system for your facility? RobotWorx is a turnkey integration expert. We build custom turnkey workcells to answer specific application needs. Avoid delays and costly mistakes when you buy a turnkey integration system.

21 :: What is WPS (Welding Procedure Specification)?

WPS stands for Welding Procedure Specification. A WPS is a written document that provides direction to the welder or welding operator for making production welds in accordance with code requirement.

22 :: Explain what all things must be inspect for sling used in iron and steel structure?

☛ Severe damage to wires
☛ Broken wires
☛ Look for heat damage
☛ Look for wear and tear due to bad weather
☛ Deformed, crushed or worn end attachments
☛ Illegible or missing sling identifications
☛ Kinking or crushing of ropes

23 :: Tell me how workers hoist the steel bar in its position?

☛ First they attach iron or steel bar with cables of derricks or crane
☛ One worker will guide the crane or derrick operator with hand signals to move to its position, while another worker will hold the rope attached to the bar to stop it from swinging
☛ Slowly the crane will move structure to its position and once placed workers will check for alignment with the help of plumb bobs
☛ Once the alignment is done, they weld or bolt the bar permanently

24 :: Explain me what are the side effects of lead poisoning?

Symptoms of lead poisoning includes

☛ Loss of appetite
☛ Nausea
☛ Vomiting
☛ Stomach cramps
☛ Constipation
☛ Insomnia

25 :: Tell me why a WPS needs qualification?

The purpose for qualification of a WPS is to determine that the weldment proposed for construction is capable of providing the required properties for its intended application.

Welding Procedure Qualification establishes the properties of the weldment not the skill of the welder or welding operator.
Construction Welder Interview Questions and Answers
100 Construction Welder Interview Questions and Answers