Tourist Guide Interview Questions & Answers
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Sharpen your Tourist Guide interview expertise with our handpicked 74 questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Tourist Guide. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Access the free PDF to get all 74 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Tourist Guide interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

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Tourist Guide Job Interview Questions and Answers
Tourist Guide Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain me what do you do to stay healthy when you travel?

I’m not super great at staying healthy when I travel, but I try to drink a lot of water and little alcohol, walk a lot, and avoid fatty food. I don’t work out on the road besides the occasional pushup, so I try to stay right with my diet.

2 :: Tell me have you had any summer internships or jobs around here?

This question can work in two ways. On one hand, you can learn more about how well the college connects students with outside opportunities, and on the other hand, you can find out what the town is like when students aren’t around. Especially for the arts, it’s important to know how well-connected the college is and if the town itself has a lot of opportunities.

3 :: Explain Mr Adding Value?

Adding value can be defined as adding extra item, image, product or service, which adds value to the product. For example a good-looking receptionist adds to the quality of hotel, a garnish on food adds to the value of the food. It can be service tool, service staff, environment, image of the owner or chef, etc. Travel agency adds value to the quality of hotel or vice versa.

4 :: Explain what Is Variability In Tourism Hotel?

Services are highly variable. The quality of service depends upon how, when where and who provides them. Each time customer receives different levels of satisfaction from the same level of service; same food gives different test to different people.

5 :: How would you rate your communication skills?

I would rate my communication skills a 4 out of 5. I am very strong in keeping a positive attitude with any questions one may ask me and I deliver the answer the best I can.

6 :: Tell me what Is Back Of The House?

Staffs who are not directly involved in providing service. Guests rarely interact with them.

7 :: Explain what Are The Challenges You Face While Handling Tourist?

The challenges that tourist has to face is

☛ Asking tourist not to do something repeatedly that is prohibited in that area like taking photographs
☛ Check everything in the end as there is no negative impact.
☛ Telling kids not to do certain things like visiting a zoo not to go close to animals or not to feed them.
☛ Following the guidelines, like not throwing litter anywhere, as it sometimes costs you few dollars.

8 :: Tell me what Is Attraction?

Anything/object/activity, which attracts tourists and attach with it.

9 :: Tell me would you feel bad if you ever gave someone a poor recommendation?

Of course, but I would always try to do my best when working.

10 :: Tell me what is your academic standing?

Yes I do. No citations, or anything disciplinary action or anything of the sort.

11 :: Tell me what Is Excursionist?

This term is used for the temporary visitors, who do not even stay for twenty- four hours in a hotel.

12 :: Tell me what is your greatest strength? How does it help you as a Travel Guide?

My biggest strenght is an abilitity to remember facts, events.

13 :: Tell me what Is Adventure Tourism?

To convert the adventure into pleasure for the purpose of tourism business.

14 :: Tell me what Is The American Service?

American service usually is pre planned service, in other word its also called coffee shop service, or e.g mac- download service.

15 :: Tell me what Is Village Tourism?

To utilize village and villagers for the purpose of tourism. Tourism managed and operated by villagers for the villagers. Tourism managed and operated by villagers for the villagers.

16 :: Tell me what Are The Benefits Of Hiring Tour Guide?

The benefits of hiring tour guide is

☛ You have an immediate access to those things that you are not aware of otherwise
☛ You will learn more about culture in-depth from someone on the inside
☛ You will have little more security and companionship
☛ Flexibility to change your travel plan and to set up priority

17 :: Tell me what Is High Touch Service?

These are those services which are already prepared but the customer receive it only when he wants. For e.g. room reservation, fast food, printed information, housekeeping service, etc.

18 :: Tell me what was your roommate situation like?

If you’re living on campus, you might be a little concerned about your “roommate situation.” Ask current students or your college tour guide about what it was like with their roommate freshman year, where they lived, how they liked it. Find out if the school tries to put students from the same major together. When you ask for personal stories, you’re more likely to get a real look into what dorm life is like.

19 :: Explain me which are the easiest countries for Americans to be expats in?

Any country you fit into! Your nationality isn’t as important as how you feel about a place. Find a place you love and you’ll be all set.

21 :: As you know you travel a lot, but your base is Split. If you weren’t in Split, where would you live when not traveling, and why?

If I didn’t live in Split I’d live somewhere small, maybe in the hinterlands or on an island, somewhere close to nature. I know that’s where I’ll be when the time is right…nature is an eternal inspiration which relaxes me, renews me, and unfolds me.

22 :: Explain me what is your favorite thing about traveling?

Learning about the world and how everyone fits into it. There are over six billion puzzle pieces in this world and I want to learn how they all fit together!

23 :: Tell me when did you decide to become a tour guide? What led to that decision?

I dreamed of traveling from the time I was a child and everything I imagined myself doing for a living one day was always related to travel. One step spontaneously let to another…I graduated, was looking for work, and saw a flyer for a course for tour guides and I enrolled. Friends from my early years at school who were already working as guides were taking the class. They recommended me to the agencies they were working for and that’s how it all began.

24 :: Explain how well do you know your way around our campus?

I know my way around campus quite well. As a junior, I have had classes in every part of campus. That being said, since campus is so large, there are always new buildings that I am discovering exist. So sometimes I have to pull out the myUW app to look up a campus map.

25 :: Explain what Type Of Work Is Involved In Travel And Tourism Industry?

Travel and Tourism industry is mainly concerned with giving services to people who are going away from home, either on business trip or on a vacation. This industry work area involves dealing with customers, providing ticketing and money exchange facilities, arranging visas, making reservations, providing tourist guides and all-important details that are needed.
Tourist Guide Interview Questions and Answers
74 Tourist Guide Interview Questions and Answers