Hybrid Application Developer Interview Questions And Answers
Optimize your Hybrid Application Developer interview preparation with our curated set of 49 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Hybrid Application Developer to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 49 questions to help you succeed in your Hybrid Application Developer interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.
49 Hybrid Application Developer Questions and Answers:
Hybrid Application Developer Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: How to render a 5000 item list in Ionic, without affecting scroll performance?
Ionic provides a collection-repeat directive that renders only visible items in the DOM. So even if the list is huge, like 5000 in our example, only items visible in a viewport are rendered. Thus, scroll performance is not affected.
Read More2 :: Tell me in broad terms, how do you deploy an Ionic project onto a device?
To run your app, all you have to do is enable USB Debugging and Developer Mode on your Android device, then run ionic cordova run android --device from the command line.
Read More3 :: Tell us what do you need to develop in PhoneGap?
☛ IOS: Xcode, iOS SDK
☛ Android: Android SDK, ADT plugin
☛ BlackBerry: Sun SDK, Apache ant and BlackBerry Webworks SDK
☛ Symbian: SDK
Read More☛ IOS: Xcode, iOS SDK
☛ Android: Android SDK, ADT plugin
☛ BlackBerry: Sun SDK, Apache ant and BlackBerry Webworks SDK
☛ Symbian: SDK
4 :: How to architect PhoneGap applications?
PhoneGap applications can be architect, in the same way, like other mobile web services. The main difference is that the initial HTML assets are available locally, instead of a remote server. The PhoneGap application loads the initial HTML which can request resources from a server or from the local environment. PhoneGap also supports the single page web experienced model.
Read More5 :: How to upgrade PhoneGap?
To upgrade PhoneGap in Mac and Linux
$ sudo npm install –g phonegap
For Windows:
C:> npm install –g phonegap
Read More$ sudo npm install –g phonegap
For Windows:
C:> npm install –g phonegap
6 :: Tell me what are some of the disadvantages of building native apps?
☛ Even a small change needs a recompile that slows up the developers. This become a nightmare when the codebase is very large.
☛ Testing new functionality is cumbersome.
☛ Calls between native and interpreted environment could end up blocking UI thread.
Read More☛ Testing new functionality is cumbersome.
☛ Calls between native and interpreted environment could end up blocking UI thread.
7 :: Do you know what is a Plist file in iOS development?
Yes, this is not related to phonegap, but interviewer expects the answer!
Property lists are a way of structuring arbitrary data and accessing it at run-time. An information property list is a specialized type of property list that contains configuration data for a bundle. The keys and values in the file describe the various behaviors and configuration options you want applied to your bundle. Xcode typically creates an information property list file for any bundle-based projects automatically and configures an initial set of keys and values with appropriate default values. You can edit the file to add any keys and values that are appropriate for your project or change the default values of existing keys.
Read MoreProperty lists are a way of structuring arbitrary data and accessing it at run-time. An information property list is a specialized type of property list that contains configuration data for a bundle. The keys and values in the file describe the various behaviors and configuration options you want applied to your bundle. Xcode typically creates an information property list file for any bundle-based projects automatically and configures an initial set of keys and values with appropriate default values. You can edit the file to add any keys and values that are appropriate for your project or change the default values of existing keys.
8 :: Tell me why we consider phonegap for mobile application development?
We use PhoneGap because it allows them to have a common codebase for all their application code. It doesn’t force developers to reinvent the wheel every time they move from platform to platform.
Read More9 :: Tell me what is the difference between PhoneGap and Cordova?
PhoneGap was donated to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under the name Apache Cordova. Through the ASF, future PhoneGap development will ensure open stewardship of the project. It will remain free and open source under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
PhoneGap is an open source distribution of Cordova. Think about Cordova’s relationship to PhoneGap like WebKit’s relationship to Safari or Chrome.
Read MorePhoneGap is an open source distribution of Cordova. Think about Cordova’s relationship to PhoneGap like WebKit’s relationship to Safari or Chrome.
10 :: Do you know what is importance of XML based Layout?
XML based layouts provide standard means of setting up the User Interface definition format
Read More11 :: Tell me what are Activities and Intents?
Activities are like windows to a user interface. Activities play same role of windows for input and output operations though it may not be always in the form of user interface.
Intents display notification messages to the user from within Android device. It can be used to alert the user also for a particular state of the App
Read MoreIntents display notification messages to the user from within Android device. It can be used to alert the user also for a particular state of the App
12 :: Tell me what are the platforms that PhoneGap supports?
