Flight Inspector Interview Questions And Answers
Refine your Flight Inspector interview skills with our 68 critical questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Flight Inspector. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Secure the free PDF to access all 68 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Flight Inspector interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.
68 Flight Inspector Questions and Answers:
Flight Inspector Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Explain the abilities you have in order to work with us as aviation inspector?
I have the ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem, apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense, combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions (includes finding a relationship among seemingly unrelated events), listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences, read and understand information and ideas presented in writing.
Read More2 :: Tell me as Quality Control Inspector, how do you ensure that your time is managed well each day?
I was not good in manage but now yes am use notes to control my time and try to do it in right time.
Read More3 :: Tell me what is your biggest priority each day?
My biggest priority in this career is to become a great mechanic and educate other how to perform of the job. Leadership is my priority in this career.
Read More4 :: Tell me what do you excel at as an aircraft maintenance technician?
I always like to keep focus and one step ahead of the situations in order to save time and avoid pressure as much as I can.
Read More5 :: Tell me what do you enjoy most about working on aircraft?
Well, there are a lot of things that I enjoy but feel like a hero everytime you bring the airplane airworthiness.
Read More6 :: Tell me what aircraft inspections do you dislike doing?
I can't say the only experience I ever had was during my time in school and enjoy every practical we did.
Read More7 :: Tell me how important is safety to you?
Safety is most important in aviation. It should always be top priority for every employees working in aviation industry. All regulatory and company safety policy and procedure must be complied while doing any activities.
Read More8 :: Walk me through a perfect day on job?
It was the last day of the month I was called while I was already on my way home to come and assist with interfacing to avoid OTD1(not reaching target)I then did and our branch was number on that month .
Read More9 :: Tell me what Is The Salr In Meteorology?
The Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate (SALR) is the rate at which the temperature of a parcel of air saturated with water vapour changes as the parcel ascends or descends.
Read More10 :: Explain what is Stress Analysis?
People working on these areas as an aerospace engineer should have familiarity and exposure to NASTRAN and MATLAB with knowledge on space environment and modeling of flexible dynamics. These aerospace engineers will be responsible to conduct stress analysis on metallic and composite structures. NASTRAN, IDEAD, Oracle, and PATRAN proficiency level is required. Their duties also include on aircraft, which are metallic and composite structures. This includes and understanding of control surface stiffness and loop calculations, finite element modeling (FEM), fatigue testing requirement and analysis.
Read More11 :: Tell me what Will Be The Responsibility Of The Spacecraft Operations, Dynamics, And Controls?
People working on these areas as aerospace engineers should have familiarity and exposure to NASTRAN and MATLAB with knowledge on space environment and modeling of flexible dynamics. These aerospace engineers will be responsible to work in the areas of structural control, momentum control, line of sight (LOS), spacecraft mission design, control of space boards payloads, operational engineering.
Read More12 :: Please explain as a Quality Control Inspector, what keeps you motivated to always give your best work?
Always strive to meet Code requirements and by knowing the requirements through my years experiences it always helps and motive me so other can be positive.
Read More13 :: Explain what is the most rewarding part of being a Quality Control Inspector?
I can directly get involve with the buyers and know about the products quality.
Read More14 :: Tell me would you ever consider skipping an inspection?
No I have never considered. Because I know my responsibility as well as the consequences of the same.
Read More15 :: Tell me how well do you know your ATA codes?
I have studed almost all codes, but to be hounst I must take a look of them to refresh them.
Read More16 :: Tell me what are the main job duties and responsibilities of aviation inspector employee?
aviation inspector responsibilities are to inspect new, repaired, or modified aircraft to identify damage or defects and to assess airworthiness and conformance to standards, using checklists, hand tools, and test instruments; examine aircraft access plates and doors for security; prepare and maintain detailed repair, inspection, investigation, and certification records and reports;
examine landing gear, tires, and exteriors of fuselage, wings, and engines for evidence of damage or corrosion and the need for repairs; inspect work of aircraft mechanics performing maintenance, modification, or repair and overhaul of aircraft and aircraft mechanical systems to ensure adherence to standards and procedures; examine maintenance records and flight logs to determine if service and maintenance checks and overhauls were performed at prescribed intervals; recommend changes in rules, policies, standards, and regulations, based on knowledge of operating conditions, aircraft improvements, and other factors; approve or deny issuance of certificates of airworthiness; recommend replacement, repair, or modification of aircraft equipment; start aircraft and observe gauges, meters, and other instruments to detect evidence of malfunctions; conduct flight test programs to test equipment, instruments, and systems under a variety of conditions, using both manual and automatic controls; investigate air accidents and complaints to determine causes; analyze training programs and conduct oral and written examinations to ensure the competency of persons operating, installing, and repairing aircraft equipment; schedule and coordinate in-flight testing programs with ground crews and air traffic control to ensure availability of ground tracking, equipment monitoring, and related services; observe flight activities of pilots to assess flying skills and to ensure conformance to flight and safety regulations.
