Vital Driver Interview Preparation Guide
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Driver Job related Frequently Asked Questions in various Driver job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting

51 Driver Questions and Answers:

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Vital  Driver Job Interview Questions and Answers
Vital Driver Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is always a safe speed on motorways?

The speed limit is the absolute maximum and does not mean it is safe to drive at that speed irrespective of conditions. Driving at speeds too fast for the road and traffic conditions is dangerous. You should always reduce your speed when:
★ The road layout or condition presents hazards, such as bends
★ Sharing the road with pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders, particularly children, and motorcyclists
★ Weather conditions make it safer to do so
★ Driving at night as it is more difficult to see other road users.

2 :: Motorways must not be used by:

★ Pedestrians
★ Holders of provisional motorcycle or car licences
★ Riders of motorcycles under 50 cc
★ Cyclists
★ Horse riders
★ Certain slow-moving vehicles and those carrying oversized loads (except by special permission)
★ Agricultural vehicles
★ Powered wheelchairs/powered mobility scooters.

3 :: Which is an acceptable reason for not wearing seat belts?

You must wear a seat belt if one is fitted in the seat you are using. There are only a few exceptions.

You are not required to wear a seat belt if you are reversing your car or supervising a learner driver who is reversing. Exemptions are also allowed for the holders of medical exemption certificates and those making deliveries or collections in goods vehicles when travelling less than 50 metres.

4 :: Why should you increase your separation distance when following a large vehicle?

To see and be seen.
Large vehicles can block your view. Your ability to see and to plan ahead will be improved if you pull back to increase your separation distance.

8 :: A red line along the side of the road means:

Stopping is prohibited at certain times.

9 :: You are on a two-lane dual carriageway. For which of the following would you use the right-hand lane?

Overtaking slower traffic.

11 :: What does this signal mean?

Traffic may proceed in the direction of the arrow.

17 :: When taking a medicine prescribed by your doctor, who is responsible for deciding if you can drive or not?

You are responsible. It is a good idea to check the instructions or ask your doctor or pharmacist.

20 :: When should you use the two-second rule?

To keep a safe gap from the vehicle in front.