Barista Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your Barista interview with our extensive list of 46 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Barista interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Access the free PDF to get all 46 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Barista interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

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Barista Job Interview Questions and Answers
Barista Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell me have you ever worked in a fast manner?

Yes- it is important to be thorough while being efficient. I do not want to make a beverage for some one that I know is not up to par because I cut corners, but I also want to promptly serve the customer. Running through each step with speed and quality is essential.

2 :: Tell me what do you like about coffee?

love everything about coffee. Each cup tastes differently. It is an art to prepare a good coffee. It fascinates me how many variations of coffee one can drink. There is always something new to discover with coffee.

3 :: Tell me do you like coffee? What are your favorite brews?

I love it. Every morning it wakes up me and my mother by smelling and tasting. My favourite taste is Bremmen, especially espresso. As for coffee brewers, I personally prefer the grind and brew types though I am comfortable in working with any other types.

4 :: Do you know what is a macchiato?

Traditionally, a macchiato is espresso marked with a small amount of foam. Many places now, it's a short cappucino, foam poured in allowing art. At Starbucks this is specifically a cafe macchiato, but the popular caramel macchiato is an upside down vanilla latte drizzled with caramel.

5 :: Tell me have you ever worked in a coffee shop before?

No i have not, but i have worked in the beauty industry for 8 yrs. servicing people and making sure the end result of their service leaves them wanting to come back, so i can relate to working in a coffee shop.

6 :: Tell us would you give someone you knew a free coffee?

No I would not give someone I know a free coffee. It is not my business and I cannot go giving out things for free off my own accord. The only reason I would give out a free coffee is if I had made a mistake and my manager asked me to provide a free coffee to a customer.

7 :: Suppose you were late for a shift what would you do?

I have never been late to school or to work. I understand that my absence can cause problems for other colleagues. That's why I always prefer to come to work thirty minutes before and not risk coming exactly on time, to risk traffic jams or other unexpected things. However, if something extraordinary happened, I would notify my manager as soon as possible and kindly ask him to find a replacement for me, or to somehow organize the work of other partners until I arrive. I would apologize to all my colleagues upon my arrival and start working.

8 :: Do you have any questions for me then you can ask?

Always have some questions prepared. Questions prepared where you will be an asset to the organization are good. How soon will I be able to be productive? And what type of projects will I be able to assist on? Are examples.

9 :: Explain why do you want to work with us?

Your cafe has always been my favorite when it comes to coffee beverages. Having a high taste for coffee based products, I don't easily like any coffee place and usually prefer to brew my coffee at home, but here, the coffee served to me always tasted like it was made by me, and I enjoyed it. It will be a great pleasure for me to work for you with the intention of increasing your efficiency and client base while maximizing your revenue.

10 :: Explain me about a time when you gave exceptional customer service?

When I volunteered at Cornwall Church, I was asked to serve pizza and drinks at one of the services. During that time, I tried my best to be gracious to every customer. When they'd ask what we had, I'd go all out and not only tell them what we had but what my favorite was and stuff like that. When they'd ask me where things were, I'd not only tell them but I would show them.

11 :: Tell me what kind of salary do you need as Barista?

A loaded question. This is a nasty little game that you will probably lose if you answer first. So, do not answer it. Instead, say something like, That's a tough question. Can you tell me the range for this position?

In most cases, the interviewer, taken off guard, will tell you. If not, say that it can depend on the details of the job. Then give a wide range.

12 :: Suppose a customer said they wanted a double double, what are they referring too?

Double double is a canadian term means a coffee two milk or cream and two sugar.

13 :: Tell me how will you maintain focus amidst the monotony of making and remaking coffee throughout the day?

Well, you say it is a monotonous task, but not so for a person like me who has a passion for coffee. I believe in customized coffee making and each cup I brew is a new piece of art as far as my expertise is concerned. My focus is automatically refreshed with each new cup.

14 :: Tell me would you be upset if a customer orders three drinks and leaves no tip?

No, it is a customers choice to leave a tip or not, if he or she would like to leave a tip , thatd be great but if they were unsatisfied with service they have all rights to leave no tip.

15 :: Explain one instance when you had to work under great stress. How did you manage?

During work at the previous café, it so happened once that we ran out of high quality coffee beans. I handled the situation by remaining calm and by extensive praising and promotion of the regular bean we had to use that day.

16 :: Why did you leave your last job as Barista?

Stay positive regardless of the circumstances. Never refer to a major problem with management and never speak ill of supervisors, co-workers or the organization. If you do, you will be the one looking bad. Keep smiling and talk about leaving for a positive reason such as an opportunity, a chance to do something special or other forward-looking reasons.

17 :: Tell me when were you not able to help a customer be completely satisfied?

During my retail experience, part of my job as layby attendent was to make customers fully aware of the terms and conditions of layby, and hope my coworkers did the same also. In one situation, a customer returned months after her completion date of her layby (which had been store cancelled) and wanted a full refund. I was not able to give her a full refund (due to cancellation fees), but apologised immensely and helped her collect the items that were on layby again from around the store and finishing her purchase at checkouts.

18 :: Explain what is your favorite coffee? How do you like it brewed? What technique do you like the most?

