Essential Nursing Supervisor Interview Preparation Guide
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Nursing Supervisor Frequently Asked Questions in various Nursing Supervisor job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview

70 Nursing Supervisor Questions and Answers:

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Essential  Nursing Supervisor Job Interview Questions and Answers
Essential Nursing Supervisor Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain the position: nursing supervisor you’re applying for?

This is a “homework” question, too, but it also gives some clues as to the perspective the person brings to the table. The best preparation you can do is to read the job description and repeat it to yourself in your own words so that you can do this smoothly at the interview.

2 :: Explain me what should a CNA must do to assist during a code?

A CNA must do following things to assist during a code,

☛ Retrieve emergency equipment, including the code cart or intubation box. Perform other tasks that fall within a CNA’s scope of practice.
☛ Document the events
☛ Administer emergency medications as per the physician’s instructions
☛ Speak with the family and inform them about what is happening.

3 :: Explain me what are the medical apparatus a CNA will be using?

☛ Automated external defibrillators
☛ Electronic medical thermometers
☛ Heating or cooling pads
☛ compression packs

4 :: Explain how to get the most accurate patient weight?

To get the most accurate patient weight, the nursing assistant should weigh the patient at the same time every day.

5 :: Tell me what field experience do you have for a NURSE SUPERVISOR POSITION?

I have been working with computers since 2001. I also have a degree in network support/computer repair. I have built my last 3 computers, have work with Dell as an employee. So I have around 15 years experience working with computers.

6 :: Tell me whether STNA and CNA are same?

Yes, they both are same “STNA” stands for State Tested Nursing Assistant and “CNA” stands for Certified Nursing Assistant.

7 :: Tell me what is your five-year plan as a CNA?

As a CNA mention a plan like pursuing a bachelor degree in nursing or some advanced course related to CNA. This shows that you aspire for RN (registered nurse).

8 :: Explain me what is a goal of hospice care?

A goal of hospice care is to provide comfort to terminally ill patients and their families

9 :: Do you know medical skills a CNA must possess?

A CNA must not require a highly sophisticated medical skills, but they should know in emergency, what to do like

☛ To perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation if a patient is having heart attack or breathing problem
☛ Should know how to use pressure to stop bleeding
☛ What to do when unconscious patient suddenly begins to vomit

10 :: What have you done to improve your knowledge for a NURSE SUPERVISOR?

Everyone should learn from his or her mistakes. I always try to consult my mistakes with my kith and kin especially with those senior to me.

I enrolled myself into a course useful for the next version of our current project. I attended seminars on personal development and managerial skills improvement.

11 :: Tell me why do you want this job: nursing supervisor?

This question typically follows on from the previous one. Here is where your research will come in handy. You may want to say that you want to work for a company that is X, Y, Z, (market leader, innovator, provides a vital service, whatever it may be). Put some thought into this beforehand, be specific, and link the company’s values and mission statement to your own goals and career plans.

12 :: Tell me when your CNA license is liable for inactivation?

Your CNA license is liable for inactivation if you do not work for at least eight (8) hours, for pay, in the provision of nursing services with two (2) or more years break.

13 :: Explain me what are the common challenges a CNA may face?

A common challenges a CNA may face include,

☛ Dealing with difficult patients and their demeanor
☛ Managing smooth transition of shifts
☛ Avoiding conflicts with co-workers
☛ Lack of help from co-workers
☛ Convincing patient and politely denying unreasonable request

14 :: Explain me what is your supervisory style? Describe it?

For heaven’s sake, don’t repeat the above mentioned skills! Each individual has a style of his/her own and even the interviewer is aware of it. Just remember that there is no right or wrong answer to this question and the way you deal with people varies with the person in front of you. Just describe your style for what it is. If you have work experience, provide examples of how you dealt with people in the situations that were at hand. And if you are a fresher, using hypothetical situations demonstrate how you would manage the situation if it were to arise.

