Performance Evaluation Interview Questions & Answers
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Strengthen your Performance Appraisal Methods interview skills with our collection of 38 important questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Performance Appraisal Methods to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Access the free PDF to get all 38 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Performance Appraisal Methods interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

38 Performance Appraisal Methods Questions and Answers:

Performance Appraisal Methods Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

Performance Appraisal Methods Job Interview Questions and Answers
Performance Appraisal Methods Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is lack of importance to self development?

Performance Appraisal is not for witch hunting but for finding out strengths as well as weaknesses. The strengths can be consolidated upon and the weaknesses too be removed through appropriate training. However, this aspect is not given importance and so the main objective of performance appraisal is neglected.

2 :: Why is there time consuming and huge paperwork?

Performance appraisal is a continuous job for the superiors. There is need to continuously observe the subordinates, keep records, fill documents, write reports, hence time consuming and costly.

3 :: Why is lack of communication and participation with employees?

Performance appraisal is not complete without communicating to the employee the results of the appraisal and also give him a chance to give his opinion, otherwise it is a one-sided affair without participation of employee and will not lead to their development.

4 :: Why is stress on individual and not on performance?

Performance Appraisal must lay stress on the performance of the individual and not on his personal characteristics. Many a times this is overlooked and the personnel characteristics comes in the way of his performance appraisal.

5 :: What is central tendency limitation?

Many a times to be on the safer side the rater would put the ratee on average scores. This happens because of two reasons. First of all if the rater does not want low scores to the ratee. Secondly, if he himself is not competent and would not like to show his incompetency.

6 :: What is wrong appraisal by superior?

Superiors have continuous and daily relations with the subordinates, giving accurate ratings may lead to spoiling relations with them which the superiors may want to avoid, hence higher rating to the subordinates.

7 :: What is a appropriate appraisal technique limitation?

Selection of appropriate appraisal technique is important to give the correct result. Some of the techniques are time-consuming and costly and so avoided. If wrong techniques are applied performance appraisal results may prove defective.

8 :: What is lack of uniform standards limitation?

The standards used by different departments in the organization may not be the same, hence, rating becomes unscientific and employees suffer. Some rates are too liberal while others are too strict causing lack of uniformity.

9 :: What is halo effect limitation?

The tendency of an individual to rate an employee consistently high due to some earlier good performance rather than his existing performance is called as carrying a halo around oneself.

10 :: What is a horn effect limitation?

The tendency of a superior to rate a subordinate lower than his performance justifies due to some recent/earlier failures.

11 :: What is personal bias limitation?

The biggest limitation of performance appraisal is subjectivity. Due to human element in appraisal, there is always a fear of one's own opinion coming in the way of appraisal.

12 :: List some limitations of performance appraisal methods?

Here are some limitations of performance appraisal methods:
☛ Personal Bias
☛ Halo Effect
☛ Horn Effect
☛ Lack of Uniform Standards
☛ Appropriate Appraisal Technique
☛ Wrong Appraisal by Superior
☛ Stress on Individual and not on Performance
☛ Central Tendency
☛ Lack of Importance to Self-Development
☛ Lack of Communication and Participation with Employees
☛ Time-Consuming and Huge Paperwork

13 :: What is 360 degree feedback?

This multi-source feedback method provides a comprehensive perspective of employee performance by utilizing feedback from the full circle of people with whom the employee interacts:
☛ Supervisors
☛ Subordinates
☛ Co-workers

14 :: What is 360 degree feedback effective for?

360 degree feedback is effective for career coaching and identifying strengths and weaknesses.

15 :: What is management by objective (MBO)?

Philosophy of management that rates performance on the basis of employee achievement of goals set by mutual agreement of employee and manager. The appraisal is based on whether or not the employee has met his or her objectives.

16 :: What is the behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) appraisal method?

In this method the employee's behavior and performance dimensions are analyzed and used for evaluating the performance of the employee. The HR department is involved in the process of preparing the BARS. Based on the Employee's performance and behavior, employees are anchored in different slots of good, average and poor. The rater is required to give corresponding ratings to the employee.

17 :: What are the characteristics of graphic rating scale?

Various characteristics such as job knowledge or punctuality are rated by the degree of achievement. The rate usually receives a score of 1 to 5, with 5 representing excellent performance.

18 :: What is graphic rating scale appraisal method?

A performance appraisal that rates the degree to which the employee has achieved various characteristics. The graphic rating scale is the most common type of appraisal used.

19 :: What is the disadvantage of checklist appraisal method?

Checklist appraisal method's questionnaire is prepared and scored by the HR department. The main disadvantage of checklist appraisal method is the rater is not given the flexibility to add or delete the statements.

20 :: What is paired comparison approach?

A performance appraisal that measures the relative performance of employees in a group. This is a method of performance evaluation that results in a rank ordering of employees to come up with a best employee. This type of approach measures the relative performance of employees in a group.

21 :: Why is ranking method difficult to adopt?

Ranking appraisal method is difficult to adopt, in case of evaluating large number of employees.

22 :: What is the disadvantage of essay appraisal method?

The disadvantage of this method is that their quality depends on the supervisor's writing skills.

23 :: What is the advantage of the methods focusing on the past?

Methods focusing on the past have the advantage of dealing with work already done and are therefore relatively measurable.

24 :: What is a checklist appraisal method?

The main purpose of this method is to reduce the evaluator's burden of rating the employee. In this method a dichotomous questionnaire (A question with two answer choices namely `Yes' or `No') is used. A rater is required to put a tick mark against the respective column.

25 :: What is ranking appraisal method?

It is the oldest and simplest method of performance appraisal. In this method the employee is ranked from the highest to the lowest or from best to the worst.
Performance Appraisal Methods Interview Questions and Answers
38 Performance Appraisal Methods Interview Questions and Answers