Consultant Marriage Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your Marriage Consultant interview with our extensive list of 60 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Marriage Consultant to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Download the free PDF to have all 60 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.

60 Marriage Consultant Questions and Answers:

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Marriage Consultant Job Interview Questions and Answers
Marriage Consultant Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Why do you want to marry each other?

"Because I love him/her" is not a sufficient answer since love alone will not make your marriage a success. A healthy marriage comes from, mutual respect, as well as compatibility, among other things. Be specific about what about this person makes him/her different from anyone else. Saying things like, "She is very compassionate" or "He is generous" speaks to each other's qualities and your values.

2 :: Is physical perfection or disability an issue?

If you are normal, would you marry a man who has a slight limp? Or a scar on his body that is visible?

3 :: What are your similarities and common values?

Be specific when you answer this. Instead of saying, "We both value family", try to identify in what way you show that you value them. Examples include, "I believe that we should spend time with family once per week" or "We should never lie to family" etc.

4 :: How do you both prioritize career? Will both of you work outside the home?

Some people need to have a career outside of the marriage and family life and others would prefer otherwise. Some couples require both partners to work to maintain a certain level of finances. This will also come up if you have children in terms of identifying which parent will stay home with the children (and for how long) and who will continue to make money.

5 :: What will your lives look like 5, 10, 20 years down the road?

This can be a great way to bond with each other as you look into the future toward your joint life together. It's also a way to see what you both expect and hope from your marriage and to see if how closely those visions match.

6 :: Is baldness an issue?

If he is ideal otherwise, would you reject him on account of the number of strands of hair on his pate?

Of course, corollaries to each of these questions could be asked to a young man too but we are discussing here the conditions to considered by young women.

7 :: What is your relationship like with your family?

This can help you understand how to best fit in with your future in-laws and also identify any potential sources of conflict with in-laws. For some South Asian men, choosing between their mother and their wife can be a source of serious conflict with newlywed couples. It is important to discuss how the relationship with each of your families will change after marriage.

8 :: Are you comfortable with the way your partner expresses feelings?

Do you feel safe with the way your partner expresses anger? Do you feel satisfied with the way your partner expresses his/her needs? Couples must to develop a common language to communicate how they feel, what they think and what they need. If you ever have felt unsafe around your partner when they've expressed any emotion, it is crucial that you seek professional help immediately so you both learn how to express feelings in a healthy manner.

9 :: Is level of education an issue?

If you are a post graduate, would you be willing to marry a graduate? If you hold a degree in engineering (say), would you agree to marry a diploma holder?

10 :: Where do you imagine spending the bulk of our money?

Some people prioritize vacations or eating out, others wish to invest in property, and yet others may be very low spenders and would prefer to save as much as possible. Be sure you have a common vision about where most of your money will go, even if you decide not to combine finances.

11 :: How many children will the couple have?

Will the man or his parents insist on the woman going on having babies till a male offspring arrives?

This "ghar ka chiraag" and "vaaris" or "khaandaan ka naam aage le jaana" nonsense must stop. Let this be frankly discussed. I recommend, two children and no more, irrespective of the sex of the children.

12 :: How do each of you approach talking about serious or uncomfortable topics?

If you have been dating for a while, you may know a little about how your partner communicates. But asking this question forces you both to have a direct conversation about what you both need to talk about serious topics. For example, one of you may need to hold hands while you talk so you are reassured that the other still cares or one of you may prefer to talk while you're engaged in an activity such as walking or hiking. Do your relationship a favor by talking about it so that you don't have to learn as much by trial and error.

13 :: If the religions are different, will either be forced to convert?

This is particularly relevant if either party is a Muslim. I believe the community will insist on conversion of the girl to Islam if the boy is a Muslim. I am not sure if they will insist on the boy's conversion if the girl is a Muslim. What religion will the children profess? This is a complex issue and had better be sorted out right in the beginning.

14 :: What are your opinions about premarital sex, birth control, abortion and divorce?

These hot topics are often ones that often get ignored but have serious and day-to-day implications for your marriage. Be sure you understand each other's values about these important issues without judgment.

15 :: How many sisters/brothers does the other party have?

If either is the only son/daughter will the other party realize that the entire burden of supporting the parents/in-laws (even if not financially, but emotionally and socially) fall on the couple? There may not be any one else to share the burden when the parents grow old. This is important.

I have known men who have refused to marry girls who have no brothers, fearing that the in laws will become a burden later on in life. Even if the man is willing, his parents may put a spoke.

Likewise I have also known girls who want their husbands to have brothers and/or sisters to share her future burden.

The couple tries to balance with this with another future benefit, viz inheritance. If he/she bears the burden alone, will he/she also reap the inheritance advantage alone?

16 :: When your parents experienced conflict with each other, how did they handle it?

This is a very important question, as we tend to act more like our parents than we would like to admit. Thus, the strengths and weaknesses that came from their communication style will most likely appear in your new marriage. Identify what your model was like growing up to help identify what your default communication style might be.

17 :: Ask about her lifestyle?

Find out about her social life, her favourite pastime and her other interests. This way you can get to know whether she is an extrovert or an introvert. Such small details can actually help you in deciphering whether she is 'your kind' of a girl or not! Do not go overboard with too many questions, as she is not a candidate whom you are interviewing for your wife's position. You are looking for a life partner who should be compatible with you and your family.

18 :: Do you believe that there are roles a person has in a marriage because of their gender?

Although we are in the 21st century, South Asian men and women can still have some traditional values when it comes to gender roles. Know what your partner expects of you and work out any differences by compromising on how roles will be split.

19 :: Ask about her duties towards her parents?

Maybe this question is a big thing to ask for the very first meeting, but it will certainly clear some doubts you might have. It will help you to understand, if she has any financial responsibilities towards her parents, which she would like to fulfil even after marriage, just like you.

20 :: describe the abilities you have in order to work with us as marriage and family therapist?

I have the ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences, communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand, tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem, speak clearly so others can understand you, apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense.

21 :: Ask about her marriage expectations?

A girl would always like it if a guy asks her views on marriage and expectations related to it. So, if you are meeting a girl for the first time, ask her take on the institution of marriage. This is an important question, as it will help you understand her thought process better.

22 :: What are the skills required for marriage and family therapist employee in order to success in his work?

Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times, Being aware of others' reactions and understanding why they react as they do, Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one, Actively looking for ways to help people, Talking to others to convey information effectively.

23 :: Don't agree to marriage after the first meeting?

Make sure that you have at least two or three good meetings before delivering the final decision.

24 :: How would you describe (needed marriage and family therapist or your) work style?

My work style matching exactlty what cashier job requires by: being sensitive to others' needs and feelings and being understanding and helpful on the job, being honest and ethical, accepting criticism and dealing calmly and effectively with high stress situations, being pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude, being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling obligations.

25 :: Be clear if you expect a girl to do a few duties?

If you have grand parents who are old and parents had been operated twice for health issues and you wanted a Housewife to take care of your parents do mention it. The same way how a girl take care of her parents and a mother take care of her child. Make such a thing clear.
Marriage Consultant Interview Questions and Answers
60 Marriage Consultant Interview Questions and Answers