☛ The platforms phone gap supports are
☛ iphone/iphone 3G and Higher
☛ Blackberry os 5.x and Newer
☛ Android
☛ Web OS
☛ Tizen
☛ Windows Phone 7
☛ Symbian
☛ Bada
Read More☛ iphone/iphone 3G and Higher
☛ Blackberry os 5.x and Newer
☛ Android
☛ Web OS
☛ Tizen
☛ Windows Phone 7
☛ Symbian
☛ Bada
13 :: Name some PhoneGap events?
☛ deviceready
☛ pause
☛ resume
☛ online
☛ offline
☛ backbutton
☛ batterycritical
☛ batterylow
☛ batterystatus
☛ menubutton
☛ searchbutton
☛ startcallbutton
☛ endcallbutton
☛ volumedownbutton
☛ volumeupbutton
Read More☛ pause
☛ resume
☛ online
☛ offline
☛ backbutton
☛ batterycritical
☛ batterylow
☛ batterystatus
☛ menubutton
☛ searchbutton
☛ startcallbutton
☛ endcallbutton
☛ volumedownbutton
☛ volumeupbutton
14 :: Can you give some examples of Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks?
☛ Ionic
☛ Mobile Angular UI
☛ Intel XDX
☛ Appcelerator Titanium
☛ PhoneGap
☛ Kendo UI
Read More☛ Mobile Angular UI
☛ Intel XDX
☛ Appcelerator Titanium
☛ PhoneGap
☛ Kendo UI
15 :: Explain what is the difference between PhoneGap and PhoneGap Build?
☛ PhoneGap: It is a framework for mobile application development, built upon the open source Apache Cordova project. It permits you to write an app once with CSS, JavaScript, HTML and then deploys it to a broad range of mobile devices without losing the features of a native app.
☛ PhoneGap Build: It is a cloud-based service built on top of the PhoneGap framework.
Read More☛ PhoneGap Build: It is a cloud-based service built on top of the PhoneGap framework.
16 :: Tell us what is PhoneGap and why to use it?
PhoneGap is an open source framework, which enables you to develop applications for mobile devices by using web technologies like CSS3, JavaScript and HTML5 instead of using Java for Android, C# for windows phone devices and Objective C or Swift for iOS. It uses the native project format for each platform.
Read More17 :: How to access mobile phone native functionality in Ionic applications, for example the camera?
Ionic does not provide a camera API out of the box. However, since Ionic uses plugins architecture, and because it is based on Cordova, we can use Cordova plugins in our application. Ionic team provides a set of Cordova extensions with Angular wrappers, and they can be found at ngCordova.
To use Cordova plugins, we need to install the plugin using Ionic command install <plugin name>. In some cases, we will additionally need to add the plugin’s Angular module to your Angular application too.
To use a mobile phone’s camera in the Ionic application, we can call the camera API by using cordova-plugin-camera that is hosted on GitHub. This plugin defines a global navigator.camera object, which provides an API for taking pictures and for choosing images from the system’s image library.
Read MoreTo use Cordova plugins, we need to install the plugin using Ionic command install <plugin name>. In some cases, we will additionally need to add the plugin’s Angular module to your Angular application too.
To use a mobile phone’s camera in the Ionic application, we can call the camera API by using cordova-plugin-camera that is hosted on GitHub. This plugin defines a global navigator.camera object, which provides an API for taking pictures and for choosing images from the system’s image library.
18 :: As you know performance of Ionic application is bad on older Android devices. Why is this, and what can be done to improve it?
Ionic framework uses the default web browser available for the device to run its hybrid application. Older versions of Android devices (4.0-4.3) use Android’s default browser, which has significantly less performance and standards compliance than the modern Chrome browser.
One way to resolve this issue is to use crosswalk along with Ionic framework. Crosswalk allows you to package a modern Chrome webview along with Ionic application, so an application does not have to rely on native Android browser. The end results are much better performances and modern web API across all Android versions.
Read MoreOne way to resolve this issue is to use crosswalk along with Ionic framework. Crosswalk allows you to package a modern Chrome webview along with Ionic application, so an application does not have to rely on native Android browser. The end results are much better performances and modern web API across all Android versions.
19 :: Explain me how do you pass data from one view to another in Ionic applications?
Ionic uses AngularJS and UI-router. It means you can use Angular services or UI-router’s state resolve to pass data from one view to another. Since Angular services are singletons, data stored in services can be accessed across other Angular controllers.
As mentioned, UI-router provides a resolve configuration. For example:
.state('todos', {
url: '/todos',
controller: 'TodosCtrl',
templateUrl: 'todos.html',
resolve: {
todos: function(TodosService) {
return TodosService.getTodos()
One advantage of resolve over stateful services is better testing: as resolve injects dependencies in the controller, it is easy to test them.
