Restaurant Manager Interview Questions And Answers
Strengthen your Restaurant Manager interview skills with our collection of 90 important questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Restaurant Manager. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Download the free PDF to have all 90 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.
90 Restaurant Manager Questions and Answers:
Restaurant Manager Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Explain me a situation where a customer was upset and you handled the situation?
A customer had found a hair in her food, after apologizing for the event I assured her that all necessary precautions have been taken and that this incident will be look into more intensely, I showed her that all our staff wear the required gear and take the needed precautions, I replaced her meal and offered a discount for a future date at the restaurant. She left satisfied - I addressed the problem immediately, took care of her needs and showed her that the problems is not one that happens often and will be dealt with even more care in the future.
Read More2 :: Explain me what is your greatest strength?
I am an extremely hard working and quick leaning person. I have got good communication skills. I have got similar working experience. I can easily adapt with d change in working culture. I have team work spirit.
Read More3 :: Tell me do you enjoy talking to customers?
I do not have any problems speaking with customers when the need arises. I am excellent communicator and likeable.
Read More4 :: Explain what are your goals for my restaurant?
I would like to contribute to making the restaurant one of the most talked about restaurants that gives great customer care, great food and drinks, with a friendly family atmosphere, take control of profit margins, and help to develop team members.
Read More5 :: Explain what are your experiences with hiring a staff?
I have a strong ability to hire, I had the opportunity to open brand new store locations, on two different occasions,with the responsibility having to hire the entire staff.
Read More6 :: Tell me what is your main weakness that you'd like to improve upon as a manager?
I am a perfectionist and tend to want to do things myself but I have continously learnt to delegate because that is the only way to make my employee better and have a good succession plan.
Read More7 :: Tell me what are the key tasks for restaurant supervisor?
Restaurant supervisors provide leadership to restaurant staff. They create and disseminate schedules and duties, oversee food preparation activities, control inventories of food and equipment, recommend measures to improve work procedures and ensure that customers have a good dining experience.
Read More8 :: Explain what irritates you about co-employees?
There is just one thing i.e. Inefficiency.
Read More9 :: Tell me how do you apply ISO 9001 to your job?
ISO 9001 is a quality management system which is aimed at improving the operations of a business. In a restaurant environment, the system lays out requirements that are necessary to run a restaurant in terms of operational stability, quality of food and personal hygiene of food service workers.
Read More10 :: Explain do you have experience hiring and/or firing personnel?
If you do, don't hesitate to give examples of firing people, as long as you explain your decision clearly and confidently. Further, explain you decision process on hiring new employees. Be specific and confident about your past decisions on employee hiring, professional development, and retention.
Read More11 :: Explain a typical work week for a food management position?
Employers expect a supervisor candidate to discuss what they do and how they do it in detail. Before the interview, you'll want to be well-versed in the duties that will be required of you. Talk with a colleague or reflect on your own previous positions that relate to the desired job and make note of all the key details. The more you can connect past experiences and know-how with the current job opening, the more successful you'll be at answering questions related to this topic. Good topics to cover include showcasing how you're organized and timely.
Read More12 :: Tell us why do you think that the position of an assistant manager is important for the company?
Be confident answering in the affirmative. The assistant manager's role is exciting and challenging as you work closely with an executive of the company. It is a job that is all about management and applying management skills. The assistant manager often communicates with staff, managers, and customers, and directly oversees customer service. Assistant managers play an important part in ensuring profit and a good name for the organization.
Read More13 :: Tell me which thing is more important - money or work?
Money is important to survive but the work is even more important. Work makes us what we are. Money comes later.
Read More14 :: Why did you leave your last job as Restaurant Manager?
I was looking for a little more challenge. While I loved my work immensely, I believe that I have a lot more to offer to a bigger concern.
Read More15 :: Explain how well do you get to know the customers that visit your establishment?
I am a very observant and attentive person. After observing customers for a while, I try to create a rapport by studying their preferred products and using that to strike a conversation.
Read More16 :: Tell me what experiences do you have in the Restaurant field?
I have almost 10 years experience working in the field. It includes working in fine dining, exclusive private events, corporate setting, steak house and casual dining.
Read More17 :: Tell us what questions do you have for us?
What is the top priority for the person in this position over the next three months? What qualities have previous managers had that helped them succeed in this position?
Read More18 :: Tell me what are some ways you deal with customer complaints?
Do you have any specific examples? When you work in a restaurant, it is important to have positive customer feedback. This ensures that people keep coming back, and it is also a great way to get referrals. In the event of a customer complaint, it is important to take quick action so the problem does not escalate. Sometimes the interviewer may provide a hypothetical situation for you to resolve. Make sure to discuss what you would do to rectify the problem and provide examples from the past.
Read More19 :: Explain what makes you the best candidate for this position?
Well, its passion for me being as hospitality member, I am enjoying my job, my experience make me more confident, i have positive attitude, I have done best job in present company, achieved all the goal in my previous company.
Read More20 :: Explain me about the last restaurant you worked at?
It was an ice lounge which was totally freezing temperature, where we use to serve piping hot food and hot drinks, it was of 90 covers, fine dining.
Read More21 :: Tell me how extensive is your wine knowledge?
I cannot say I have a very extensive knowledge of wine, however my parents used to make their own wine and I know of many wine consumers who would be willing to expand my knowledge.
Read More22 :: Explain me what is your greatest weakness and what are you doing to improve it?
I missed a bite about high technology system but I am not shame to ask help to know how to use it, usually I need to see once or a list twice the programation until know it perfectly.
Read More23 :: Explain how you would be a resource for our restaurant?
I am tenacious, resourceful and know the restaurant business inside out. I also have vast experience in leading and training restaurant staff and I am positive that this experience will be a great contribution.
Read More24 :: Tell me in your life, what experiences have been most important to you that related to restaurant supervisor?
Working as a restaurant supervisor means that you meet new people every day. And meeting new people from different walks of life is a great experience.
Read More25 :: Explain me what challenges are you looking for in this position?
Employers are just as reserved about hiring people who are overqualified as they are about hiring those who are underqualified. You'll want to come across as being competent to hold the job, but also how it will provide an exciting challenge for you. Discuss how you would effectively use your skills and experience, and how you are motivated by challenges. Be prepared to give specific examples of personal and employer-given goals you have met and exceeded in the past.
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