Fresh Recruiting Coordinator Interview Preparation Guide
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Recruiting Coordinator related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Recruiting Coordinator. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

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Fresh  Recruiting Coordinator Job Interview Questions and Answers
Fresh Recruiting Coordinator Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain me what is attitudinal restructuring?

This type of bargaining mainly aims at developing a change in the attitude of the management and the employees. The purpose is to reduce the bitterness and develop a congenial atmosphere.

2 :: What is procedural agreements?

They usually deal with the relationship between employees and employers to resolve individual and group issues. These are usually filed in the company’s rule book.

3 :: Explain me integrative bargaining?

Also termed as co-operative bargaining, this form of bargaining is for overall improvement in the working of the organization. No party looses here, so, the level of co-operation is more.

4 :: Explain me what do you mean by Industrial dispute?

Industrial dispute can be defined as conflict between management and workers regarding payments or conditions related to work.

5 :: What is substantive agreements?

This kind of an agreement deals with specific issues like basic pay, leave policy, bonus payment etc.

6 :: Explain me what is intra-organizational bargaining?

This kind of bargaining aims at achieving the consensus within the trade union and management group.

7 :: Explain me what is distributive bargaining?

Also termed as conjunctive bargaining, this form of bargaining aims at re-distribution of benefits between the management and the group of workers. In this form of bargaining, one group gains while the other looses something.

8 :: Tell us how long has the position been open?

This is a great question to ask recruiters because it will give you a sense of how the search has been going, how many candidates are in the company’s pipeline, etc.

If a position has been open for a year, it’s tipping you off to the fact that the hiring manager is either extremely picky, or nobody wants the job.

This is usually a red flag either way. It could also mean that the hiring manager doesn’t really know what he/she is looking for and keeps changing the requirements.

9 :: What is fraternal functions?

These functions are carried out by the trade unions for the welfare of their employees which includes:

☛ a.) Measures to boost up the workers’ morale
☛ b.) Foster self confidence
☛ c.) Develop sincerity and discipline
☛ d.) Protection to women workers against discrimination

10 :: Tell me what are the 3 or 4 most important skills?

This information should be used to assess whether or not the job will be a good fit for you.

If you decide it’s potentially a good fit, use the information provided to customize a resume before sending it (if you haven’ t submitted a resume already).

You should also use this information to prepare some talking points or questions before your interview.

11 :: Do you know the functions performed by trade unions?

The functions performed by trade unions can be classified into two groups:

i.) Militant Functions
ii.) Fraternal Functions

12 :: Explain me what are the main causes of Industrial dispute?

Following are the main causes of industrial dispute:

☛ i.) Wages/ Allowance/ Bonus/ Work Load
☛ ii.) Leave/ Working hours/ Work conditions
☛ iii.) Retrenchment/ Lay offs
☛ iv.) Indiscipline/ Violence

13 :: What is militant functions?

These activities include strike, lock outs, gherao etc which means putting up a fight with the management. Hence, they are called militant functions. They are carried out for following purposes:

☛ a.) Rise in wages
☛ b.) Rise in the status of workers
☛ c.) Protection against injustice

14 :: Explain me which major factors motivate employees to join trade union?

The major factors which motivate the employees to join trade union are:

☛ i.) Increase in bargaining power
☛ ii.) Lesser discrimination
☛ iii.) Higher sense of security and belongingness
☛ iv.) Stage for self expression
☛ v.) Ability to participate in management activities giving a sense of involvement

15 :: Tell us the three levels at which collective bargaining works?

The three levels at which collective bargaining works are:

☛ i.) National level
☛ ii.) Sector/ Industry level
☛ iii.) Company level

16 :: Tell us how long have you been recruiting in this industry?

Listen to find out if they have substantial experience as a recruiter, and in this industry. Or are they new and relatively inexperienced (and therefore less knowledgeable and less likely to get you hired).

17 :: Tell us do you have any career goals in the human resources industry?

I enjoy recruitment because it allows me to play a front line role in picking out the team of people I work with. I think the people that you work with are really important when it comes to any job. That being said, I would like to continue working in this industry and eventually gain enough experience to become a human resources manager. The reason for this is that I really care about making a job experience the best possible scenario for all workers involved. That’s why I got involved in human resources in the first place.

18 :: Explain me is this position a backfill or newly created?

It’s nice to know if a position was previously held by somebody else or if it was newly created within the organization, so this is one of the best questions to ask a recruiter.

There’s no right or wrong answer to listen for here, but knowing this type of information is helpful in understanding the big picture.

If this is a backfill, you can follow up by asking what happened to the person that previously held the job. Maybe they were promoted, left the company, transitioned into a new group, etc.

19 :: Explain me what is your approach to ensuring compliance with clinical regulation?

Candidates should describe, in detail, the methods they take to ensure that they comply with industry, research and ethical regulations. Look for a methodical approach to compliance.

20 :: Explain me what are some reasons that other candidates haven’t been selected?

This is an essential question to ask recruiters because the hiring manager might not tell you this information later in the process.

This can help identify some potential mistakes that candidates have exhibited, whether it’s on a resume or during an interview.

21 :: Tell us some central trade union organizations existing in India?

Some of the central trade unions in India are:

☛ i.) AITUC - All India Trade Union Congress
☛ ii.) BMS - Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh
☛ iii.) CITU - Centre of Indian Trade Unions
☛ iv.) HMKP - Hind Mazdoor Kisan Panchayat
☛ v.) HMS - Hind Mazdoor Sabha
☛ vi.) IFFTU - Indian Federation of Free Trade Unions
☛ vii.) INTUC - Indian National Trade Union Congress
☛ viii.) NFITU - National Front of Indian Trade Unions
☛ ix.) NLO - National Labour Organization
☛ x.) TUCC - Trade Unions Co-ordination Centre
☛ xi.) UTUC - United Trade Union Congress
☛ xii.) UTUC - LS - United Trade Union Congress - Lenin Sarani

22 :: Tell us how do you keep abreast of developments in the field of clinical research?

Candidates should list reading medical literature and attending conferences as their means of staying informed.

23 :: Tell us how often do you communicate with this hiring manager?

This is similar to the question above. Asking recruiters this question will tell you even more information about how closely they work with this company, and therefore how much they can influence the process and help you get the job!

You’ll want to listen for clues about how often, and how they communicate.

For example, do they have the hiring manager on instant messenger? Or do they exchange one email per month and barely know each other?

24 :: Explain me what are the characteristic features of collective bargaining?

The main features of collective bargaining are:

☛ It is a group process involving at least two parties.
☛ It is a process of negotiations through mutual discussions and compromise.
☛ It is a formal process in which employers and formal trade unions participate for discussions.
☛ It is a flexible process consisting of various steps.
☛ The process works on the basis of mutual trust and understanding between the two parties.
☛ It is a complementary process where each party has something to offer to each other.
☛ It is a constructive ongoing process.

25 :: Explain me what is the importance of collective bargaining to employees and employers?

Importance of collective bargaining to employees:

☛ It increases the strength of employees as a group.
☛ It helps in boosting their self respect and level of motivation
☛ It increases their sense of responsibility
☛ It helps in reaching a quick and fair settlement for employee’s issues.

Importance of collective bargaining to employers:
☛ It’s easier for management to deal with group issues rather than individual issues
☛ It leads to an increase in the level of trust among employees and employers benefiting the overall business
☛ Reduces absenteeism and labour turnover which increase productivity and reduces the cost and wastage
☛ It helps in settling the issues at an initial level before they turn into disputes
Recruiting Coordinator Interview Questions and Answers
55 Recruiting Coordinator Interview Questions and Answers