Read MoreAs mentioned, UI-router provides a resolve configuration. For example:
.state('todos', {
url: '/todos',
controller: 'TodosCtrl',
templateUrl: 'todos.html',
resolve: {
todos: function(TodosService) {
return TodosService.getTodos()
One advantage of resolve over stateful services is better testing: as resolve injects dependencies in the controller, it is easy to test them.
20 :: Explain me what are the most prominent advantages and disadvantages of building applications using the Ionic framework?
The most obvious advantages are:
☛ Ionic framework builds hybrid applications using web technologies. It means web developers can easily build mobile applications too. Also, because it uses JavaScript, almost the same codebase can be used to build both iOS and Android applications.
☛ Development cost is less compared to native iOS and Android applications.
☛ Ionic framework is excellent for quick application ideas prototyping.
Some of the disadvantages are:
☛ It is not suited for high-end graphics dependent applications or games.
☛ Performances are not as good as native applications, namely animations, scrolling, and network operations.
☛ As mentioned, JavaScript animations are not as performant as native animations. However, there are JavaScript libraries, like tweenMAX, which provide decent animation performance on the devices.
Read More☛ Ionic framework builds hybrid applications using web technologies. It means web developers can easily build mobile applications too. Also, because it uses JavaScript, almost the same codebase can be used to build both iOS and Android applications.
☛ Development cost is less compared to native iOS and Android applications.
☛ Ionic framework is excellent for quick application ideas prototyping.
Some of the disadvantages are:
☛ It is not suited for high-end graphics dependent applications or games.
☛ Performances are not as good as native applications, namely animations, scrolling, and network operations.
☛ As mentioned, JavaScript animations are not as performant as native animations. However, there are JavaScript libraries, like tweenMAX, which provide decent animation performance on the devices.
21 :: Tell me what are some of the challenges for developers working in Android App development?
Since Android is an open source format, different Android OS have been released in different devices on different versions and upgrades. An App developed for particular OS may or may not run on another version and developer need to analyse and correct the code
Read More22 :: Explain me what is the difference between PhoneGap, Cordova, and Ionic?
PhoneGap is a library that exposes native mobile phone functionalities as JavaScript API. When Adobe purchased PhoneGap, its open source core was donated to the Apache Software Foundation under the name Cordova. In the beginning, there was almost no difference between Cordova and PhoneGap. Although, over the years of development, Adobe started adding a proprietary set of the services to PhoneGap. Today, it is safe to say PhoneGap is Cordova plus extra Adobe services.
Ionic uses Cordova, not PhoneGap for its core tools. Beside native mobile phone functionalities, Ionic gives structure and code scalability to JavaScript applications by using AngularJS. It also provides a set of Angular directives and components to speed up application development.
Read MoreIonic uses Cordova, not PhoneGap for its core tools. Beside native mobile phone functionalities, Ionic gives structure and code scalability to JavaScript applications by using AngularJS. It also provides a set of Angular directives and components to speed up application development.
23 :: Can you list out some of the PhoneGap API?
Some of the PhoneGap API are
☛ Accelerometer
☛ Camera
☛ Capture
☛ Compass
☛ Connection
☛ Contacts
☛ Device
☛ Geo-location and so on
Read More☛ Accelerometer
☛ Camera
☛ Capture
☛ Compass
☛ Connection
☛ Contacts
☛ Device
☛ Geo-location and so on
24 :: Tell me what does PhoneGap plugin consist of? What are the files required to create your own PhoneGap plugin for IOS?
PhoneGap plugin contains two files
☛ JavaScript file that defines the function for accessing the native hooks
☛ Implementation files written in the native language to co-ordinate with native phone features
To create your own PhoneGap plugins, you have to
☛ Make a new directory in your ${PROJECT_DIR}/plugins directory
☛ Make a JavaScript file within that new directory
☛ Make a new Objective-C class that extends the PhoneGap command class and also in the new directory
Read More☛ JavaScript file that defines the function for accessing the native hooks
☛ Implementation files written in the native language to co-ordinate with native phone features
To create your own PhoneGap plugins, you have to
☛ Make a new directory in your ${PROJECT_DIR}/plugins directory
☛ Make a JavaScript file within that new directory
☛ Make a new Objective-C class that extends the PhoneGap command class and also in the new directory
25 :: Do you know what is media.seekTo and media.getDuration function in OpenGap media API?
☛ seekTo in OpenGap Media API is a function that updates the latest position of the underlying audio file of a Media Object
☛ getDuration is a function that returns the duration of the audio file in seconds. It will return the value -1, if the duration is unknown
Read More☛ getDuration is a function that returns the duration of the audio file in seconds. It will return the value -1, if the duration is unknown