Theoretical Interview Questions & Answers
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Theoretical Debugging frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Theoretical. So get preparation for the Theoretical Debugging job interview

4 Theoritical Debugging Questions and Answers:

Theoritical Debugging Interview Questions Table of Contents:

Theoritical Debugging Job Interview Questions and Answers
Theoritical Debugging Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is core dump?

Raises when accessing an unassigned memory location
accessing a null pointer

2 :: How to debug the core dump?

gdb... backtrace
gdb filename...

3 :: How debugger works internally?

Whenever we compile with -g option, it will create a symbol
table, and according that table for each function and line
it will call ptrace ...and do the things

4 :: Explain What bug tracking tools you have used? Have you used any free tools?

Bugzilla JIRA footprint. Bugzilla is free. BugTrack is
Theoritical Debugging Interview Questions and Answers
4 Theoritical Debugging Interview Questions and Answers