Material Manager Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your Materials Manager interview with our extensive list of 84 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Materials Manager to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 84 questions to help you succeed in your Materials Manager interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

84 Materials Manager Questions and Answers:

Materials Manager Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

Materials Manager Job Interview Questions and Answers
Materials Manager Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is an order quantity?

An order quantity is the amount of goods that an order requests be shipped to the store.

2 :: Explain what should be recorded in a physical count of inventory?

When conducting a physical inventory the classification, location and number in stock of a good should be recorded.

3 :: Tell me can forecasting help in controlling inventory?

Yes, through the use of forecasts inventory levels can be set to meet the demands while keeping levels as low as possible.

4 :: Tell me what are important steps in procurement life cycle?

Procurement Process starts with gathering requirements, then creating a purchase requisition and then we create a formal document that has to be sent to vendor i.e. purchase order. After this goods will be supplied by vendor and goods receipt is done along with invoice verification. Then vendor is paid for supplied goods and services.

5 :: What is lead time?

Lead time is the period of time from which a order for goods is placed until it is received by the store. Lead time is an important consideration for determining when orders should be placed.

6 :: What is demand?

Demand is the quantity that customers are willing to buy. Demand can be found through forecasting and is needed to find the EOQ level.

7 :: What types of forecasting can I do?

There are two types of forecasting qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative uses personal opinions to determine forecasts. Quantitative uses numerical data and statistical modeling to determine forecasts.

8 :: What is forecasting?

Forecasting is the process of estimating the future demand of a product.

9 :: What are batches and how are they searched?

A batch is a collection of similar items from your stock that have the same characteristics. For example, all food items produced on a particular day belong to one batch.
Batches are searched using the standard facility (match code, key F4) based on the batch names or other properties that distinguish them from others.

10 :: What makes a good forecasting model?

A good forecast model will have reasonable costs. the accuracy of its forecasts will allow good decision making. The model will have ample data available for its use and a relevant time span. The model finally will have a low interference level.

11 :: What are the various functions /features in Purchasing?

The purchasing view consists of RFQ / Quotation, Purchase Requisition (PR), Purchase Order (PO), Master Data that has several fields like info record, source list, conditions, vendors etc. and finally Outline Agreements.

12 :: What should be recorded in a physical count of inventory?

When conducting a physical inventory the classification, location and number in stock of a good should be recorded.

13 :: Tell us what is a RFQ and how it is different from quotation?

RFQ is request for quotation and it is a form of invitation that is sent to vendors to submit quotation indicating pricing and their terms and conditions while quotation is a reply by a vendor in response to request for quotation.

14 :: When should reorders be placed?

Times for reordering goods vary dependent on the control system you use and its lead time. In fixed order quantities reorders should be placed when the safety stock is reached. In fixed period systems the reordering is done at set time periods. In just in time systems reordering is based on matching the demand with supply. For just in time a close watch on inventory levels is needed so that reorders are placed before goods are out of stock.

15 :: Tell us what are transactions that will cause change in stock?

Goods receipt and goods issue will cause change in stock as goods receipt will increase warehouse stock and goods issue will decrease warehouse stock.

16 :: If inventory controls are followed, what can I expect?

By following your inventory policy you should be able to realize important advantages in inventory control. The first is reduced costs for inventories, along with reduced amounts of inventory. Theft and shrinkage should also be reduced if inventory policy is followed. The final benefit will be increased profits for the store.

17 :: What is material type?

Materials with some common attributes are grouped together and they are assigned to a material type. This will differentiate materials and allow organization to manage different materials in systematic manner in accordance to company's requirement.

18 :: What are the different kinds of special stocks available?

Special stocks available are consignment stocks (from vendor), subcontracting stocks (to sun-contractor), project stocks, pipeline materials, sales order stocks, stock transfer and third party.

19 :: Suppose If I get a discount will it effect the EOQ model?

Yes, a discount will cause the basic EOQ model to fail. To use a discount in determine a EOQ you must use the EOQ model with quantity discounts.

20 :: What is material and vendor data available at all organizational levels?

Yes, material and vendor data is available at all levels as it is normally created for company and it is valid for the levels below company.

21 :: Explain how stock is being transferred from one plant to another plant?

Stock within plants is transferred with the help of stock transport order. One plant order the goods internally from another plant(receiving plant/issuing plant) with the help of stock transport order.

22 :: What is release procedure?

Release procedure means approval of documents like purchase orders and purchase requisition manually by the criteria defined in the configuration.

23 :: What is the EOQ formula?

The EOQ formula is the square root of 2 times demand times order completion cost divided by carrying cost. The mathematical formula is square root of 2DS/C.

24 :: Explain is material and vendor data available at all organizational levels?

Yes, material and vendor data is available at all levels as it is normally created for company and it is valid for the levels below company.

25 :: When should a physical inventory be taken?

A inventory should be taken at least once a year. If items are perishable, seasonal or highly demanded a inventory should be taken more often.
Materials Manager Interview Questions and Answers
84 Materials Manager Interview Questions and Answers