Oracle Apps HRMS Interview Questions & Answers
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Oracle Apps HRMS frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Oracle Apps HRMS. These interview questions and answers on Oracle Apps HRMS will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. So get preparation for the Oracle Apps HRMS job interview

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Oracle Apps HRMS Job Interview Questions and Answers
Oracle Apps HRMS Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is element entry?what is the purpose of element entry?

Element entry is to define element yet here enter that is
Earning element or deduction element then caluculate net

2 :: What are basic setups of oracle HRMS?

In oracle HRMS there are so many modules like Core HR,
Payroll, Self Service HR, Oracle learning management, iRecruitment, Time and Labour, Compensation Work bench, Oracle Advanced Benefits, Performance Management System etc., Core HR and System Administrator are the Heart of Oracle HRMS.
All basic set ups will do in Core HR with the help of System Administrator.

In system administrator we will create all the Users and Responsibilities, Flex fields, Profile values etc., In core HR we will create Organizations, Locations, Jobs, Positions, Grades, Organization Hierarchy, position Hierarchy, We will create all the employees also. These are the Basic setups in HRMS.

3 :: Can a job be shared? Can a position be shared?

Yes a job be shared and yes a position be shared.

4 :: Can a job have multiple position? How?

Job is generic.
Yes a job can have multiple positions.

5 :: What are list types?

List types are:

*List of Values
*Long list of Values
*Pop list

6 :: What are six validation types?

Validtion types:


7 :: What are 2 modes of date Track and what is date track?

Date Track modes are:


8 :: What are core flexfield?

Core flexfields are:

9 :: Can we name certain DFFs (description flexfiled) and their location?

Yes we can name certain DFF's and their location

10 :: What are costing types?

Costing types are:
1.Fixed costed

11 :: What is costing?

Recording the costs of an assignment for accounting or
reporting purposes. Using Oracle Payroll, you can calculate
and transfer costing information to your generalledger and
into systems for project management or labor distribution.

12 :: What are termination roles of an element?

Termination Rules of an Element:
a).Actual Termination: For a nonrecurring element, select
Actual Termination if you want the entries to close down at
the end of the pay period in which the employee leaves.
b).Final Close: if you want the entries to stay open beyond
the employee's leaving date so that you can continue to pay
the employee.
c).The Last Standard Process date defaults to the last day
of the pay period in which the employee is terminated, but
you can set it to a later period when you terminate an

13 :: What are processing types of element?

Elements are nothing but the components of the salary.
Eg. Basic, HRA, TA, BONUS, Loans etc., There are 2 types of
1. Recurring: if an entry of this element applies in every
period until the entry is ended
2. Non Recurring: if an entry applies in one pay period
Oracle Apps HRMS Interview Questions and Answers
14 Oracle Apps HRMS Interview Questions and Answers