Microsoft Consultant Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your Microsoft Consultant interview with our extensive list of 61 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Microsoft Consultant to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Access the free PDF to get all 61 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Microsoft Consultant interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

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Microsoft Consultant Job Interview Questions and Answers
Microsoft Consultant Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain me why are there different Microsoft Certifications?

The main purpose of Microsoft Certification is to ensure that qualification of an applicant for particular skills. Skills not only cover the software aspects, but in design and engineering as well. Microsoft Certification covers a wide list of technology and is recognize worldwide.

2 :: Do you know what is COM?

COM is short for Component Object Model. It is a Microsoft technology that allows developers to make use of reusable components and services provided by Microsoft. COM technology includes COM+, DCOM and ActiveX.

3 :: Explain what makes for great customer service?

This question should give you a sense of how the candidate views their role. A great answer won’t just involve solving a problem or answering a question, but ensuring that the customer had as positive an interaction as possible.

4 :: Tell me what File system is supported by Windows XP?

Windows XP supports four major file systems: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS. This means that Windows XP can be installed on these file systems. The use of NTFS is preferred especially when using a bigger hard drive space.

5 :: Tell me what is the advantage of NTFS over FAT and FAT32?

NTFS was build for better performance, especially when it comes to managing the way files are stored and retrieved. It supports encryption, compression and improved metadata support. As a result, NTFS is more robust, secure and has better utilization of hard drive space.

6 :: Tell me what makes this company different from other similar firms?

Microsoft is indeed the best place in the work to work in.
Just 3 weeks into the company, we were sent to Florida for a conference targeted at networking and learning the company culture.
Microsoft loves its employees and a perfect work life balance is targeted for every employee.

7 :: Tell me how much technical knowledge they want from such a candidate?

Consult the job description. They want you to have an education background in engineering, computer science, or IT and a strong interest in microsoft technologies. (If you are not aware of those (.net, Azure) I would brush up on them enough to speak to them.
It is the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE). This certification deals with skills related to applying solutions to business productivity by utilizing Microsoft Server operating system.

9 :: Explain me what do you do when you don’t know the answer to a question?

The key here is honesty. Especially if you have a complex product or service, it’s much better for a customer service rep to say “I don’t know, but let me find out,” than to provide potentially inaccurate information.

10 :: Give an algorithm that will perform swapping of values between two variables?

Let’s call the first variable A and the second variable B. Designate a third variable that will be used for the swap. Calling this third variable MIDDLE, assign MIDDLE to contain the value of the variable A. Then assign the value of B to the variable A. Finally, assign the value of MIDDLE to the variable B.

11 :: Tell me are files that were deleted from the Recycle bin gone for good?

No. What actually happens is that whenever files are removed from the recycle bin, the space occupied by that file is marked as available. As long as no other files are written on that space, there is a chance of recovering that deleted file.

12 :: Explain me what is dual-boot system?

Dual boot system allows you to install and maintain two operating systems on a single PC. The purpose for this is to maintain compatibility between older and newer software. For example, there maybe programs that only work under Windows 98, therefore having a dual boot system between Windows 98 and another version like Windows XP is a good choice.

13 :: Tell me have you tried our product or service? What problems did you encounter?

This might sound like a trick question, but it isn’t. A great candidate should feel comfortable talking about their experience using your product or service, and pointing out places where their experience could have been improved.

14 :: Tell us what is the purpose of creating partitions for a Windows operating system?

Creating partition may serve different purposes. The common reason is that a separate partition can be used to store data files so that when Windows needs to be reinstalled, the main partition can be formatted without fear of loosing data, which are stored on the other partition.

15 :: Tell me what is the difference between standard modules and class modules?

Standard modules contain variables, procedures and functions that are accessible anywhere within the project. A class module contains properties and events, and is made accessible only by objects that were created as an instance of that class.

16 :: Give some known Windows version and its codename?

Windows 98 – Memphis
Windows Me – Millenium
Windows XP – Whistler
Windows Vista – Longhorn
Windows 7 – Vienna and Blackcomb

17 :: Tell me what is the purpose of a Service Pack?

A Service Pack combines hotfixes and updates into one installer module. These are mainly used to upgrade an existing software version without the need to uninstall and reinstall an entire software package.

18 :: Tell me how do you reverse a doubly-linked list?

To do this, start from the head and traverse to the end. For each node in the list that was traversed, swap the values of the links “Next” and “Prev”. After that, set the “Head” to link to the last node or tail.

19 :: Tell me in Windows XP, what does the letter XP stand for?

The letters XP actually stands for eXPerience. It was designed as an enhancement of Windows 2000, with a totally different and more attractive user interface/console.

20 :: Explain how would you build an alarm clock for deaf people?

Since deaf people don’t have the ability to hear, then the most appropriate alarm clock is one that can trigger their other senses. You can create an alarm clock that’s design to vibrate an object beside deaf people, such as a pillow.

21 :: Tell us how often should you check for Microsoft Updates?

As often as possible. Enabling the auto update feature of the Microsoft operating system would allow regular monitoring from the Microsoft site for available updates that can be downloaded and installed.

22 :: Explain what is the purpose of Option Explicit?

Option Explicit ensures that all variables to be used in a program are defined or declared, therefore specifying what data type it is intended for.

23 :: What are DLLs?

DLL is short for Dynamic Link Library. These are shared library files that contain usable codes and routines that other applications can utilize to create other new applications.

24 :: Tell me how does Microsoft classify security threats to its software?

Microsoft classifies such threats into 4 indicators, which are low, moderate, important, and critical. Such indicators are available as reference under the Microsoft bulletin.

25 :: Explain why is it that you cannot overload the scope resolution operator (::)?

The main reason why the (::) cannot be overloaded is that only operators that take in values as parameters can be overloaded. The scope resolution operator does not take a value as parameter.
Microsoft Consultant Interview Questions and Answers
61 Microsoft Consultant Interview Questions and Answers