Audit Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your Audit interview with our extensive list of 42 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Audit to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Get the free PDF download to access all 42 questions and excel in your Audit interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.

42 Audit Questions and Answers:

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Audit Job Interview Questions and Answers
Audit Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: How to test evidence already collected by a reviewer?
comment in terms of appropriateness and sufficiency?

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2 :: What are intangible assets?

Intangible assets are those which we can't be seen like goodwill of the company.

3 :: What are tangible assets?

Tangible Assets are those assets which we can see or touch like fixed asset ,machinery,etc.

4 :: What is vouching?

Vouching is the process of checking for the existence an example for this is checking from the final record to the supporting document.

5 :: Who will audit an auditing firm?

One auditing firm can audit other auditing firm.

6 :: What is the mean of decommission Liability?

Decommission Liability is costs that a company expects to incur in the future when the plant is shut down.

7 :: What should the internal auditor?

Contact the board of directors or the audit committee. They should ensure the independence of internal auditing.

8 :: What is CARO 2004?

CARO means company audit report order 2004.It describes the matter on witch Statutory Auditors has to report in their Audit Report.

9 :: What is social audit?

social audit is performed to know the corporate social responsibility.

10 :: What is final audit?

Final audit is commenced when all account has been closed and final accounts is been prepared.

11 :: What is internal audit?

This is a review of operation carried out sometimes continuously specially assigned staff with in the client business.

12 :: What is external audit?

External audit is that which is critical review of the representation of the published financial statements it is compulsary for all company;s which are listed in the stock exchange.

13 :: What is non statutory audit?

This is the audit not specially required by law this scope of the audit will be outline by the contract between the auditor and the clients.

14 :: Do you know the different types of audits?

► Statutory Audit
► Non-statutory Audit
► External Audit
► Internal audit
► Final Audit
► social audit
► performance Audit

15 :: Do you know what are the reasons for getting audited?

It is requested by Audit committee or the Company's; shareholders. The main objective of modern Audit is to help the MGMT to achieve its various objectives by bringing a systematic approaches and evaluating the risks.

16 :: What is audit control procedure?

Audit control procedures are policies and procedures in addition to control environment, (altitude,awareness and actions of directors and management regarding the internal control system) which the management has established to achieve the entity specific objectives.the mix of type of controls implemented by the management will depend on the control objectives and the size of the entity.

17 :: What is the mean of statutory audit?

Attempt of a legally review of the accuracy of an entities financial records.

18 :: What is the purpose of meeting in Audit?

Providing key description on the type of audit to be taken place and to analyse the responsibilities during the field work as well as client to be aware of what is going to happen after the field work.

19 :: What is the mean of internal Audit?

Internal Audit is an audit, it is carried out either by a separate department within the bank or a firm of chartered accountant.

20 :: What are the basic principles of an internal audit controlsystem?

The basic principles of financial internal control are explained below:Financial and accounting operations must be separated that is the handling of cash and the recording of the movement thereof should be done by different persons. Responsibility for the performance of the job must be clearly stated so that there may be no room for doubt or confusion subsequently.

Too much confidence should not be pinned in one individual. Nearly all frauds have been committed by trusted officials or employees. It is interesting to note that frauds have occurred owing to their being trusted. Relation principle relating to transfer of an employee from one job to another should be the inflexible guiding rule. This is an effective safeguard against collusion and is recognized as an important canon of sound organization.

Mechanization of the work wherever feasible and practicable should be resorted to, mechanical devices such as cash register, recording time clocks, calculation machines should be introduced. A system of control accounts should elegantly be fitted in the book keeping system.

The work should be so arranged that work done by one employee should be properly checked by independent employee. Such continuous and constant checking goods moral control and the errors and the frauds cannot go undetected.

21 :: Whats are the importance of evaluating an internal audit department?

Significance of Internal Auditing:
Internal auditing refers to an assessment activity managed within a corporation as a check to the entity. Its main function is to monitor control within the corporation.
The task of internal auditing is determined by organization itself, and its goals differ from those of the external auditor who is appointed to report independently.

The depth and goals of internal auditing vary widely and depend on the volume and structure of the body and the requirements of its administration. Ordinarily, the importance of internal auditing can be seen by one or more of the following:
► Implementing and monitoring of sufficient internal control. That is the duty of management that demands proper attention on a permanent basis. Internal auditors are ordinarily assigned definite task by management for reviewing controls, monitoring their function and suggesting improvements for them.
► Inspection of monetary and operational information. This may include review of the means used to recognize, determine, categorize and report such information and definite inquiry into individual items as well as in depth testing of balances, transactions and procedures.
► Review of the economy, effectiveness and efficiency of operations including non-financial controls of the corporation.
► Review of fulfillment of laws, regulations and other external requirements and compliance with administration policies and commands.

22 :: What are the importance of internal audit to the organization?

An audit helps keep track of where the money is going and makes sure the money is going where it is supposed to and not in someone's pocket. An audit can also help a company know if it is losing or making more money.

23 :: How does the internal audit differ from an external audit?

Internal audit nothing but the checking the product that you produced.

External audit is checking your product by your customer.

Here it means you may not find mistakes in your processes but a third man who comes and check the system he may see some deviations in the system and give suggestions for the improvements of the system.

24 :: Explain the difference between internal audit and statutory audit?

An internal audit is one which is conducted by the internal auditors of the company. It is not mandatory for the company and the company just conducts it to keep a check on the operations of the company. On the other hand statutory audit is very important because it is by the external auditors and it is mandatory for all kinds of companies. Statutory audit is usually conducted for various purposes like tax regulatory requires it for taxation purposes.

25 :: What are the different advantages and disadvantages of internal audit?

Advantages of Internal Audit are following:
It is in-expensive.
No charted accounted is required to audit internally.
Errors will be removed before preparing financial statements.
There will not be any type of embarrassment in the society because errors have been removed.
Accounting staff will remain in pressure so record will remain update every time in the organization.
Disadvantages are following:
Internal audit is not acceptable by the shareholder.
There can be errors in internal audit because he is not an auditor.
And there are some more.
Audit Interview Questions and Answers
42 Audit Interview Questions and Answers