Hardest Children's Nanny Interview Preparation Guide
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Children’s activities job test questions and answers guide. The one who provides the best answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the job hunting race. Learn nannies activities and get preparation for the new job

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Hardest  Children Nanny Job Interview Questions and Answers
Hardest Children Nanny Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Who is governess?

A governess, in contrast to a nanny, concentrates on teaching and training children.

2 :: Who is childminder?

A childminder cares for the child in the childminder's home. Depending on the country they live in, government registration may or may not be required.

3 :: If given this job of nanny, when will you be available?

I understand this is a full time job, and I am willing to stick to those requirements. Sometimes I could be on leave, but I understand I might be needed at any time.

4 :: What have your past mistakes?

For all my three previous jobs, I enjoyed dealing with the children and interacting with their families and relatives. I have had the normal issues of work, but have managed to remain focused on ensuring I give quality results. I have had problems dealing with some extended family members but I this has helped improve my listening skills.

5 :: As nanny what do others say about you?

My last employer says I am passionate about the young ones, especially when it comes to proper diet. I could provide more detailed feedback if needed.

6 :: Tell me about any of your weaknesses?

My last jobs were demanding and engaging, but I failed to enhance my interpersonal skills. I would like to have an opportunity of interacting and speaking more with people or groups of people.

7 :: Do you have any health problems?

A personal question, yes, but since you'll be leaving your baby alone with her, you have a right to know if she suffers from asthma attacks, debilitating migraines, seizures, or anything else that could make caring for your child harder (or dangerous).

8 :: Tell me can you stay a little later if I'm caught at work?

If this happens often with your job, it's important to know if the applicant is flexible about staying an extra hour or two. If she has evening obligations - say, a child of her own or nighttime classes - she's probably not a good nanny for you.

9 :: Explain what are your personal child-rearing philosophies?

It is important for your answer to demonstrate a respect for the family's child raising beliefs and values and the ability to be flexible in your child care approach according to this. A rigid personal philosophy can only lead to problems. Focus on how you are constantly learning about child-rearing.

10 :: What are the major challenges of a nanny job?

Probably the biggest challenge in your average nanny job is having to adapt to different people with different needs and requirements in new environments.
The ability to form a bond and develop trust with diverse people is essential. This includes having to care for children that all respond differently. Learning how to deal with each child and parent in the most effective way possible for their individual personalities is a definite challenge.

11 :: Tell me why do you think you are well suited to this nanny job?

Expect nanny interview questions that explore why you think you are the right nanny job candidate. Each family has different requirements and expectations. A good match is what the employer is looking for.
There are some qualities that all families look for in a nanny. These include trustworthiness, reliability, flexibility, ability to work independently, adaptability, common sense, compassion, understanding and patience and good communication skills.
Go beyond this and look at the particular nanny job you are interviewing for. Does it require you to look after a number of children? Then point out your ability to multitask and organize successfully. The job may require a lot of physical interaction with the children, refer to your energy and enthusiasm for sports.

12 :: Tell me what sort of activities did you do with the children in your care?

List the activities and then expand on why you chose these particular activities and how the children responded to them.

13 :: Explain what did you dislike about your previous nanny job?

Avoid bad mouthing previous employers. Focus on issues with the position itself such as very long hours. Describe problems in an objective way such as a lack of communication, misunderstanding of expectations or poor parental reinforcement. Describe what you have learned from the experience.

14 :: What did you most enjoy about your previous nanny jobs?

Your answer should focus on your relationships with the children and family and the rewards inherent in that. The children are the reason you are there and children are why you chose to be a nanny! Provide specific examples of the success and rewards of the relationship.

15 :: What do you consider to be the qualities in nanny that children like and respond to in you?

Refer to qualities such as your genuine interest in and love for children, high levels of energy, creativity, nurturing, sensitivity to the varying needs and demands of children, a good sense of humor, patience and understanding and your ability to communicate appropriately with different ages.
Provide examples to support your interview answer from your previous nanny jobs such as creative projects you did together, the sports you played with the children, your patience in teaching the child a new skill.

16 :: What is the most important aspect of a nanny job?

Each family and nanny job is different but use your experience to formulate a good answer to these sort of nanny interview questions. Start by saying,"My experience as a nanny has shown me that there are a number of essential aspects......".
Refer to aspects such as developing a sense of trust, showing understanding and patience, respecting the family, forming a bond, consistently promoting the child's development and well being and showing high standards of professional conduct with the family.

17 :: What childcare qualifications you have?

Other than formal qualifications most parents are looking for a nanny with successful experience in childcare. Even if you do not have actual formal nanny experience, parents may be keen to hire you if you have significant childcare experience, either in your own family, or at a previous job where you worked with children such as a teacher or daycare employee.
It is important to demonstrate your knowledge and interest in child development and your understanding of child behavior

18 :: Tell me why did you choose to become a nanny?

Your answer to these type of nanny interview questions should show a sincere love and interest of children. Your commitment is essential to an employer.
List what you find rewarding about being a nanny - the fun you have with the children, the opportunity to be imaginative and creative, the variety offered by the job, helping children grow, explore and learn about life, the positive responses and appreciation you receive from a child.

19 :: We like to know what is your understanding of allergy management?

This was a part of my training as a first aid officer just before I took my first nanny job. I have applied this knowledge in my previous jobs.

20 :: Tell me would you reveal a secret with a kid?

I understand that the privacy of the kid is undoubtedly important. However, it is better and fairer for the parent to know everything about their child.

21 :: Tell me what you say about children playing and interacting with others?

Socialization is vital for a growing child, just as it is for a grown up. I allow them to interact but monitor such relationships closely.

22 :: Do you have any idea working with children who are difficult to handle?

It is true some kids can be troublesome than others. In most cases, it is about their personalities, and I am able to handle each case individually.

23 :: Suppose the job is contractual, with a possible renewal after 2 months?

I have no problem working temporarily as I have shown in the past. The experience I gain is highly valuable plus I believe there will still be opportunities to work with you.

24 :: Tell me are you ready for a salary cut?

My last job used to earn me $10 an hour and I understand this is just above the minimum wage for this position. While I would like to improve on this salary, I am ready for negotiations.

25 :: Tell me how to do deal with a stressful job environment?

The truth is that everybody faces stress in one way or another. The difference is how we handle it. When dealing with children, I try as much as possible to control my emotions.
Children Nanny Interview Questions and Answers
39 Children Nanny Interview Questions and Answers