Rational TestSuite Interview Questions And Answers
Elevate your Rational TestSuite interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 16 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Rational TestSuite interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Download the free PDF now to get all 16 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your Rational TestSuite interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.
16 Rational TestSuite Questions and Answers:
Rational TestSuite Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: What is user defined data type?
user must create the datatype if none of the standard data
types contains the kind of values that user want to supply.
for example user need a database column named COLOR & the
values should be red,blue,green,yellow,etc .
but in predefined datatype there is no such datatype.
so we have to create a user defined data type named color
&have a predefined values RED,BLUE,GREEN.
1)to create user defined data type in rational robot
in Test Manager>>click Tools>>manage data types.
2)click new.
3)Type name(color) & description>>click ok
4)click yes when prompted to enter new data values now.
insert red,green,yellow,blue
5)click save
Read Moretypes contains the kind of values that user want to supply.
for example user need a database column named COLOR & the
values should be red,blue,green,yellow,etc .
but in predefined datatype there is no such datatype.
so we have to create a user defined data type named color
&have a predefined values RED,BLUE,GREEN.
1)to create user defined data type in rational robot
in Test Manager>>click Tools>>manage data types.
2)click new.
3)Type name(color) & description>>click ok
4)click yes when prompted to enter new data values now.
insert red,green,yellow,blue
5)click save
2 :: What is the planning and creating datapool?
A datapool is a test dataset that supplies data variables
in a test script during playback. Using datapools allows
you to run multiple iterations of a script using different
data each time.
Sub Main
Dim Result As Integer -> Header file
'Initially Recorded: 9/22/01 12:45:07 PM
'Script Name: Classics Place an Order Datapool
Dim x As Integer 'variable for loop
Dim dp As Long 'variable for datapool
Dim quantity, expdate As String 'variables for fields
dp=SQADatapoolOpen("Order CD") -> Open the Data Pool
For x = 1 to 10 -> Start of loop
Call SQADatapoolFetch(dp) ->fetch a row from the data pool
Window SetContext, "Name=frmMain", ""
PushButton Click, "Name=cmdOrder"
'Result = WindowVP
(CompareProperties, "Name=frmOrder", "VP=Object Properties
Window SetContext, "Name=frmOrder", ""
EditBox Click, "Name=txtQuantity", "Coords=84,8"
'Quantity data
Call SQADatapoolValue(dp,1,quantity)
InputKeys "{HOME}+{END}{DELETE}” &quantity
EditBox Click, "Name=txtCreditCard", "Coords=9,6"
InputKeys "{HOME}+{END}{DELETE}1234 1234 1234 1234"
EditBox Click, "Name=txtExpirationDate", "Coords=14,11"
'Expiration date data
Call SQADatapoolValue(dp,2,expdate)
InputKeys "{HOME}+{END}{DELETE}"&expdate
Result = ComboBoxVP
(CompareData, "Name=comboCardType", "VP=Object Data 1")
PushButton Click, "Name=cmdOrder"
Window SetContext, "Name=frmConfirm", ""
PushButton Click, "Name=cmdOK"
Next x
Call SQADatapoolClose(dp)
End Sub
Read Morein a test script during playback. Using datapools allows
you to run multiple iterations of a script using different
data each time.
Sub Main
Dim Result As Integer -> Header file
'Initially Recorded: 9/22/01 12:45:07 PM
'Script Name: Classics Place an Order Datapool
Dim x As Integer 'variable for loop
Dim dp As Long 'variable for datapool
Dim quantity, expdate As String 'variables for fields
dp=SQADatapoolOpen("Order CD") -> Open the Data Pool
For x = 1 to 10 -> Start of loop
Call SQADatapoolFetch(dp) ->fetch a row from the data pool
Window SetContext, "Name=frmMain", ""
PushButton Click, "Name=cmdOrder"
'Result = WindowVP
(CompareProperties, "Name=frmOrder", "VP=Object Properties
Window SetContext, "Name=frmOrder", ""
EditBox Click, "Name=txtQuantity", "Coords=84,8"
'Quantity data
Call SQADatapoolValue(dp,1,quantity)
InputKeys "{HOME}+{END}{DELETE}” &quantity
EditBox Click, "Name=txtCreditCard", "Coords=9,6"
InputKeys "{HOME}+{END}{DELETE}1234 1234 1234 1234"
EditBox Click, "Name=txtExpirationDate", "Coords=14,11"
'Expiration date data
Call SQADatapoolValue(dp,2,expdate)
InputKeys "{HOME}+{END}{DELETE}"&expdate
Result = ComboBoxVP
(CompareData, "Name=comboCardType", "VP=Object Data 1")
PushButton Click, "Name=cmdOrder"
Window SetContext, "Name=frmConfirm", ""
PushButton Click, "Name=cmdOK"
Next x
Call SQADatapoolClose(dp)
End Sub
3 :: Explain What kind of problems are solved by Datapools?
Following are the problems that are solved by Datapools :
1. To provide data to the application which accept only unique data in each iteration to avoid already exist error ie. application that receives unique data only as input.
2. To provide data to the applications which deletes data from the database. If data is same and it is deleted in first iteration then it will give no data found error in subsequent iterations.
3. To provide unique data in performance testing so that application performance can be evaluated as per real time scenario.
