ASP.NET 2.0 Question:

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What r the ASP.NET list controls and diff. between them?

ASP.NET 2.0 Interview Question
ASP.NET 2.0 Interview Question


ASP.NET List controls ==> There are 3 . 1. DropDownList, 2. ListBox and 3.HTMLSelect.1. System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownListthis control renders a drop-down list in the page at runtime. Only the selected item is visible when the user is not interacting with the list, and the other items become visible when the user clicks the control to see the items that can be selected. Only one item can be selected in this control. This control must be inserted into a server side form (runat="server") applied.2. System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListBoxthis control renders a list of items within a scrolling box, multiple items can be selected in this control if required. This control must be inserted into a server side form (runat="server") applied.3. System.Web.UI.HTMLControls.HTMLSelectthis control can be used to render a drop-down list or a scrolling list of items. This control has less built in functionality when compared with controls above (It lacks many of the properties that can be used to influence the display style such as ForeColor and BackColor to name a couple) ,but it is still capable of performing most common uses of a list control. This control can be inserted anywhere, and does not require a server side form.

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