WordPress Themes Development Question:

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Explain basic functions we generally used in WordPress? Why?

WordPress Theme Development Interview Question
WordPress Theme Development Interview Question


If developer have good knowledge then he/she must know this function name at-least 3-5
☛ 1. is_page() :- Condition for check if page is displayed. Its return true or false.
☛ 2. wp_nav_menu() :- Enabling WordPress 3.0′s Navigation Menu Feature
☛ 3. wp_list_pages() :- Listing All Pages
☛ 4. get_excerpt() :- Displays the excerpt of the current post with read more link for display full post.
☛ 5. is_category() :- Condition for check if category is displayed. Its return true or false.
☛ 6. the_title():- Displays the title of the current post
☛ 7. the_content():- Displays the contents of the current post.
☛ 8. bloginfo(‘url’) :- Getting the Site’s URL
☛ 9. bloginfo(‘template_url’) :- Getting the URL to the Current Theme
☛ 10.the_time():- Display the time the post was published (uses PHP date formatting as a parameter)

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