Tricky Registered Assistant Nurse Interview Preparation Guide
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Registered Nurse related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Registered Assistant Nurse. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

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Tricky  Registered Assistant Nurse Job Interview Questions and Answers
Tricky Registered Assistant Nurse Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What motivates you to be a Registered Assistant Nurse?

This question gives you the chance to prove that you’re passionate about what you do. Show that you’re motivated by ideals and a desire to help others, rather than things like money. Be specific and talk about past experiences that have motivated and inspired you.

2 :: Do you know how is patient progress monitored by a staff nurse?

Nurses monitor vital signs and look for symptoms of potential illness. They chart progress for use by other nurses and physicians. They report progress to physicians on duty.

3 :: Tell us what do you like least about being a medical assistant?

Never, ever use this question as an opportunity to complain. A better approach is to state that you wish your responsibilities were not as limited so you could provide more assistance to the doctor. Be prepared to provide an example that supports your answer.

4 :: Tell me what are the key roles and duties for a dental nurse?

There are 3 key main roles for a dental nurse, first preparing and tidying the dental surgery, secondly a key part of the running of the dentist – sterilising instruments and keeping dental operation areas sterile and finally helping the dentist record information about each patient and carrying out stock control.

5 :: Tell me how would you describe the primary duties of a staff nurse?

The primary duties of a staff nurse include facilitating and monitoring patient progress towards recovery, charting progress, giving medication, and making sure patients are comfortable.

6 :: Tell me what can you tell me about team work as part of the job?

There is usually a team of staff nurses working in cooperation with each other. . A team of nurses has to get along well and coordinate their actions, usually by dividing their responsibilities into sectors or specific activities. They help each other perform tasks requiring more than one person.

7 :: Tell me do you have good computer skills?

It is becoming increasingly important for medical assistants to be knowledgeable about computers. If you are a long-time computer user with experience with different software applications, mention it. It is also a good idea to mention any other computer skills you have, such as a high typing rate, website creation, and more.

8 :: Tell us what have you done to reduce costs, increase revenue, or save time?

Even if your only experience is an externship, you have likely created or streamlined a process that has contributed to the earning potential or efficiency of the practice. Choose at least one suitable example and explain how you got the idea, how you implemented the plan, and the benefits to the practice.

9 :: What are your salary requirements as Registered Assistant Nurse?

Do research so that you are asking for a realistic amount and aren’t pricing yourself out of the market. It’s also a good idea to keep your experience level in mind. Try to find out beforehand what the pay grade is at the company and stress that it’s negotiable. If they want specifics, provide a ballpark figure.

10 :: Explain me about a time where you or someone you worked with made a mistake?

There is usually a question asked during an interview that will allow you to speak about accountability and chain-of-command.

11 :: Tell me how do you work toward becoming better as a medical assistant?

Do you regularly read professional journals? Are you a member of a professional organization? Are you taking classes to earn additional certifications? If so, detail all of your efforts and explain how you feel the efforts will improve your skills and allow you to contribute more fully to your profession.

12 :: Explain me how do you protect the rights and confidentiality of patients?

This is the perfect opportunity to impart your knowledge of HIPAA. Your answer should show that you are very knowledgeable regarding regulations and that you place patient rights and confidentiality at the top of your priority list as a medical assistant. If you are at all unclear about HIPAA regulations, be sure to study the material thoroughly before rehearsing your response.

13 :: Tell me how has your nursing training and experience prepared you for this position?

When the interviewer asks this question, they’re looking to see whether you are qualified for the open position. Talk about any relevant experience you have, both during clinicals and in previous jobs. You can also discuss any relevant research projects you’ve worked on. If you don’t have much on-the-job experience that relates, it’s a good idea to mention coursework you’ve completed that prepares you for the role— just be sure to express your interest in expanding your experience to a new nursing area.

14 :: Tell me what do you feel you contribute to your patients’ care?

Discuss your strategies for patient care and advocacy here. Because interaction with patients is a major part of any nursing career, employers are looking for individuals who have excellent bedside manner. As is the case with most interview questions, specific examples are always beneficial. Talk about how you listen to patients and provide comfort as part of their medical care.

15 :: Explain a difficult experience with a patient and how you handled it?

This is a question that cannot be properly answered without preparation. Have a story ready about an experience you have had. Do not make up a story, but be sure to play up the most positive aspects of the experience to show that you know how difficult some patients can be but that you are more than capable of handling any situation with professionalism, compassion, and efficiency.

16 :: Explain what do you find most challenging and rewarding about your work as a nurse?

It’s important to stay positive, even when you’re discussing the more challenging aspects of nursing. Talk about real experiences you’ve had in the past that have challenged you, but be sure to explain how you overcame or dealt a difficult situation. This question also gives you a chance to talk about your passion for nursing. Whether patient interaction, helping with the recovery process or some other aspect of nursing is what you find most rewarding, discuss your feelings and provide specific details of a rewarding situation you’ve encountered with a patient or family in the past.

17 :: Tell me what do you find most challenging and rewarding about your work as a nurse?

