MariaDB Interview Questions & Answers
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Strengthen your MariaDB interview skills with our collection of 55 important questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your MariaDB expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Access the free PDF to get all 55 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your MariaDB interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

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MariaDB Job Interview Questions and Answers
MariaDB Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Please explain why Is The Project Called Mariadb?

The 'MySQL' name is trademarked by Oracle, and they have chosen to keep that trademark to themselves. The name MySQL (just like the MyISAM storage engine) comes from Monty's first daughter "My". MariaDB continues this tradition by being named after his younger daughter, Maria.

2 :: Tell me a tool that helps with replication integrity checking?

Percona’s pt-table-checksum is the preventative tool to use
It can build checksums of all your tables, and then propagate those checksums through replication to the slave.

3 :: Do you know how To Change Innodb_page_size?

No need for a fresh install.

Just export your data, move or delete the system database (ibdata1) and the log files (ib_logfile0 & ib_logfile1), set innodb_page_size to either 4k or 8k, and restart MariaDB. A new XtraDB instance will be created with the smaller page size. Then you can import your data and run your tests.

4 :: Explain me how to create a table in MariaDB's database?

First, you have to create a database in MariaDB follows by selecting the database and then create a table by using CREATE TABLE statement.

CREATE TABLE table_name (column_name column_type);

5 :: Please explain what is the use of MariaDB DISTINCT clause?

MariaDB DISTINCT Clause is used to remove duplicates from the result when it is used with SELECT statement.

FROM tables
[WHERE conditions];

6 :: Tell us how to delete a database in MariaDB?

DROP DATABASE command is used to drop a database in MariaDB.

DROP DATABASE Database_name;

7 :: Tell us what is the usage of AVG() function in MariaDB database?

MariaDB AVG() function is used to retrieve the average value of an expression.

SELECT AVG(aggregate_expression)
FROM tables
[WHERE conditions];

8 :: Tell me what is JOIN? How many types of JOIN in MariaDB?

JOIN is used to retrieve data from two or more tables. By default JOIN is also called INNER JOIN. It is used with SELECT statement.

There are mainly two types of joins in MariaDB:

Again OUTER JOIN is divided in two types:

9 :: Do you know default Data Directory For Mariadb?

The data directory location is controlled by the datadir variable. Look at your /etc/mysql/my.cnf file to see where your installation of MariaDB is configured to store data. The default is /var/lib/mysql but it is often changed, like for example if you are using a RAID array.

10 :: Do you know how to use database in MariaDB?

USE DATABASE command is used to select and use a database in MariaDB.

USE database_name;

11 :: Please explain what is the use of LIKE clause in MariaDB?

MariaDB LIKE clause is used with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statement to retrieve data when an operation needs an exact match.

SELECT field, field2,... FROM table_name, table_name2,...
WHERE field LIKE condition

12 :: Tell me what is RIGHT OUTER JOIN in MariaDB?

MariaDB RIGHT OUTER JOIN is used to return all rows from right-hand table specified in the ON condition and only those rows from the other table where the joined fields are satisfied the conditions.


SELECT columns
FROM table1
ON table1.column = table2.column;

13 :: Tell me what is the use of ORDER BY clause in MariaDB?

MariaDB ORDER BY Clause is used to sort the records in your result set in ascending or descending order.

SELECT expressions
FROM tables
[WHERE conditions]
ORDER BY expression [ ASC | DESC ];

14 :: Tell me which Is The Max Storage Capacity Of Version 5.5 Mariadb?

InnoDB/XtraDB tables can be up to 64TB (terabytes) in size. On top of this you can have multiple tables per database and multiple databases per server. Usually the size and space limits of your underlying storage and operating system are reached long before MariaDB's internal limits are reached.

15 :: Do you know how to delete a table in MariaDB's database?

DROP TABLE command is used to delete a table from a database in MariaDB. It deletes the table permanently and cannot be recovered.

DROP TABLE table_name ;

16 :: Tell me why do we use FROM clause with SELECT statement?

FROM clause is used with SELECT statement to retrieve data from the table. It is also used to join tables.

SELECT columns_names FROM table_name;

17 :: Tell me what are the major differences between MySQL 5.1 and 5.5?

☛ InnoDB Becomes Default Storage Engine
☛ Semi-Synchronous Replicatio
☛ Improved Recovery Performance
☛ InnoDB Stats in Performance Schema
☛ Multiple Buffer Pool Instances
☛ More Partitioning Options

18 :: How to uninstall Mariadb On Osx?

or MariaDB 5.3.x then you can uninstall MariaDB with:

sudo make uninstall

If you compiled and installed MariaDB 5.5.x or higher then there is no 'make uninstall'. However, after doing a 'sudo make install' to install MariaDB there will be an 'install_manifest.txt' file at the top level of the source dir. Remove all of the files listed in it and everything you installed will be gone.

On Linux the default is to place everything under '/usr/local/mysql/' so removing that directory is enough to uninstall MariaDB. If you customized the install directory, or if MacOS has a different default then it will be different. In any case the 'install_manifest.txt' file will have the locations.

19 :: Tell me how to create database in MariaDB?

CREATE DATBASE command is used to create database in MariaDB.


CREATE DATABASE Database_name;

20 :: Tell me how to retrieve records from a table in MongoDB database?

SELECT statement is used to retrieve records from a table in MongoDB database. You can choose, single, multiple or all records from a table by using different keywords.

SELECT expressions
FROM tables
[WHERE conditions];

21 :: Tell me what is the usage of MAX() function in MariaDB?

MariaDB MAX() function is used to retrieve the maximum value of the expression.

SELECT MAX(aggregate_expression)
FROM tables
[WHERE conditions];

22 :: Do you know what else do they consider themselves, a sysadmin or a developer?

Allow them to talk about their experiences and how it has shaped their career.
Historically MySQL DBA are created out of their work experience. Some are focused on System administration while others are Web Developers, sometimes they are all of the above. Either way they now have a focus on the MySQL database and you might be able to use that experience to your advantage.

23 :: Tell me what is the usage of MIN() function in MariaDB?

MariaDB MIN() functiuon is used to retrieve the minimum value of the expression.

SELECT MIN(aggregate_expression)
FROM tables
[WHERE conditions];

24 :: Explain me what is the use of DELETE statement in MariaDB?

The MariaDB DELETE statement is used to delete one or more records from the table in the database. It can be used to delete records from the table as well the whole table if you use it without WHERE condition.

[WHERE conditions]
[ORDER BY expression [ ASC | DESC ]]
[LIMIT number_rows];

25 :: Please explain what Is Mariadb Galera Cluster?

MariaDB Galera Cluster is a synchronous multi-master cluster for MariaDB. It is available on Linux only, and only supports theXtraDB/InnoDB storage engines (although there is experimental support for MyISAM - see the wsrep_replicate_myisam system variable).

Starting with MariaDB 10.1, the wsrep API for Galera Cluster is included by default. This is available as a separate download for MariaDB 10.0 and MariaDB 5.5.
MariaDB Interview Questions and Answers
55 MariaDB Interview Questions and Answers