Technical Support Interview Questions And Answers
Strengthen your Technical Support interview skills with our collection of 11 important questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Technical Support expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Get the free PDF download to access all 11 questions and excel in your Technical Support interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.
11 Technical Support Questions and Answers:
Technical Support Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Tell me about your basic technical experience and qualifications?
You can consider this question as an ice breaker. You will find yourself facing this question in almost all the interviews for this position. An effective answer to this question will summarize your basic technical qualification along with some information about the technologies and products you have worked on. Here, you can go on to talk about any revolutionary or recent technology you have worked on. For e.g. "I have completed by BE - Electronics with 78% marks and have a 2 years experience of working in the industry of security softwares. I have the privilege of working in the team which developed and supported the revolutionary Winsock Layer technology". The trick is to put the full stop at the right place to provoke the desired next question. With this answers, you can immediately expect a questions "What is Winsock Layer Technology?"
Read More2 :: What have you learned from mistakes on technical support job?
Everyone who works commits mistake. You don't lose if you have also made some mistakes at work. However, it is more important to learn a lesson from it and never repeat the same mistake. To answer this question you can talk about some mistake you did and focus on what you learnt from it and that you never repeated it.
Read More3 :: What have you done to improve your technical support knowledge in the last year?
Agility is the key to growth. Every person must do some activities to sharpen his axe. Talk about the books you read, training sessions/ conferences you attended, discussions you had with the team members as an answer to this question.
Read More4 :: What do you know about our products and company?
The purpose of this question is to check your level of interest and preparation for the position. Read the job advertisement carefully and go through their website to get some basic information about them. You are not expected to know in and out of the product or the company but exhibiting a basic knowledge can take you a long way ahead in comparison to other candidates.
Read More5 :: What technical skills do you possess that would benefit our company?
You must do some home work to answer this question effectively. Dig out the information about some products and technologies on which they work, match them with your skills set and prepare an effective answer. Company's website and job notification can be a good source for this information. To answer this question, you can say something like - "I see that your company sells security softwares for mail servers. I have a good knowledge of various mail servers, their performance and the security loop holes in them. This will help me in providing effective and efficient support to both the customers facing technical issues with your product as well those wanting to buy a new product."
Read More6 :: Have you used any of our products or similar products/competitors?
If you have used the company's product or a product of the competitor, it does give you an advantage as you would have a basic idea about the functionalities. However, if you have not used any such product, don't worry. If you have the ability to grab things quickly and pick up the technology fast, you can prove yourself to be a potential candidate. For example, you can say something like this, "I am afraid, I haven't used your's or competitor's products first hand. However, I have seen others using them. Once I get hold of a product, I have an ability to uderstand the features quickly and I am quick at grabbing new technologies. So, I don't think it will pose any problem for me."
Read More7 :: Would you say that you are hands-on type of person?
One of the most important qualities required in a person handling any support position is his ability to be available immediately as the requirement arises. So, the only answer to this question is "YES". Develop an attitude of being available whenever you are required.
Read More8 :: What is your expected period for an average call?
You are expected to solve a problem as quickly as possible. However, solving the problem to customer's satisfaction is the key here. Your answer to this question demostrates your problem solving abilities, communication skills, technical knowledge and interest in customer satisfaction. You can say something like: "The time to resolve a problem depends on the level of its intensity. However, I have experienced that most of the customers face similar type of problems. With an ability to analyse the problem quickly and a ready answer, we can expect to close the call in 2-3 minutes (or whatever time you have experienced). As a technical support person, my focus has always been on both efficiency and effectiveness. Customer satisfaction is the key for me"
Read More9 :: Would you be willing to take training or classes to improve your technical skills?
Every new product has some new features. If the product you are going to take up is entirely new you will need more training to handle it. Say "YES" if they are offering you to take a training before you get started.
Read More10 :: What steps do you take for solving a technical problem?
This question demostrates familiarity with the technical support process. Your answer to it also enables the interviewer to arrange for your training, if you are hired.
List down the major steps you take in solving a problem and say that you understand that every company has a different set of procedures, which are you open to learn quickly and adapt to.
Read MoreList down the major steps you take in solving a problem and say that you understand that every company has a different set of procedures, which are you open to learn quickly and adapt to.
11 :: What tools are most helpful to you when trouble shooting and solving a problem?
Experience, knowledge, manuals, team members are some of the tools that come handy while trouble shooting. However, don't exhibit support from team members as your primary tool as you are expected to deal with a customer independently most of the times.
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