Payroll Assistant Interview Questions & Answers
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Optimize your Payroll Assistant interview preparation with our curated set of 76 questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Payroll Assistant. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Get the free PDF download to access all 76 questions and excel in your Payroll Assistant interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.

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Payroll Assistant Job Interview Questions and Answers
Payroll Assistant Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is computerized payroll systems very briefly?

Computerized payroll systems include complete employee information including loans, pay structures, reimbursements, salary slip generation and income tax management. Since everything is computerized, it is easy to handle calculations and manage printing activities.

2 :: What are the payroll inputs?

Overtime. Shift allowances, commission, salary, medical aid, provident/pension fund etc.

3 :: Tell me how does higher management benefit from payroll reports?

It shows them where the company is financially, as well it shows them labor costs, and gives them the numbers to work with in analyzing company policies and procedures.

4 :: Tell me how would you handle an employee’s ire due to a payroll error?

Since neither machines nor humans can make sure that payrolls are accurate every time, one does come across annoyed employees. If such an event occurs and I discover that the fault is at my end, I always apologize and make arrangements to correct the error immediately.

5 :: Tell me what do you consider a biggest mistake you did in your job?

If you choose something from accounting, please choose an example when you were able to correct the mistake at the end. Mistakes can prove costly, but we are only human beings. We make mistakes.

6 :: Tell me what is retro pay?

Retroactive pay is a delayed wage payment for work already performed at a lower wage rate. It is distinguished from back pay.

7 :: Tell me an examples of the payroll reports you have prepared?

I have prepared Time Labour Entry Audit reports that reflect Job codes, wages, Gl accounts, time repoting codes, rates.

8 :: What is a bad employee?

An employee that will not follow company policy. Does not read company handbook. Think that all companies have same benefits.

9 :: Differentiate between a pay slip and a paycheck?

Pay slip is a slip that contains all details of the employees like total wages, deduction details, tax cuttings and the like. While a paycheck is a certification that the employee has earned a certain amount and can cash it form the bank.

10 :: Tell us how did you get started in payroll?

I first got started with taking payments when I was in the insurance business. I would also make daily deposits for Nationwide. I then went on to the Head Start program and started doing their payroll in 2008.

11 :: Tell us how do you keep updated on all the payroll rules and techniques?

I am required by the CPA to keep my education up to date and in order to keep my PCP certification current and valid. The CPA offers webinars and seminars that I am able to attend.

12 :: Explain me why do you think you can do this job well?

Refer to your qualification, as well as to abilities that are important for a good clerk. I talk about abilities such as detail oriented personality, responsibility, good computing skills, good knowledge of law, etc. You can also say that you are very motivated to have this job and believe that a motivated person always does a good job!

13 :: Explain me why is accuracy so important for someone handling payroll activities?

There are so many calculations that one has to do and even the slightest of inaccuracy can mess up an entire payroll system. Accuracy is very important because of the amount of money involved. If payroll personnel do not pay attention to what money is going where, all accounting procedures go haywire.

14 :: Explain what are payroll source documents?

All documents required for payroll processing and filing are called payroll source documents. These include attendance records, time records, pay-in slips, job sheets, tax information, salary details and the like

15 :: Tell us what Is Your Proficiency With Microsoft Applications?

Microsoft applications such as Word, Excel and Access are very important in processing payroll and organizing attendance, hours worked and pay adjustments. Qualified applicants should have considerable knowledge of Microsoft applications.

16 :: List three important skills for someone working in a payroll position?

People working in a payroll position need to be accurate, possess the ability to make sound decisions and have a high level of proficiency.

17 :: Tell me what are your future plans with the company?

I plan to be withe the company indefinitely. I plan to learn the job and become and exceptional ps so that I can successfully move up within the department.

18 :: Tell me what is the largest payroll you have been in charge of?

The largest payroll I have been in charge of was a manual payroll project using excel and the firm consisted of six employees.

19 :: Please explain what Payroll Forms Are You Familiar With?

Payroll administrators must understand the function and proper usage of various payroll forms. Forms related to payroll include personal data forms, overtime or absence approval forms, expense reimbursement forms and time sheets.

20 :: Tell me what is gratuity? How is it calculated?

Gratuity is an amount accumulated over the tenure of employees, calculated using a certain formula and is payable when an employee retires or resigns. The formula for calculation of gratuity is: basic pay divided by no of working days in a month multiplied by total number of years worked.

21 :: Tell me what should be the qualities of payroll clerk?

In order to score well in this interview question, an efficient way is to give a list of qualities and skills that are in alignment with the respective position. You can start with:

☛ First, one must understand the methods required to succeed in this position
☛ Secondly, indicate that the job will be your #1 priority
☛ Third, indicate that you understand the importance of working as a team
Remember that regardless of position, self awareness is listed time and again as one of the number one things an employer looks for. Beyond this, staples such as:

☛ Good communication
☛ Confidence
☛ Trustworthiness
☛ Passion
☛ Preparedness
Are always great qualities to mention.

22 :: Please explain your experience with payroll?

I have done payroll for 3 different companies with different types of needs and different industries. This has help me to adapt quickly.

23 :: Explain me any payroll process that you have developed or revised?

No timesheets were in place. I got my wage clerk to develop a time sheet on excel and was implemented in the company and used successfully.

24 :: Please explain a typical payroll day from your past experiences?

Get all time sheets or computer records, compare to the office records, imput all the information to the payroll program, look and double check the information that has been given.

25 :: Explain do You Have Experience Processing Special Pay Items?

Special pay items are not processed in the same manner as regular payroll. These items include pay for incentives and bonuses, as well as pay for work completed by contract specialists.
Payroll Assistant Interview Questions and Answers
76 Payroll Assistant Interview Questions and Answers