Procurement Manager Interview Questions & Answers
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Optimize your Procurement Manager interview preparation with our curated set of 90 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Procurement Manager interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Download the free PDF now to get all 90 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your Procurement Manager interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.

90 Procurement Manager Questions and Answers:

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Procurement Manager Job Interview Questions and Answers
Procurement Manager Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell me why Do I Need To Complete A Grn?

Failure to complete a GRN will result in invoices being unable to be matched and paid which could put us in breach of contract with our suppliers.

2 :: Explain me who Conducts The Market Research?

Market research will be led by the Procurement Service, but stakeholders often have a very good understanding of the market available and can provide information that will assist in this review.

3 :: Tell us how do you negotiate with a difficult supplier?

Difficult suppliers must be approached carefully during a negotiation. The circumstances should be considered when deciding on negotiation techniques. The more suppliers available as alternatives allows the procurement department to use more “hardball” style negotiation tactics. The fewer alternatives available will require the procurement department to use more “selling” style persuasion techniques.

4 :: Suppose I Have An Urgent Requirement, What Do I Need To Do?

If this is a genuine emergency, the in hours and out of hours emergency procedures will apply. However, this process cannot be used for failure to plan.

5 :: Explain me a Supplier Has Not Sent Me A Receipt For A Transaction. What Do I Do?

You must ask for a receipt when the purchase is made. If a receipt has not been issued, chase the supplier and ask for an invoice to support the purchase.

6 :: Tell us when Can The Partner Expect A Statement Of Account?

UNICEF issues the Statement of Account within 30 days after the last charge has been received and processed by UNICEF (for supplies, freight and insurance). On average, this takes 3-4 months after the delivery of the final shipment of supplies at the Port of Destination.

7 :: Suppose I Have Already Obtained Quotes. What Should I Do With Them?

Unless you work in the Faculty of Science and the value is less than £10,000, it is the Procurement Service’s responsibility to obtain quotations. Please attach what you have to the requisition, but for future requests, please ensure that a specification is provided so that the Procurement Service can source quotations.

8 :: Please explain what tools do you use to keep track of progress on your projects?

Projects should always be kept track of using tools available in modern technology. Microsoft Project is an excellent project management software program that leading procurement professionals use to track their projects.

9 :: Explain me why Do We Need To Address Social Issues Within Tenders?

The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 stipulates that public authorities need to have reviewed the social value of the service prior to tendering it. Failure to consider this may result in a legal challenge.

10 :: Explain me why Must All Suppliers Is Given The Same Information?

This is to ensure openness and transparency, and to ensure that no supplier is given an unfair advantage over another.

11 :: Tell us what Else Do I Need To Do If I Am Buying Research Equipment?

Where equipment is being purchased for research purposes, the research form must be attached to all requisitions, otherwise it will be rejected.

12 :: Tell us what Information Is Deemed To Be Confidential?

The Procurement Service will review this in conjunction with the supplier and guidance in relation to the Freedom of Information Act.

13 :: Suppose I Am A Grade 4 Administrator In A Department. Can I Have A Card?

There is no stipulation on grade to be able to hold a purchasing card; it is up to the approver to determine who needs cards in their department or college.

14 :: Tell me does Unicef Make A Profit From Procurement Services?

No, UNICEF does not make a profit from Procurement Services.

15 :: Do you know Stakeholders Influence Sourcing Strategies?

Yes, stakeholders will be included in the planning process to ensure that their needs are met and to capture any specialist knowledge they have.

16 :: Explain me what would make you search for a new supplier?

There are many factors that would compel a procurement professional to search for a new supplier. These range from getting an internal customer’s request for a product or service never before purchased by the organization before to the failure of an existing supplier.

17 :: Explain me how do you decide if you need a contract for a purchase or not?

There may be an infinite number of reasons that two parties feel that they need a contract. However, in our online course “Supply Management Contract Writing,” we explore six in detail, including to formalize obligations and rights, to control and allocate risk, and to agree on how exceptions will be handled.

18 :: Suppose I Need To Write My First Specification And I Don’t Know Where To Start?

The tender process will be discussed with you as soon as you have highlighted the requirement to the Procurement Service. As part of this process, the specification and requirements will be discussed. Sample specifications can be provided to assist, and the Procurement Service also offer training in how to write specifications.

19 :: Do you know in What Languages Are Standard Mous Available?

Standard MOU templates are available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Russian.

20 :: Tell me can I Be Involved In Contract Management?

Stakeholders can and will be involved in contract management and review meetings, where appropriate.

21 :: Tell me how Do I Raise A Capital Equipment Requisition In Acquire?

Please ensure that you select the field for capital on the requisition screen.

22 :: Explain me your negotiation skills and tactics?

A procurement professional should have a large arsenal of negotiation skills and tactics. Suppliers and circumstances can vary tremendously from negotiation to negotiation, so today’s procurement professional should be able to choose from a large array of negotiation skills and tactics to deploy based on the situation. Win-win negotiation skills and tactics are particularly important to have in this arsenal.

23 :: Explain me how Will I Know What To Include In The Specification?

The tender process will be discussed with you as soon as you have highlighted the requirement to the Procurement Service. As part of this process, the specification and requirements will be discussed, and it will be agreed with you the kind of information you need to include within your specification. Sample specifications can be provided to assist, and the Procurement Service also offer training in how to write specifications.

24 :: Explain me how Are Suppliers Selected?

UNICEF suppliers are carefully chosen through a competitive bidding process, which starts with a pre-qualification stage, on the basis of quality systems/organization, adherence to ethical standards, capacity and financial soundness. UNICEF continuously evaluates its suppliers. Samples of their products are approved before contracts are awarded, and quality checks can also be made before goods are shipped or received. All supplies entering the UNICEF Copenhagen warehouse are carefully inspected according to international standards.

25 :: Tell me a Supplier Has Phoned For A Discussion On A Tender, What Should I Do?

Ask the supplier to put their queries in writing to the Procurement Service (contact details will be included within the tender document). This will then be reviewed and if necessary a response will be provided to all suppliers.
Procurement Manager Interview Questions and Answers
90 Procurement Manager Interview Questions and Answers