Enterprise Data Warehouse Interview Questions And Answers
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Refine your Enterprise Data Warehouse interview skills with our 13 critical questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Enterprise Data Warehouse to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Download the free PDF to have all 13 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.
13 Enterprise Data Warehouse Questions and Answers:
Enterprise Data Warehouse Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Explain What is the data type of the surrogate key?
When you add a relational or a flat file source definition to a mapping, you need to connect it to a Source Qualifier transformation. The Source Qualifier represents the rows that the Informatica Server reads when it executes a session.
Read More2 :: What a static and local variable?
Data type of the surrogate key is integer, numeric, or number.
Read More3 :: What is data type of the surrogate key?
There is no data type for a Surrogate Key. Requirement of a surrogate Key: UNIQUE Recommended data type of a Surrogate key is NUMERIC.
Read More4 :: Explain difference between view and materialized view?
View - store the SQL statement in the database and let you use it as a table. Every time you access the view, the SQL statement executes. Materialized view - stores the results of the SQL in table form in the database. SQL statement only executes once and after that every time you run the query, the stored result set is used. Pros include quick query results.
view : - View occupties memory to store query but not data.
Materilized view:- The view query results is stored in database knows as Materilized view.
Read Moreview : - View occupties memory to store query but not data.
Materilized view:- The view query results is stored in database knows as Materilized view.
5 :: Explain the main difference between Inmon and Kimball philosophies of data warehousing?
Both differed in the concept of building the data warehouse.According to Kimball, Kimball views data warehousing as a constituency of data marts. Data marts are focused on delivering business objectives for departments in the organization. And the data warehouse is a conformed dimension of the data marts. Hence, a unified view of the enterprise can be obtained from the dimension modeling on a local departmental level.Inmon beliefs in creating a data warehouse on a subject-by-subject area basis. Hence, the development of the data warehouse can start with data from the online store. Other subject areas can be added to the data warehouse as their needs arise. Point-of-sale (POS) data can be added later if management decides it is necessary.
Read More6 :: Why fact table is in a normal form?
The fact table consists of the Index keys of the dimension/look up tables and the measures. So whenever we have the keys in a table. That it implies that the table is in the normal form.
Read More7 :: Explain What are Fact, Dimension, and Measure?
Fact is key performance indicator to analyze the business. Dimension is used to analyze the fact. Without dimension there is no meaning for fact.
Read More8 :: Explain What is a cube in data warehousing concept?
Cubes are logical representation of multidimensional data. The edge of the cube contains dimension members and the body of the cube contains data values.
Read More9 :: Explain the different types of data warehousing?
Types of data warehousing are:
1. Enterprise Data warehousing
2. ODS (Operational Data Store)
3. Data Mart
Read More1. Enterprise Data warehousing
2. ODS (Operational Data Store)
3. Data Mart
10 :: What are the main steps to build the data warehouse?
Gathering business requirements>>Identifying Sources>>Identifying Facts>>Defining Dimensions>>Define Attributes>>Redefine Dimensions / Attributes>>Organize Attribute Hierarchy>>Define Relationship>>Assign Unique Identifiers
Read More11 :: What is a junk dimension? What is the difference between junk dimension and degenerated dimension?
Junk dimension: Grouping of Random flags and text attributes in a dimension and moving them to a separate sub dimension. Degenerate Dimension: Keeping the control information on Fact table ex: Consider a Dimension table with fields like order number and order line number and have 1:1 relationship with Fact table, In this case this dimension is removed and the order information will be directly stored in a Fact table in order eliminate unnecessary joins while retrieving order information.
Read More12 :: Explain the main differences between star and snowflake schema?
Star schema: A single fact table with N number of DimensionSnowflake schema: Any dimensions with extended dimensions are known as snowflake schema.
star schema: in this we have the centrally located fact tables surrounded by the number of dimensional tables where as in snow flake schema a denormalized dimensional table is subdivided into child dimensional tables
Read Morestar schema: in this we have the centrally located fact tables surrounded by the number of dimensional tables where as in snow flake schema a denormalized dimensional table is subdivided into child dimensional tables
13 :: Explain What is the advantages data mining over traditional approaches?
Data Mining is used for the estimation of future. For example, if we take a company/business organization, by using the concept of Data Mining, we can predict the future of business in terms of Revenue (or) Employees (or) Customers (or) Orders etc.Traditional approaches use simple algorithms for estimating the future. However, it does not give accurate results when compared to Data Mining.
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