Latest Hospital Cook Interview Preparation Guide
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Hospital Cook related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Hospital Cook. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

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Latest  Hospital Cook Job Interview Questions and Answers
Latest Hospital Cook Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain what strategies do you apply to keep yourself organized?

I am an inborn manager and usually enter my workstation pre-organized. To ensure organization at work, I always send requisition for supplies needed at least one day in advance, and I always pay particular attention to prep work. Things are least likely to go wrong at a cooking station if the prep targets are achieved well in time.

2 :: Explain about some of the duties that you performed every day?

This question is aimed at finding out how much you know about your work and what experience you have had previously. Be precise but make sure that you provide information on essential tasks.

3 :: Can you work under pressure and deadlines as Hospital Cook?

This question usually indicates that pressure is a feature of the job. Use examples from your work, school, and personal life to illustrate your ability to handle pressure and deadlines.

4 :: Explain about a crisis you encountered at work and how you handled it?

When guest order something that takes up to twenty minutes to cook and they need it in five minutes time I had to rush and get my supervisor so he or she could talk to them and they don't even realise its up to the tweny minutes.

5 :: Can you share a significant achievement you have made as a line cook previously?

I contributed a particular sauce recipe to serve with the restaurant’s most famous Crisp Fried Fish, and it was included in the menu. I also initiated and implemented high quality safe and hygienic workstation practices at the restaurant which were highly commended by the sous chef

6 :: Tell us how do you ensure the safety of fellow workers?

With a range of dangerous equipment and hot pans along with a number of people in the kitchen, it is important that everyone is aware. As a result, I always communicate with workers that I’m behind them or passing, and clearly identify hot surfaces.

7 :: Tell us where do you see yourself in ten years as Hospital Cook?

Being a highly motivated individual with a passion for cooking, in the next ten years I see myself working as a head chef in some five-star restaurant or having one of my own.

8 :: Explain about your formal training as a cook?

Remember a cook is not a chef so it’s ok if you don’t have your chef papers.
What is important is to discuss your related work experience.

9 :: Can you tell me do you think a cook needs mathematical skills?

Definitely! A cook needs mathematical skills to weigh things accurately, make unit conversions and double or divide ingredient quantities to attain the desired amount of any given recipe

10 :: Tell us how would you approach a customer that has complained about your dish?

When approaching a customer, it is important that they feel listened to. Therefore first, I would carefully acknowledge the customer’s concerns, inquiring about the specific issues with the plate. I would then work to resolve the issues, ensuring that the individual was satisfied.

11 :: Tell us how Would You Handle Complaints about Your Food?

No matter how skilled you are, there will always come a time when a customer will be dissatisfied with something you have prepared. Whether or not you feel that you made an error, the customer is always right. You should answer with “I would listen very carefully to the complaint and resolve the issue by anticipating the needs of the customer. I may ask questions to discover the nature of the complaint and take the proper steps to ensure that the error does not occur a second time.” No matter how serious or slight the issue, there is always something to be learned. Your interviewer will want to make sure that you will not take small complaints too seriously or more complex complaints too lightly.

12 :: Suppose you were unhappy with your job, how would you discuss this with your boss?

By telling him that whats going on in the kitchen I don't like it I need a change.

13 :: If a meal got sent back that you prepared. How would you handle that situation?

✫ I would note the mistake and learn from it. I understand it is necessary to keep a customer happy in order to obtain repeat business.
✫ I also understand that word of mouth is everything in this business and all food must go out perfectly.

15 :: Can you tell us what are your key skills?

Good at making pizza and preparing different types of vegetables.

17 :: Tell me how many hours can you stand on your feet and not get tired?

I can work on my feet easily for eight hours. I will not have any problem working overtime.

18 :: Explain me a little bit about your kitchen skills?

When ever it comes on to prepping am good at it very fast on my knife skills.

20 :: Why should I hire you as Hospital Cook?

Your answer should stress how your skills and experience benefit the company and help meet the company’s goals. If you are being hired to address a specific problem, explain how you have handled similar situations in the past.

Other things you might be asked about include:

☛ An explanation of any gaps in your resumé, poor grades, or a change in career direction
☛ How you might handle a specific problem on the job
☛ How you would describe your personality
☛ How you feel about overtime, working on holidays, or other job conditions
☛ How much you expect to be paid (be flexible; either indicate a range you would find acceptable, or invite the employer to make the decision based on your previous jobs, experience, and salary)
☛ What you value at work and in life, what you look for in a job, or what is your ideal job
☛ What you find difficult to do or who you find difficult to work with

21 :: Please explain can You Handle Being Short-Staffed During a Rush?

If you work as a line cook for any restaurant, you will inevitably be forced to deal with a rush of customers all at once. This typically occurs during common mealtimes—breakfast, lunch and supper. As if the rush itself was not crazy enough, you may be required to handle it while you are short-staffed. Your potential employer will want to know how you will perform during a stressful situation. “I will do my best to follow the guidelines and prepare each order to perfection. I am working to hone my multitasking skills so that I can handle the needs of the restaurant during a rush, even if I have little to no help.” This answer shows your employer that you will not crumble under stress.

22 :: Can you explain How To Handle Working with a Coworker You Are Not Fond Of?

Regardless of where or in which setting you work, there will sometimes be an individual with whom you clash. Perhaps you do not see eye to eye or you use different techniques to accomplish the same tasks. In any case, you will need to show your employer that you can handle working with that individual in a professional setting. “My personal feelings about a coworker will not affect my ability to produce high quality food for customers. There is always some sort of resolution that can be reached, and I would work toward that.” This shows your interviewer that you are willing to go to great lengths to ensure that the quality of the restaurant will not be affected by your dislike for another employee.

23 :: Explain about the last time that you undertook a project that demanded a lot of initiative?

When I had to look about a lot of creative dishes for many guest which required a great effort and focuss.

24 :: Can you tell me a time when you faced a difficult situation and how you dealt with it?

During the last holiday season, while I was in charge of the pastry station, a colleague who was in charge at the entrée station had to go on urgent leave. I covered up for him while maintaining my station as well. The first day was a bit difficult, but then I developed and applied some useful strategies and did all that was possible beforehand to ensure timely food service. I was able to run both stations simultaneously without extra help for a week

25 :: Tell us how do you feel about getting up very early to prep food?

This question really applies to people who are on a prep cook interview.
State you are a morning person and have no problem getting up early.
Hospital Cook Interview Questions and Answers
55 Hospital Cook Interview Questions and Answers