Operational Anatomy Interview Preparation Guide
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Anatomy Interview Questions and Answers will guide you that Anatomy is a branch of biology and Medicine which studies primarily the internal structure and design of the structure of living things. Anatomy is a general term that includes human anatomy, animal anatomy (zootomy) and plant anatomy (phytotomy). Learn basic and advance Anatomy concepts or get preparation of Anatomy jobs interview by our Anatomy Interview Questions and Answers Guide

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Operational  Anatomy Job Interview Questions and Answers
Operational Anatomy Job Interview Questions and Answers

5 :: To confirm his diagnosis, the student should check for absence of sensation in which part of his hand:

► a) Thumb
► b) Little Finger (pinkie)
► c) Index finger
► d) Middle finger

Answer - b

6 :: He also should check for specific signs of:

► a) Claw Hand
► b) Wrist Drop
► c) Ape Hand
► d) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Answer- a

7 :: Damage to this nerve normally occurs when injury is located at the:

► a) Lateral Epicondyle of the Humerus
► b) Anatomical Neck of the Humerus
► c) Surgical Neck of the Humerus
► d) Deltoid Tuberosity of the Humerus

Answer- c

10 :: He then concludes that the following nerve(s) to the muscle(s) must also be intact:

► a) Musculocutaneous
► b) Radial
► c) Ulnar
► d) Median
► e) Two of the above, both the Ulnar and Median Nerves must be intact

Answer- e

11 :: On further inspection, he notes an inability to flex the proximal interphalengeal joints of his four medial fingers. He concludes from the information that he has injured his:

► a) Palmaris Longus Muscle
► b) Flexor Carpi Radialis Muscle
► c) Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Muscle
► d) Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle
► e) Two of the above

Answer- c

13 :: The medial wall of the anatomical snuffbox consists of the tendon from:

► a) Extensor Pollicus Brevis
► b) Flexor Pollicus Longus
► c) Flexor Carpi Radialis
► d) Extensor Pollicus Longus
► e) Abductor Pollicus Longus

Answer- d

15 :: The five groups of lymph nodes in the axilla consist of all of the following except:

► a) Central Group
► b) Lateral Group and Central Group
► c) Pectoral Group
► d) Subscapular Group
► e) Cervicle Group

Answer- e

16 :: The thickened skin in one area of the patients right breast is most likely due:

► a) Necrotic Breast Tissue
► b) Swollen Glandular Tissue
► c) Blocked Lactiferous Duct
► d) Calcified Fat Lobule
► e) Interference with Lymphatic Drainage

Answer- e

17 :: The dimpling of the skin observed in the breast is probably due to:

► a) Necrotic Breast Tissue
► b) Shortened Cooper's Ligaments
► c) Interference with Lymphatic Drainage
► d) Blocked Lactiferous Duct
► e) Swollen Glandular Tissue

Answer- b

18 :: A structure composed of two or more tissues is termed:

► a) Organ
► b) Serous membrane
► c) Complex tissue
► d) Organ system

Answer - a

19 :: The visceral pleura:

► a) is the membrane lining surface of the lungs
► b) is the membrane lining the wall of the thoracic cavity
► c) is the fluid around the lungs
► d) is the thinnest portion of the peritoneum

Answer - a

20 :: The anatomical position is characterized by all of the following except:

► a) Palms facing posterior
► b) Thumbs pointing laterally
► c) Face pointing anteriorly
► d) Body standing upright

Answer - a

21 :: Which of the following lies fully ipsilateral to the left iliac region?

► a) Epigastric region
► b) Left hypochondiac region
► c) Right inguinal region
► d) Hypogastric region

Answer - b

22 :: The "basic unit of life" is:

► a) The atom
► b) Water
► c) The cell
► d) The chemical level of organization

Answer - c

23 :: A homeostatic imbalance:

► a) Must be restored by negative feedback mechanisms
► b) Is considered the cause of most diseases
► c) Is when the internal conditions of the body become more stable
► d) Only occur when positive feedback mechanisms are overwhelmed

Answer - b

24 :: Which of the following is not a characteristic of life?

► a) Growth
► b) Responsiveness
► c) Reproduction
► d) Organ systems

Answer - d

25 :: The sum of all chemical reactions in the body is termed:

► a) Homeostasis
► b) Physiology
► c) Dynamic feedback
► d) Metabolism

Answer - d
Anatomy Interview Questions and Answers
32 Anatomy Interview Questions and Answers