Read Moreexamine landing gear, tires, and exteriors of fuselage, wings, and engines for evidence of damage or corrosion and the need for repairs; inspect work of aircraft mechanics performing maintenance, modification, or repair and overhaul of aircraft and aircraft mechanical systems to ensure adherence to standards and procedures; examine maintenance records and flight logs to determine if service and maintenance checks and overhauls were performed at prescribed intervals; recommend changes in rules, policies, standards, and regulations, based on knowledge of operating conditions, aircraft improvements, and other factors; approve or deny issuance of certificates of airworthiness; recommend replacement, repair, or modification of aircraft equipment; start aircraft and observe gauges, meters, and other instruments to detect evidence of malfunctions; conduct flight test programs to test equipment, instruments, and systems under a variety of conditions, using both manual and automatic controls; investigate air accidents and complaints to determine causes; analyze training programs and conduct oral and written examinations to ensure the competency of persons operating, installing, and repairing aircraft equipment; schedule and coordinate in-flight testing programs with ground crews and air traffic control to ensure availability of ground tracking, equipment monitoring, and related services; observe flight activities of pilots to assess flying skills and to ensure conformance to flight and safety regulations.
17 :: Tell me about a time that you have been asked to provide leadership or mentor ship to a colleague. Did you enjoy that responsibility?
I am...I believe that when on time you becoming productive unlike when you late you already stressing about the fact that you are late and it is not a good impression especially in a work environment.
Read More18 :: Tell me do you have your own tools?
I have a few tools that are necessary for the job, I have a ratchet and wrench set that is imperial and metric. All the other tools shouldnt be too much of a problem either.
Read More19 :: Tell me what is your maintenance specialty? If you do not have one, what area of the aircraft do you enjoy working on the most?
Well as per work demands I am interested to work on landing gears.
Read More20 :: Please explain about a time when you have had to make a big decision, such as shutting down a production line. How did you come to the conclusion and how did you proceed?
When we had bad parts from a vendor and they did not meet our IPC standards. We didnt have any other parts on hand to replace the bad parts so we shut it down the good parts came in.
Read More21 :: Briefly explain us about your career as a Quality Control Inspector. Highlight some of your career wins and prouder accomplishments?
Although I have never owned the QA inspector job title, I have had lots of experience with using quality tools such as the OGP. I also worked a week's work experience so am familiar with the work environment and have worked in quality inspecting for the past 2 years.
Read More22 :: Tell me about a time that you disagreed with management on a new policy or procedure. How did you handle the situation?
Example 1: FFS results indicated that we had to shut one of our transfer lines. This was not within Code standards due to internal metal loss. The company man did not agree on this as this would be a loss in production. I have reported this to the terminal manager and my line manager and gave them the results of the inspection. We then decided as a team to prepare for the repair works and shut the line.
Example 2: While performing a routine inspection on a storage tank, I have noticed a bottom leak. According to Code the tank must be isolated, cleaned and repaired. The leak was slight and we as a team decided to build a secondary containment berm around the tank and monitor the leak on daily basis.
Read MoreExample 2: While performing a routine inspection on a storage tank, I have noticed a bottom leak. According to Code the tank must be isolated, cleaned and repaired. The leak was slight and we as a team decided to build a secondary containment berm around the tank and monitor the leak on daily basis.
23 :: Tell me when Can One Deviate From Any Flight Rules And Regulations?
Chief Pilot in command can deviate from rules and regulations during emergency period; he can do it to get the plane back to the normalcy or to meet the expected requirement of the emergency.
Read More24 :: Do you know when A Pilot Is Assigned A Speed, How Much Can One Deviate From That Speed?
Complying and following the actual speed adjustment policies, a pilot can run and indicate plus or minus 10 knots or 0.02 mach number of specified speed. Its always better to keep the land air officer in the loop before adjusting the air speed. Exceptions are always there to meet the emergency requirement.
Read More25 :: Explain the knowledge elements you obtained from your education, training and work experience would support your aviation inspector career?
The Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance, raw materials, production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture and distribution of goods, the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar, principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction, laws, legal codes, court procedures, precedents, government regulations, executive orders, agency rules, and the democratic political process.
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