Oracle Install Base Interview Questions & Answers
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Oracle Install Base frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Oracle Install Base. These interview questions and answers on Oracle Install Base will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. So get preparation for the Oracle Install Base job interview

7 Oracle Install Base Questions and Answers:

Oracle Install Base Interview Questions Table of Contents:

Oracle Install Base Job Interview Questions and Answers
Oracle Install Base Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What are the apis in oracle ib(install base)?


2 :: What are the install base location parameters?

Please guide me with the answer of the install base location parameters

3 :: Do you know how to view the history of instance?

by the transaction History link available in IB.
In 11i, we can do that from Record History too, i guess..

4 :: Tell me how to find expired item instance?

please Search serial No or Instance No with Advance Search
option there is Check Box Avalable Show Expired Instance
please make tick and search

5 :: Order Management Shipment-fullfillment transaction resulting in Pending status Whenever an order is created and closed with proper invoicing?

try running the Interface Trip Stop Request in the order
management responsibility of the concerned organisation.

6 :: What is the use of install base in asset management?

Oracle EBS R21.1.1 onwards asset tracking has been updated
with a functionality that automates the FA mass additions
through normal purchasing of items in side inventory oracle
install base/asset tracking module then tracks the asset
from receipt to the retirement of the same in the books.

7 :: How to how the install base integrate with service contract?

Install Base - this is a module which tracks the items
from 'creadle to crave' , frmo the time it was created in
the inventory.
Service contracts- This is a module where
warrenties,extended warrenties,service aggreements are
created , based on the instance details these are created.

both install base and SC are tightly integrated and also to
install base has the links to service contracts.
Oracle Install Base Interview Questions and Answers
7 Oracle Install Base Interview Questions and Answers