It’s important to stay positive, even when you’re discussing the more challenging aspects of nursing. Talk about real experiences you’ve had in the past that have challenged you, but be sure to explain how you overcame or dealt a difficult situation. This question also gives you a chance to talk about your passion for nursing. Whether patient interaction, helping with the recovery process or some other aspect of nursing is what you find most rewarding, discuss your feelings and provide specific details of a rewarding situation you’ve encountered with a patient or family in the past.

18 :: Explain me what schedule do you hope to work? Are you willing to work extra hours?

Be honest. If you really want the job and are willing to work any schedule needed, say so. If, however, you have no intention of working late hours or weekends, simply let the interviewer know the hours that you are available to work. The same applies to extra hours. You are more likely to be hired if you are willing to work any time you are needed. However, saying that you are willing and then complaining about the hours once you start working is a recipe for disaster.

19 :: Explain me are You a ‘People’ Person?

Although it may be phrased a little differently, the gist of this question is clear: Do you like being around people? If you don’t, being a medical assistant isn’t a good fit for you. After all, you’ll be working directly with patients throughout the day. It helps a lot if you sincerely like interacting with them. While answering this question, make sure to mention that you like helping people too. This will drive home the point that you are a talented medical assistant and would be a valuable part of the team.

20 :: Tell me a high-stress situation in the workplace and how you handled it?

Nurses have a unique role that requires them to multi-task and make fast and critical decisions, all while under the pressure of a fast-paced environment. In asking this question, your potential employer is looking to find out if you have what it takes to face the everyday pressures of the health care field, explained All Nurses. He or she will want to feel confident in the fact that you can handle your responsibilities in a potentially high-stress situation, a situation that, at times, may mean life or death.

This also relates to your interaction with other nurses and doctors and the patients themselves. Will you be able to handle an angry doctor giving you orders? Can you refrain from letting your emotions get in the way of making important patient decisions? Answer this question in a way that proves you can handle anything.

21 :: Tell me what is something that you think you could improve on?

This is a hard question for many people, and it’s difficult to think of an answer right on the spot. Before your interview, think of things that you honestly could improve on. It’s often best to answer the question with something that you’ve already improved on. Proceed your answer with something that you excel in.

For instance: I feel that I’m very good at time-management, but I use to have a difficult time managing my work/life balance. I finally realized that work is a large part of my life, so it’s more about blending the two, instead of always trying to perform a balancing act.

22 :: Please explain with an example of a major nursing care problem and how you addressed it?

Try to keep any anecdotes relevant to the workplace, rather than discussing personal details. Define the problem in a straightforward way, identify options and explain the solution you went with. Highlight any personal or professional skills that helped you handle the situation effectively.

23 :: Where do you see yourself in 10 years as Registered Assistant Nurse?

This is a good opportunity to share your knowledge of the industry and of the organization you are interviewing for as well. Forbes has noted researching and understanding the company prior to your interview is one of the most helpful ways to nail it. By being able to vocally identify three specifics about the health care facility that you are applying to – such as its groundbreaking research, its initiatives that give back to the community or a noteworthy doctor who has made an impact – you are displaying interest in pursuing those ideals.

Though there is no incorrect answer to this question, relating your response to the mission of the hospital itself gives your candidacy a strong foundation. Nursing Link advises talking about your goals and ambitions as they relate to you, the health care facility and the industry as a whole.

24 :: General Registered Assistant Nurse Interview Questions:

☛ Give an example of a situation when you had to resolve a conflict with an uncooperative/abusive/angry patient while providing care. What did you do?
☛ Tell us about a time where you had to handle a problem arising while no other medical staff was available and/or your replacement hadn’t shown up for her shift.
☛ Have you had a situation where you had to demonstrate a strong ethical attitude at work, despite pressure to do the opposite – weaken your integrity and ethical stance?
☛ Describe a stressful situation wherein you had to keep calm while managing to calm patients and their families.
☛ Give an example of a case where you had to explain a medical issue to someone who didn’t speak your language or didn’t understand medical terms.
☛ Give an example of a situation where you didn’t get along with another co-worker. How did you handle it and what was the result?
☛ Have you had situations wherein you were at the end of your shift with some unfinished tasks and a new patient arrived in need of care? How did you handle it?
☛ What will you do in a situation where a patient is in severe medical need, in intense pain or under stress and you had to provide care; how would you go about relaxing him?

25 :: Difficult Registered Assistant Nurse Interview Questions:

☛ Why do you want to work with children?
☛ How would you encourage self-confidence and independence in the children?
☛ What would you do if a parent complained their child was covered in paint after messy play?
☛ How would plan inclusive activities that encourage inclusive, constructive play?
☛ How would you approach making learning a fun, engaging experience?
☛ How would you make sure that all the children in your care are safe and all necessary measure to maintain their safety are maintained and reviewed?
☛ How can you work as a team?
☛ What will you bring to the nursery?
Registered Assistant Nurse Interview Questions and Answers
45 Registered Assistant Nurse Interview Questions and Answers