Linux Search Pattern Interview Questions & Answers
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Linux Search Pattern frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Search Pattern. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts

45 Search Pattern Questions and Answers:

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Search Pattern Job Interview Questions and Answers
Search Pattern Job Interview Questions and Answers

21 :: What are your basic skills?

Programming, browsing. and video games.

25 :: In the output of this program, the string "/* Linux */" will be added at the ____ of the source file.


int main()
int fd;
fd = open("san.c",O_RDWR|O_APPEND);
write(fd,"/* Linux */",11);
return 0;
a) end
b) beginning
c) second line
d) third line

a) end
The write system call writes at the end of the file because the file is opened with O_APPEND flag.
[root@localhost google]# gcc -o san san.c
[root@localhost google]# ./san
[root@localhost google]# vim san.c
[root@localhost google]#
Search Pattern Interview Questions and Answers
45 Search Pattern Interview Questions and Answers