My personal favorite is Arabica and in technique I'm addicted to espresso. As for coffee brewers, I personally prefer the grind and brew types though I am comfortable in working with any other types.

19 :: Explain me a time when you gave or received great customer service?

During my brief stint at Pier 1, a woman came in with her three children and demanded pomegranate-scented candles. I politely explained to her that we were out, and referred her to the 73 other types of candles we had available. Unsatisfied, the customer brandished her coupon book and vocalized that if I don't get her the pomegranate-scented candles promised on our website, she would call my manager and see to it that I was immediately laid off. As she explained this, her children improvised a game of tackle football in the artisan pottery aisle that I had so carefully arranged just moments earlier. I enlisted a co-worker to attend to the woman while I ran to the adjacent Whole Foods, purchased a ripe pomegranate, crushed it with my bare hands, and used the extract to disguise an otherwise unscented candle. Simultaneously, I restrained the children with our brand-new Splendid Relaxation Mist, as patented by local catnip manufacturers, thereby saving both the pottery and the well-being of our other customers. Needless to say, the angry woman bought both the candles and the mist and even gave me a recommendation for a promotion because I am always willing to go the extra mile to ensure a customer's satisfaction, even if that mile is fraught with swampland and man-eating crocodiles. TC mark

20 :: Tell me how do you make a latte?

For me..1-3 shot of espresso in small, medium,and large with 0ne cm. foam on the top. it must be this drinks are light coffee and more milk added.

21 :: General Barista Job Interview Questions:

☛ Are you good at multi tasking?
☛ Discuss a time where you had to solve or make a quick decision?
☛ What processes do you complete to ensure your barista area is clean?
☛ Has your boss ever asked you to do something that you didn't want to do?
☛ What would you do in an emergency situation eg fire?
☛ What makes you stand out against the other job applicants?
☛ This position requires early starts can you maintain this?
☛ What made you want to become a barista?
☛ What espresso machines have you worked with?
☛ What is your work availability?
☛ Would you complete further training in the coffee industry?
☛ Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
☛ What is the difference between a latte and cappuccino?
☛ What would you do if you saw your fellow employee take money from the register?
☛ If you were late for a shift what would you do?
☛ What would your former employer say about you?
☛ When are you able to start?
☛ Why did you leave your last job?
☛ What kind of salary do you want?
☛ Do you have any questions for me?
☛ What is a mistake you have learned from?
☛ How can you be a successful barista?
☛ Tell me about yourself?

22 :: Fresh Barista Job Interview Questions:

☛ Why do you think you have the skills to suit this role?
☛ What do you know about (coffee shop name) and the role we are looking for?
☛ Can you name 3 other products we sell?
☛ How do you think you cope under pressure?
☛ Are you good at taking praise from others?
☛ How would you provide top quality customer service? What lengths would you go to?
☛ How can you increase the sales of starbucks?
☛ Why do you want to work for us?
☛ If you were an object what object would you be and why
☛ Are you a team player?
☛ Do you prefer to work alone or with others?
☛ Can you work a flexible schedule?Tell me about a time you went out of your way to help a customer?
☛ Can you share an example of how you handled a difficult customer?What if the customer is wrong?
☛ What makes you a good fit for the position?
☛ Why should we hire you?
☛ Why Starbucks, Nero etc? (whichever the company you are applying for)
☛ Why are you best candidate for this job?

23 :: Professional Barista Job Interview Questions:

☛ Tell about yourself and why you think you are successful barista?
☛ Why do you like to work as barista?
☛ What could you do not like to work as barista?
☛ What are your future steps after experience you'll gain from your barista job?
☛ As barista, what training courses or extra education that you think will improve your work performance?
☛ What salary do you expect you'll get from being barista employee?

24 :: Example Barista Job Interview Questions:

☛ What are the main job duties and responsibilities of barista employee?
☛ What are the skills required for barista employee in order to success in his work?
☛ Describe the abilities you have in order to work with us as barista?
☛ What are the knowledge elements you obtained from your education, training and work experience would support your barista career?
☛ How would you describe (needed barista or your) work style?

25 :: Basic Barista Job Interview Questions:

☛ Why would you like to work for us?
☛ What would you do if a customer wasn't happy with a coffee you made them?
☛ Describe an experience when you felt stressed? How did you manage?
☛ How will you remain focused each day with the monotony of making coffee?
☛ Do you have a favourite coffee drink?
☛ Explain a time when you provided excellent customer service?
☛ If you served a friend would you give them a free coffee?
☛ What are your favourite coffee techniques you use?
☛ Has there been a time when a customer was not satisfied?
☛ Can you tell me what a Breve is?
☛ Have you positively influenced someone in your life before?
☛ How do you define excellent customer service?
☛ Do you have a good memory, can you memorise a list of ordered items?
☛ When a customer orders a double double, what does this mean?
☛ Are you able to work in a fast paced environment?
☛ Can you name some coffee milk alternatives?
☛ Would you be disappointed if a customer didn't leave a tip?
☛ How would you make a latte?
☛ Why do you like to work in a cafe or coffee shop?
☛ What did you like most about your barista course that you completed?
☛ Do you have a problem with working weekends?
☛ Explain a situation where you worked well in a team?
Barista Interview Questions and Answers
46 Barista Interview Questions and Answers