Windows Administrator Interview Questions & Answers
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Optimize your Windows Administrator interview preparation with our curated set of 71 questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Windows Administrator. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 71 questions to help you succeed in your Windows Administrator interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

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Windows Administrator Job Interview Questions and Answers
Windows Administrator Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What are drives?

Drives are used to store data. Almost all computers come with at least two drives: a hard drive (which is used to store large volumes of data) and a CD drive(which stores smaller volumes of data that can be easily transported from one computer to another). The hard drive is typically designated the C: drive and the CD drive is typically designated the D: drive. If you have an additional floppy drive, it is typically designated the A: drive. If your hard drive is partitioned or if you have additional drives, the letters E:, F:, G: and so on are assigned.

2 :: Where are games?

Several games are included with Windows XP. To access the games:
★ Click the Start button, which is located in the lower left corner of the screen. The Start menu will appear.
★ Highlight Programs. A submenu will appear.
★ Highlight Games. Another submenu will appear.
★ Click the game you want to play.

3 :: How to select a screen saver?

To select a screen saver:
★ Right-click anywhere on the Windows desktop. A context menu will appear.
★ Choose Properties. The Display Properties dialog box will appear.
★ Click the Screen Saver tab.
★ The Screen Saver field provides the list of available screen savers. Select the screen saver you want from the list.
★ Click Preview to preview your screen saver.
★ Click Esc to return to the Display Properties dialog box.
★ In the Wait field, set the number of minutes of inactivity before the screen saver starts.
★ Click OK.

4 :: What is screen saver?

Computer monitors display images by firing electron beams at a phosphor-coated screen. If the same image stays on the screen too long, there is a danger that the image will leave a permanent imprint on the screen. Screen savers help prevent this by providing a constantly changing image.

5 :: How to rename a file or folder?

To rename a file or folder:
★ Right-click the file or folder. A context menu will appear.
★ Click Rename.
★ Type the new name.

6 :: How to copy a file or folder?

To copy a file or folder:
★ Right-click the file or folder you want to copy. A context menu will appear.
★ Click Copy. The file or folder should now be on the Clipboard.

7 :: How to paste a file or folder?

To paste a file or folder:
★ After cutting or copying the file, right-click the object or right-click in the right pane of the folder to which you want to paste. A context menu will appear.
★ Click Paste.

8 :: How to delete a file or folder?

To delete a file or folder:
★ Right-click the file or folder you want to delete. A context menu will appear.
★ Click Delete. Windows Explorer will ask, "Are sure you want to send this object to the recycle bin?"
★ Click Yes.

9 :: How to cut a file or folder?

To cut a file or folder:
★ Right-click the file or folder you want to cut. A context menu will appear.
★ Click Cut. The file or folder should now be on the Clipboard.
Cutting differs from deleting. When you cut a file, the file is placed on the Clipboard. When you delete a file, the file is sent to the Recycle Bin.

10 :: Explain Windows Explorer views?

Yes. Views control how Windows Explorer displays information in the right pane. Windows Explorer provides you with the following choices: Thumbnails, Tiles, Icons, List, and Details.
★ Thumbnails view displays images. These images represent the contents of folders and files. For example, if a folder contains pictures, up to four of the pictures in the folder will be displayed on the folder icon.
★ Tiles view and Icons view display icons to represent drives, folders, and the contents of folders. The icons displayed when you choose Tiles view are larger than the icons that display when you choose Icon view.
★ List view displays all of the files and folders without supplying the size, type, or date modified.
★ Details view displays the size, type, and date modified.

11 :: How to change the Windows Explorer views?

To change the view:
★ Right-click any free area in the right pane. A context menu will appear.
★ Highlight View.
★ Select the view you want from the drop-down menu.

12 :: Explain the Windows Explorer window?

Windows XP separates the window into two panes. If you click an object in the left pane, the contents of the object display in the right pane. Click Desktop and the contents of the Desktop folder display on the right. Click My Computer and your computer resources display on the right. To see the contents of a drive, click the drive. To see the contents of a folder, click the icon for the folder in the left pane.

13 :: What are folders?

Folders are used to organize the data stored on your drives. The files that make up a program are stored together in their own set of folders. You will want to organize the files you create in folders. You will want to store files of a like kind in a single folder.

14 :: How to create a new folder when in Windows Explorer?

To create a new folder:
★ In the left pane, click the drive or folder in which you want to create the new folder.
★ Click any free area in the right pane. A context menu will appear.
★ Highlight New.
★ Click Folder.
★ Type a name for the folder.

15 :: How Windows XP organize files and folders on drives?

Windows XP organizes folders and files in a hierarchical system. The drive is the highest level of the hierarchy. You can put all of your files on the drive without creating any folders, but that is like putting all of your papers in a file cabinet without organizing them into folders. It works fine if you have only a few files, but as the number of files increases, there comes a point at which things become very difficult to find. So you create folders and put related material together in folders.

16 :: How to change wallpaper?

To change your wallpaper:
★ Right-click your desktop.
★ Highlight Properties.
★ Click the Desktop tab.
★ Select the wallpaper you want from the list that appears in the Background box.

17 :: What is wallpaper?

Wallpaper is the background that displays on your desktop.

18 :: What is the Character Map?

The Character Map displays the characters available in a selected font. To view the Character Map dialog box:
★ Click the Start button.
★ Highlight Programs.
★ Highlight Accessories.
★ Highlight System Tools.
★ Click Character Map.

19 :: How to install a new font?

To install a new font:
★ Click the Start button.
★ Highlight Settings.
★ Click Control Panel.
★ Click Fonts. The Fonts window will open.
★ Click File, which is located on the menu bar.
★ Click Install New Font.
★ Specify the drive and folder where the font you want to install is currently located.
★ Select the font you want to install from the fonts listed in the List of Fonts box.
★ Select Copy Fonts to Fonts Folder (this will put a copy of the font you are installing in the Fonts folder).
★ Click OK.

20 :: What is font size?

Fonts are measured in points. There are 72 points to an inch. The number of points assigned to a font is based on the distance from the top to the bottom of its longest character.

21 :: What is font?

A font is a set of characters represented in a single typeface. Each character within a font is created by using the same basic style.

22 :: What is the mean of image to appear on Stretch screen?

Stretch the image so the image covers the entire screen.

23 :: What is the mean of image to appear on Tile screen?

Have the image display as tiles across and down the screen.

24 :: What is the mean of image to appear on center screen?

Place the image in the center of the screen.

25 :: How does desktop shortcut wizard work?

★ Right-click the desktop. The context menu will appear.
★ Click New. A sub-menu will appear.
★ Click Shortcut. The Create Shortcut dialog box will appear.
★ Type in the location and name of the item to which you want to create a shortcut. Alternatively, browse to find the item.
★ Click Next. A dialog box will appear.
★ Accept the default name or type in a new name.
★ Click Finish.
Windows Administrator Interview Questions and Answers
71 Windows Administrator Interview Questions and Answers