15 :: Please explain me your supervisory style?

When answering supervisor interview questions around your personal supervisory style remember that there is no wrong or right supervisory style.

The only criteria is that it should be appropriate to the situation. Your ability to adapt your style to the demands of the person you are dealing with, the task at hand and the circumstances is key to success as a supervisor. Provide examples of how you have had to adapt your supervisory style to meet different needs.

16 :: Tell me how to record intake and output in a resident or patient?

To record intake and output in a resident or patient, follow the steps below.

☛ Locate liquid foods for the resident and record their intake
☛ Record liquid food intake in cubic centimeters or milliliters as per facility policy
☛ The output is measured by pouring the urine of the resident into a graduate
☛ While using a gloved hand to hold the graduate, use a gloveless hand to flush down the toilet
☛ Disinfect each and every appliance used during the test
☛ Record the urine output and report any form of the unusual characteristic to nurse.

17 :: Explain about the CNA licensing exam?

The CNA licensing exam is taken in two segments,

☛ The theoretical portion includes questions about patient procedures, protecting patient privacy and other information you covered in your lectures, textbooks, and workbooks. It is written portion of the licensing exam.
☛ The second part of the test is a clinical portion. Where you need to practically demonstrate all tasks on a model patient.

18 :: Explain me what is Heimlich maneuver?

Heimlich maneuver is a technique used when a person’s airway get chocked. In this technique you

☛ Reach around the victim from behind. Circle your hands around the victim’s stomach
☛ Make a fist with your dominant hand. The thumb of the fist should point into the stomach (just above the victim’s navel )
☛ Wrap your other hand firmly around this fist and give a good inward push by pressing the victim’s abdomen
☛ These thrusts should be repeated until either the item is removed, or the resident loses consciousness.
☛ Use less force if the victim is a child.

19 :: Please explain me a time you had to introduce important change in your last job?

Your ability to persuade and influence your employees or team members to accept change is key.

Show how you were able to gain support and commitment from them by using the appropriate communication style, by listening and responding to concerns and questions, by asking for their help and commitment and by providing support.

20 :: Tell me why did you leave your last job as Nursing Supervisor?

Stay positive regardless of the circumstances. Never refer to a major problem with management and never speak ill of supervisors, co-workers or the organization. If you do, you will be the one looking bad. Keep smiling and talk about leaving for a positive reason such as an opportunity, a chance to do something special or other forward-looking reasons.

21 :: Tell me a situation when your work was criticized?

This question is specifically asked to assess how you took to the criticism and how well you managed the situation from there on. Accepting criticism and moving forward is the key, however don’t give out an impression that you shunned your senses to it and kept working ahead. Let the interviewer know how you managed to work your way out of the situation that was less favorable to you and that you worked to make things right with whatever was going against you. Try to end the answer on a positive note that implies that you can handle criticism and that it doesn’t get in the way of doing what’s right.

22 :: Please explain a time you had to manage conflict within your department/team/group?

Your example can show how you identified the source of conflict, used the conflict situation as a constructive process to exchange opinions and ideas and clarify roles and responsibilities. Discuss how you kept the focus on the desired outcome rather than on personal grievances.

23 :: Please explain what do you consider the essential qualities for a supervisor?

In your interview answer include these key competencies or skills that apply to all supervisor jobs. Planning and organizing, problem-solving, decision-making, delegating, motivating, influencing, communicating and managing conflict.

24 :: Explain me what are the complications that can develop due to immobility?

Complications that can develop due to immobility are,

☛ Blood clots
☛ Pressure sores
☛ Contractures
☛ Constipation

25 :: Explain me what you do if you notice a doctor or nurse not doing their job?

When you see a doctor or nurse not doing their job, you should follow protocol and report the person through the proper channels.
Nursing Supervisor Interview Questions and Answers
70 Nursing Supervisor Interview Questions and Answers