Translator Interview Questions & Answers
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Refine your Translator interview skills with our 80 critical questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Translator to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Access the free PDF to get all 80 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Translator interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

80 Translator Questions and Answers:

Translator Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

Translator Job Interview Questions and Answers
Translator Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Who is a translator?

Translator is a person whose job is to translate languages in the form of a written communication.

2 :: How many languages do you know?

Mention only those language in which you are completely confident.

3 :: What resources do you use for translations?

Tell them that you use CAT (Computer assisted translation) for eg. Google Translate and you also refer dictionaries for a better vocabulary content.

4 :: What salary do you expect as Translator?

Do some research about how much other people in the same profession are paid and then put some numbers which are reasonable from the starter's point of you.

5 :: Is this opportunity a good fit for you?

It would be a great opportunity to jumpstart my career as an interpreter.

6 :: Who is an interpreter?

Interpreter is a person whose job is to translate languages in the form of a spoken communication.

7 :: What interpreting experience do you have?

I worked as a medical interpreter on weekends and evening. Normally helping with Labors and patients on need of rehabilitation.

8 :: What languages are you fluent in?

Spanish english american sign language.

9 :: What is so special about being an interpreter?

Being the facilitator of language and communication is a crucial role no matter what the information or content might be.

10 :: How long have you been an interpreter?

I have been working as an interpreter since April 2014

11 :: Do you have any questions to ask us feel free to ask?

It is recommended to ask questions, Ask something related to your job. Don't ask about the salary.

12 :: Share with me what is your biggest weakness?

Don't mention anything that can take your job away, a few suggestions from my side are: talkative, can't say 'NO', etc.

13 :: What kinds of people do you have the most difficulty working with?

The patients who is looking for control medication, and the patient who want something that is out of my hand.

14 :: What have you done to prepare for this job?

I researched on online what types of questions are usually asked in the interview.

15 :: Tell me do you feel you have what it takes to perform the role as an interpreter successfully?

I do have a very good knowledge for the thing that I am doing. Also with more study and learning more about the job description I can be very successfully.

16 :: Do you have any certification as a translator or an interpreter?

Explain about the courses you did and the share the certificate details such as the information about the institutes, course outcomes, time period of course, etc.

17 :: What have you learned from your past experience as a translator?

Give some better example about how your past experience made you learn new things and how did it help you to improve yourself even better.

18 :: Tell me are there any pitfalls to avoid in the translation business?

There are plenty of unscrupulous individuals, businesses and organizations out there that take advantage of translators and pay them for their work only after many months have passed, if at all. I've always found this practice to be unconscionable because translators - at least the professional ones, anyway - work hard to meet their deadlines and turn in their work on time, and the least their clients can do, if they value their translation talent at all, is to return the favor by paying them in a timely manner. Subscribe to a resource such as the Blue Board, the TCR List, or the Payment Practices List to find out who the prompt payers, the slow payers, and the non-payers are.

19 :: Suppose there was some mistake done by you in misunderstanding things, What would you do?

I will make sure that I verify things before sending them further. But in case if there is any such situation then I will come forward to apologize and correct my mistake.

20 :: Suppose you are very good in your job and you boss assigns you a big load of work, how will you manage?

Tell them that you will do it only if you are sure that you will finish it. Else you will ask the boss to assign some juniors to help you and you will work as a team with them.

21 :: Do you know why is this the right job/position for you?

Potential employers will try to assess how well you'd fit into the job/position for which you are interviewing. Anticipate such questions as:

► Do you have a passion for this type of work?
► Do you see yourself staying in this kind of work for a long time?
► Is this opportunity a good fit for you?
► Do you feel you have what it takes to perform the role as an interpreter successfully?

You need to be convincing without going overboard. This is important to do a self analysis of yourself and the future of your career as an interpreter. If you do not have any of the above, you would be dragging yourself into a miserable life. Do not do this for money, do this because you enjoy being an interpreter and interacting with the Deaf and various of jobs.

22 :: Tell us how do you handle stressful situations?

I handle stressful situations first by listening and then reasoning or giving priority to what is important.

23 :: Why are you interested in working with us?

You cover the area I live it and I believe that it will be convenient for my work.

24 :: Tell me what kinds of people do you have the most difficulty working with?

Tell them you manage to work with almost all kind of people. You can add that you sometimes face problems working with people who have arrogant behavior.

25 :: Tell me about a time when you failed to complete a task assigned to you on time?

This is a pure behavioral question. Give them an example where you failed to do things on time due to some external problems or issues. Do not mention the examples which can ruin your job.
Translator Interview Questions and Answers
80 Translator Interview Questions and Answers