Accounting Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your Accounting interview with our extensive list of 204 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Accounting. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Access the free PDF to get all 204 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Accounting interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

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Accounting Job Interview Questions and Answers
Accounting Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: How does define the accrual booking?

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2 :: In the first wave, the age of discovery (1450-1850), globalization:

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3 :: What are the types off ratios?

Financial ratios express relationships between financial statement items. Although they provide historical data, management can use ratios to identify internal strengths and weaknesses, and estimate future financial performance. Investors can use ratios to compare companies in the same industry. Ratios are not generally meaningful as standalone numbers, but they are meaningful when compared to historical data and industry averages.

4 :: What is normal accounting?

An account balance that, based on certain factors or classifications, is expected of that particular account. Also called normal balance.

5 :: Where should TDS received should show in balance sheet?

Assets Side: Advance In-Come Tax Ledger in current year

6 :: What is the TDS effect in balance sheet if TDS receipts?

In Assets Side: Advance In-Come-Tax A/c Dr with TDS received Amount and Party A/c Cr with TDS received Amount

7 :: What are the golden rules of accounting?


Debit the receiver

Credit the Giver


Debit what comes in

Credit what goes out


Debit all expenses and losses

Credit all income and gains

8 :: Can I take service tax on freight outward?

Yes, you can take tax on freight outward. Because you are paid freight inclusive of service, tax so you can full credit availed on any expenditure where you paying service tax amount.

9 :: What is service tax?

When any employer provides any service to his customer, which income is excess under the tax then company liable for the pay tax.

Service tax charged at rate 12 %( India) + 3% E.Cess & H. & E.Cess


In addition, service tax deposited of in under 5 days who you charged service tax to his customers.

In the payment of Service tax amount you can Credit availed during of the month.

Moreover, if any company purchased of any item that has Excise duty & E.Cess with E.Cess then you can credit availed when you received excise form to your seller.

10 :: What is Contingent Liabilities?

A continental liability may or may not be liability to the company. It is mandatory to show in Balance Sheet. Ex:- Ex gratia payable to Workers. Sometimes company has to pay, sometimes may not pay.

11 :: What is an adjusting journal entry?

Adjusting entries are those entries that passed to rectify an error or wrong entry already made some accounting soft wares have disabled edit function in the accounts, so the only way to undo the mistake is to pass a correction entry or adjusting entry.

12 :: What is the difference between provision and reverse?

Provisions are created in books as they are anticipated. Example: provision for depreciation

Reserves are created in books as a part of profits, which might used to purchase assets or to declare dividends.

13 :: What is the difference between Perpetual and Periodic Inventory systems?

In perpetual inventory system, the inventory account is adjusted continually throughout the accounting period.

Whereas in the Periodic Inventory System: - Recording inventory transactions periodically than recording them continually.

14 :: What is a Comprehensive Income?

Items GAAP does not want us to record in Income Statement. GAAP does not want financial statements provider to mislead users. Ex. items will record in comprehensive income are Unrealized gain or loss on available-for-sales securities; Unrecognized net gain or loss; Unrecognized prior service cost (credit); Unrecognized net gain or loss.

15 :: What are the four classifications of Bad and Doubtful Debts as per the context of the Bank?

Assets in Banks are Loans and Advances given to borrowers. These Assets are divided into 4 categories. They are

1. Standard Assets: These accounts are good and the borrower is repaying the loan as per stipulation and the security extended in good.
2. Substandard Asset: These accounts are good as per the security extended is good but the loans repayment is not up to the mark.
3. Doubtful Asset: These accounts have both the security as well the repayment stipulation in irregular method.
4. Bad Asset: These accounts are where the repayment is not forthcoming and the security extended becomes bad.

16 :: What is Letter of Credit?

LC (Letter of Credit) is a set of documents which are very essential for goods being transported from one country to another. This set includes that of invoices, shipping documents, grantees and others.

17 :: What is dividend warrants?

Dividend is the part of profits payable to the owners of the company i.e., Shareholders. Some companies issues warrants to its shareholders instead of paying dividends in the form of cash in the form of document by mentioning the Warrant Price and other details.

The price mentioned in it is also called exercise price. Some times company may not specify the name of the holder. The holder of the document can fill it.

Advantages: It helps to the issuing company from paying the Tax.

It is easy to transfer from one person to other without any formalities

It helps to increase the share/capital of the company

18 :: What is double entry book keeping?

In double entry book, keeping method a journal entry is posted to both respective accounts for each transaction.

Let us say for sales transaction, debit entry posted to cash account credit entry posted to sales account.

Therefore, it is one of the methods to post accounting transactions.

19 :: What are trade bills?

Every transaction must be supported by any document. A trade bill is a supporting document of business activities like purchases, sales, receipts, payments etc...

20 :: What is meant by partitioning?

Partitioning is nothing but grouping based on the cluster, which is similar kind of response by a system.

21 :: What is the difference between personal account real account and nominal account?

The total business transactions are divided in to three They are Transactions related to persons, Transactions related to Things, Transactions related to incomes & expenditures. In accountancy we have three types of accounts they are - personal, real, nominal Personal accounts refers to all the transactions related to natural persons, artificial persons and representative persons ex:- rama, ravi, Indian bank, outstanding rent. ,. First category of transactions belongs to personal accounts RULE: debit the receiver and credit the giver Real accounts include things in the business i.e. assets. Second category of transactions related to Real accounts ex: buildings, machinery, cash etc. RULE: Debit what comes in and credit what goes out Nominal accounts includes all the transactions related to expenditures, incomes, losses, and profits. Ex: - rent paid, rent received, bad debts, profit on sale of an asset.

RULE: Debit all expenses and losses and credit all incomes and profits

22 :: What is inventory management?

Inventory management is an automated process of managing the stock of products and the various things involved with it Involves a retailer seeking to acquire and maintain a proper merchandise assortment while ordering, shipping, handling, and related costs are kept in check. Systems and processes that identify inventory requirements, set targets, provide replenishment techniques, and report actual and projected inventory status.

23 :: What is retail banking?

Retail banking refers to the banking done with the retail client (e.g. the normal people) rather than business or organizational customers.

24 :: What is customer account?

Debtors account and bills receivable account are theoretically same. Both are called as receivables. When we sold goods to debtors account is debited. If we receive a bill from that debtor, we open bills receivable account by closing that debtor account. Thus, bills receivable account is nothing but debtor account. If the bill is dishonored on the due date, we again debit the debtor account in our books. For information and accounting purpose, we use both debtor account and bills receivable account.

25 :: What is balance sheet and off balance sheet?

Balance sheet is a statement which consists if asset and liabilities balance sheet is not called as account .their are 2 columns in balance sheet left hand side is called liabilities and right hand side is called asset.
Accounting Interview Questions and Answers
204 Accounting Interview Questions and Answers