Fresh Estimator Interview Preparation Guide
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Estimator related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Estimator. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

77 Estimator Questions and Answers:

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Fresh  Estimator Job Interview Questions and Answers
Fresh Estimator Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is performance review?

This is the use of variance analysis, trend analysis and earned value analysis to determine the cost and schedule performance over time and the estimated funds required to complete work in progress.

2 :: Explain what is forecasting?

This is done by making estimates about the future performance of a project based on the current performance of the project.

3 :: What is earned value management?

This is the use of scope, schedule and resource measurement to determine the state and performance of the project.

4 :: Tell me how well do you know our company?

Well, a developed company that is gradually building their reputation in the competitive world.

5 :: Are you already familiar with our suppliers?

Suppliers are more common. We need to develop more vendors for better business development.

6 :: Describe to me the position: estimator you’re applying for?

This is a “homework” question, too, but it also gives some clues as to the perspective the person brings to the table. The best preparation you can do is to read the job description and repeat it to yourself in your own words so that you can do this smoothly at the interview.

7 :: Tell me what experience do you have for sales estimator?

I have been working with computers since 2001. I also have a degree in network support/computer repair. I have built my last 3 computers, have work with Dell as an employee. So I have around 15 years experience working with computers.

8 :: What kind of salary do you need as Estimator?

This is a loaded question and a nasty little game that you will probably lose if you answer first. So, do not answer it. Instead, say something like, that’s a tough question. Can you tell me the range for this position? In most cases, the interviewer, taken off guard, will tell you. If not, say that it can depend on the details of the job. Then give a wide range.

9 :: Tell me what are your first steps when analyzing the costs of a new project?

Review the design with budget and resources.

10 :: What is your greatest strength as Estimator?

This is your time to shine. Just remember the interviewer is looking for work related strengths. Mention a number of them such as being a good motivator, problem solver, performing well under pressure, being loyal, having a positive attitude, eager to learn, taking initiative, and attention to detail. Whichever you go for, be prepared to give examples that illustrate this particular skill.

11 :: What is To Complete Performance Index (TCPI)?

This is a measure of the cost performance required to be achieved with the remaining resources in order to meet a specified management goal, expressed as the ratio of the cost to finish the outstanding work to the remaining budget.

12 :: What is management reserve?

This is a planned amount of money (or time) set aside to address unforeseen risks in a project. The management reserve is not within the usual budget of the project manager and the project manager would need the permission of the senior management, and sometimes the sponsor, to access it.

13 :: Tell me would you say you are an organized person? Give me an example?

Yes I am. i wasnted so much to travel. I decided to work part time 8 hours in a call centre to earn money to trAVEL. AND THAT TIME I WAS DOING COLLEGE B CLASSES AS

14 :: Tell me what have you done to improve sales estimator knowledge in the last year?

Every should learn from his mistake. I always try to consult my mistakes with my kith and kin especially with elderly and experienced person.

I enrolled myself into a course useful for the next version of our current project. I attended seminars on personal development and managerial skills improvement.

15 :: Tell me a difficult situation you have overcome in the workplace?

Conflict resolution, problem solving, communication and coping under pressure are transferable skills desired by many employers.
Answering this question right can help you demonstrate all of these traits.

☛ Use real-life examples from your previous roles that you are comfortable explaining
☛ Choose an example that demonstrates the role you played in resolving the situation clearly
☛ Remain professional at all times – you need to demonstrate that you can keep a cool head and know how to communicate with people

16 :: Tell me why do you want to work as Project estimator for this organisation?

Being unfamiliar with the organisation will spoil your chances with 75% of interviewers, according to one survey, so take this chance to show you have done your preparation and know the company inside and out. You will now have the chance to demonstrate that you’ve done your research, so reply mentioning all the positive things you have found out about the organisation and its sector etc. This means you’ll have an enjoyable work environment and stability of employment etc – everything that brings out the best in you.

17 :: Do you know what is triple constraint triangle in project management?

Project cost, schedule and scope are depicted as a project management triangle. The triangle is formed by customer as the center point and the three aspects form the sides of triangle. In order to gain customer satisfaction, the project management team should deliver scope in propose schedule and cost. In case any leg is gets disturbed, the other two legs gets affected. For example, if the customer increases the scope, then the other two legs-schedule and cost- get affected a lot.

18 :: what would you like to be doing five years from now?

The safest answer contains a desire to be regarded as a true professional and team player. As far as promotion, that depends on finding a manager with whom you can grow. Of course, you will ask what opportunities exist within the company before being any more specific: “From my research and what you have told me about the growth here, it seems operations is where the heavy emphasis is going to be. It seems that’s where you need the effort and where I could contribute toward the company’s goals.” Or, “I have always felt that first-hand knowledge and experience open up opportunities that one might never have considered, so while at this point in time I plan to be a part of [e.g.] operations, it is reasonable to expect that other exciting opportunities will crop up in the meantime.”

20 :: Suppose after a series of analysis, you realized that your project is ahead of schedule but under cost. What does that tell you about the project?

First, the analysis carried out is the earned value analysis. Being over schedule and under cost simply means you have completed more work than you should have below the planned cost for that project phase. Yes, that’s great news, but you should also begin to look and analyze the risk using the risk indicators in order to determine if there was an oversight.

22 :: Do you know how many square feet of pizza are eaten in the United States each month?

This is a classic guesstimate question where you need to think aloud. And so first off you round the U.S. population to 300 million people (it's actually about 315 million but rounding will be much easier and your interviewer will not score you lower for rounding). Then estimate how many people eat pizza. A decent educated guess is two out of every three people, or 200 million. Now let's say the average pizza-eating person eats pizza twice a month, and eats two slices at a time. That's four slices a month.

If the average slice of pizza is perhaps six inches at the base and 10 inches long, then the slice is 30 square inches of pizza. So, four pizza slices would be 120 square inches (30 times 4). Since one square foot equals 144 square inches (12 times 12), let's assume that each person who eats pizza eats one square foot per month.

Since there are 200 million pizza-eating Americans, 200 million square feet of pizza are consumed in the U.S. each month. To summarize: 300 million people in America, 200 million eat pizza, average slice of pizza is six inches at the base and 10 inches long or 30 square inches, average American eats four slices of pizza a month, four pieces times 30 square inches equals 120 square inches (one square foot is 144 square inches), so let's assume one square foot per person, and thus one square foot times 200 million people equals 200 million square feet of pizza a month.

23 :: Tell me in what ways, could you improve as a cost estimator? What can you do to improve in those areas?

Pay attention to the smallest detail, meetings with the concerned people.

24 :: Explain me as a cost estimator you must pay attention to the smallest detail. What would your previous manager have to say about your attention to detail?

My rule is to check the results with design and inspect the outcome of resources. Verify with previous factors and common mistakes. Justify and improve.

25 :: Explain me what was the most difficult estimating assignment you have faced? How did you get through?

Cost Controlling a running projects for more than a one year, Revised the Book of quantity, Studied the contract and the agreements.
Estimator Interview Questions and Answers
77 Estimator Interview Questions and Answers