Read More1. To provide data to the application which accept only unique data in each iteration to avoid already exist error ie. application that receives unique data only as input.
2. To provide data to the applications which deletes data from the database. If data is same and it is deleted in first iteration then it will give no data found error in subsequent iterations.
3. To provide unique data in performance testing so that application performance can be evaluated as per real time scenario.
4 :: How to do data driven testing using Robot?
We can do Data Driven Testing using Datapools...
Create Datapools through Test Manager...
Create Datapool to use variable data during Run time...
Read MoreCreate Datapools through Test Manager...
Create Datapool to use variable data during Run time...
5 :: Explain Datapool?
A datapool is a test dataset, a collection of related data
records which supplies realistic data values to the
variables in a test script during test script playback.
You can create data from scratch or import existing data
into a new datapool from another Functional Test datapool,
an IBM Rational TestManager datapool, or a .csv file.
Read Morerecords which supplies realistic data values to the
variables in a test script during test script playback.
You can create data from scratch or import existing data
into a new datapool from another Functional Test datapool,
an IBM Rational TestManager datapool, or a .csv file.
6 :: What is the purpose of comparators in analyzing the results?
we can analyze the pass/fail status of verification points
in Comparators. simply the results will be analyzed. In
comparators actual results are compared with baseline (expected behavior).
Read Morein Comparators. simply the results will be analyzed. In
comparators actual results are compared with baseline (expected behavior).
7 :: How to analyze results after playback?
test manager opens the result window with appropriate
Read Morecomparator.
8 :: For unattended execution which playback options you will use?
Something like this
rtrobo.exe <path to.rec file> /project <path to .project
file> /play /close
Read Morertrobo.exe <path to.rec file> /project <path to .project
file> /play /close
9 :: How to test Java Applications and what settings you need to do?
To open java application for testing In robot click Insert>>
in that click Start Java Application..>> give path of java
For Java we have to enable the applications as follows,
!)Run the java Enabler to have it scan your hard drive for
java environment such as web browsers& sun JDK
installations that Robot Supports.The Java Enabler only
enables those environments that are currently installed.
Read Morein that click Start Java Application..>> give path of java
For Java we have to enable the applications as follows,
!)Run the java Enabler to have it scan your hard drive for
java environment such as web browsers& sun JDK
installations that Robot Supports.The Java Enabler only
enables those environments that are currently installed.
10 :: What is the purpose of break point?
we can use breakpoints to help debug our test scripts. A
breakpoint stops a test run at a specified line in the test
script, or in a specified function. You may want to stop a
test run using a breakpoint in order to:
1.monitor the entries in the Watch List
2.begin stepping through a test script using the Step commands
Read Morebreakpoint stops a test run at a specified line in the test
script, or in a specified function. You may want to stop a
test run using a breakpoint in order to:
1.monitor the entries in the Watch List
2.begin stepping through a test script using the Step commands
11 :: What is the purpose of the wait state?
Wait statement is used for synchronization.
WR simply waits the specified amount of time, whether the
application is completed its operation or not.
Ex: suppose if one operation takes varible amount of time,
inorder to synchronize between WR and application we use
wait statement.
wait(secs.) wait(20)
Here, WR waits 20 seconds even the operation completes in 5
Read MoreWR simply waits the specified amount of time, whether the
application is completed its operation or not.
Ex: suppose if one operation takes varible amount of time,
inorder to synchronize between WR and application we use
wait statement.
wait(secs.) wait(20)
Here, WR waits 20 seconds even the operation completes in 5
12 :: What is the use of Global.sbl file in Rational?
Robot provides lobal.sbl file for the convinience of the
users.It a blank library source file.You can add procedures
to it or make your own
Read Moreusers.It a blank library source file.You can add procedures
to it or make your own
13 :: Explain purpose of inserting delay values in the scripts of Rational?
wait values are useful when the application requires an
unknown amount of time to complete a task. Using a wait
value keeps the verification point from failing if the task
is not completed or if the data is not accessible right
Read Moreunknown amount of time to complete a task. Using a wait
value keeps the verification point from failing if the task
is not completed or if the data is not accessible right
14 :: What is the use of "TestObject root = getRootTestObject();" in RFT?
TestObject root = getRootTestObject()
getRootTestObject point to the top most object in the
hierarchy of the page which is browser using this you are
going to indentify the object under it.
Read MoregetRootTestObject point to the top most object in the
hierarchy of the page which is browser using this you are
going to indentify the object under it.
15 :: What is RTRT?
RTRT means "Rational Test Real Time" an IBM product which
used to test the real time "Embedded Systems" of an
application, and the most important point is to check the
program whether it is working properly as per client
And it having two types of testing
1.UT (Unit Testing)
2.SI (Software Integration)
Read Moreused to test the real time "Embedded Systems" of an
application, and the most important point is to check the
program whether it is working properly as per client
And it having two types of testing
1.UT (Unit Testing)
2.SI (Software Integration)
16 :: How to record & run on Japanese language application using English version of IBM?
As a Spanish Language Specialist, i test(record and run)
the application as same as i do it in English. The only
difference is you should know the language to debug the
issues if you come accross any.
Read Morethe application as same as i do it in English. The only
difference is you should know the language to debug the
issues if you come accross any.