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What Are Commonly Used ODBC Functions in PHP?

MS SQL Server Interview Question
MS SQL Server Interview Question


Answer #1
If you look at the PHP 5 manual, you will see a group of functions listed under the ODBC Functions (Unified) setion. The commonly used ODBC functions are:
* odbc_connect ? Establish an OBDC connection.
* odbc_data_source ? Returns information about a current connection.
* odbc_close ? Close an ODBC connection.
* odbc_exec ? Prepare and execute a SQL statement.
* odbc_fetch_row ? Fetch a row - moving the pointer to the a new row in a result object.
* odbc_result ? Get the value of a specific field from the current row of a result object.
* odbc_fetch_array ? Fetch a result row as an associative array.
* odbc_fetch_object ? Fetch a result row as an object.
* odbc_num_rows ? Number of rows in a result.
* odbc_field_name ? Get the name of a specified field index.
* odbc_field_type ? Get the data type of a specified field index.
* odbc_next_result ? Checks if multiple results are available.
* odbc_free_result ? Free resources associated with a result object.
* odbc_prepare ? Prepares a statement for execution.

Answer #2
* odbc_execute ? Execute a prepared statement.
* odbc_error ? Get the last error code.
* odbc_errormsg ? Get the last error message.
* odbc_tables ? Get the list of table names stored in a specific data source.
* odbc_columns ? Lists the column names in specified tables.
* odbc_autocommit ? Toggle autocommit behaviour.
* odbc_commit ? Commit an ODBC transaction.
* odbc_rollback ? Rollback a transaction.

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