InPage Interview Questions & Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your InPage interview with our extensive list of 111 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in InPage to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Download the free PDF now to get all 111 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your InPage interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.

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InPage Job Interview Questions and Answers
InPage Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: How to create style sheet in inpage?

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2 :: How to entering Sindhi text in InPage?

To enter text in Sindhi you need to first check whether Sindhi entry is enabled or not. This you can do by checking the Keyboard Preferences menu item in the Preferences menu in edit menu. There is a check box called Enable Sindhi.
This check box should be checked on for enabling Sindhi entry. Now when you toggle the language either by pressing Control-Space or by selecting the Toggle Language menu item. For Sindhi you have a standard Sindhi keyboard and only one font is chosen by default.

3 :: How to entering English text in InPage?

To key text inside a text box, you first need to be in Text Editing Mode. The Text Editing Mode is identified by a blinking cursor in a text box. To enter into a Text Editing Mode, first choose the IBEAM Tool from the Tool Bar. Now with the cursor appearing as a dotted IBEAM click on top of an intended text box. The outer boundary of the text box will become black and a caret will start blinking. The blinking caret signifies the position in the text box where the text gets entered if you press any key. As you enter text, the caret moves to a new position.
If the text entered is more than the available space in the text box, then an overflow line is displayed at the bottom of the text box. This line signifies that the text has overflowed the text box.
You should now undertake one of the following measures:
★ Increase the size of the text box
★ Remove extra text
★ Link this text box with a new text box so as to let the overflowed text flow into the new text box.

4 :: How to selecting a line pattern in InPage?

You can choose the kind of line patterns desired from the Line Pattern combo box. The patterns that you can select are:
★ Solid
★ Dotted
★ Dashed
★ Dash Dotted
★ Double
★ Thick Thin
★ Thin Thick

5 :: How to creating a Square/Circular Graphic box in InPage?

If you keep the SHIFT pressed while creating the graphic box, then a graphic box is constructed with its height and width as equal. For the rectangular and rounded rectangular graphic box, this implies a square graphic box. In the case of the Elliptical Graphic Box, you get a circular graphic box.

6 :: How to use picture inset button in InPage?

You can inset the picture along left, right, top and bottom directions so that the picture now appears in smaller bounds. This is particularly useful for picture box with border Box.

7 :: How to use run around button in InPage?

Whenever this picture box overlaps a Text box with text, then the text tends to flow away from this picture box. The amount by which the text flows can be specified by clicking this button. In the displayed dialog, enter the Run Around values in all the four directions. If Run Around is to be disabled click on the Run Around check box in the dialog to mark the check box off. On entering the required values, click OK button.

8 :: How to make picture box border in InPage?

Just as in Text box, a picture Box can be given a border. For this you need to specify the width of the border in points in the ribbon and also the color by selecting the border color. Just as in Text box, the border Box can be Boxed inside or outside by selecting the appropriate icons from the ribbon. Default is Box Inside.

9 :: How to Moving/Resizing the picture box in InPage?

Moving and resizing of picture box works exactly as that of a Text box. You need to select the picture box first. Now the picture box can be moved either by entering the new Origin values. Or with the help of a mouse by first clicking on the picture box (with the Arrow Tool) and while keeping the mouse pressed, moving the mouse.
Similarly the picture box can be resized by either entering the new height and width values in the ribbon or moving the mouse on top of the picture box handles and when the resize cursor appears pressing the mouse and dragging with the mouse pressed until the requisite dimensions have been achieved.

10 :: How to importing pictures in InPage?

You can crop the imported picture by pressing the mouse with the hand cursor and while keeping the mouse pressed, dragging the mouse so as to move the picture within the picture box. On releasing the mouse, the final position of the picture inside the picture box is established. Rest of it is cropped and is not visible.

11 :: How to use Title Text box in InPage?

★ Creation
During Creation, the height is assumed to be height of one line of text. Thus as a Title Box is constructed it gets a default height.
★ Line Direction within a Title Text box
During Creation, if you move the mouse horizontally then the box is made with Line Direction set to Horizontal.
★ Selection and Resizing
There are only two handles for resizing the Title Text box. And these handles resize the Title Text box only horizontally.
★ Columns
Title Text boxes are always single column. You cannot change number of columns for Title Text box. Other attributes of the Text box apply as such to the Title Text box.

12 :: How to use eliptical text boxs in InPage?

You can choose an Elliptical shape radio button in the Format Text box dialog. This allows you to have circular text boxes.

13 :: How to use Hatch Patterns in InPage?

You can apply hatch patterns to text box. This allows you to output text super imposed on a surrounding hatch pattern.

14 :: How to use text edit mode in InPage?

If you move the mouse on top of a text box, then the cursor changes to DOTTED IBEAM cursor. On clicking the text box with this cursor, changes to SOLID IBEAM. Also the boundary of the text box will change to black indicating the currently selected text Chain. In this mode the ribbon changes to Text Attributes mode.

15 :: How to use columns tool in InPage?

You can specify the number of columns and the gutter size for a selected text box. By default a text box is assumed to be of single column.

16 :: How to use Text Inset in InPage?

You can inset the text inside a Text box along left, right, top and bottom directions, so that the text now appears in smaller bounds inset from the Text Box boundary. This is particularly useful for Text box framed with a border.

17 :: How to use text wrap tool in InPage?

For a text chain, you can specify whether the text in this chain will wrap around objects or not. Thus irrespective of the fact that the object intersecting with this chain has run around attribute as ON or OFF, if you set this attribute OFF, then text in this chain will not wrap around objects. For modifying this attribute, you will need to go to Text Wrap menu item in the Format menu.

18 :: How to use run around tool in InPage?

Whenever this Text box overlaps a Text box with text, then the text tends to flow away from this overlapping Text box. The amount by which the text flows away can be specified by specifying the Run Around amount. See the Ribbon Object Attribute below.

19 :: How to use Text box border in InPage?

A Text box can be given a border. For this you need to specify the width of the border in points in ribbon and also the color by selecting the border color. Further this border can be drawn inside text box or outside.

20 :: How to use Selecting/Moving/Resizing a text box in InPage?

To select, move and/or resize a Text box, you need to follow the steps as outlined above for selecting/moving/resizing an object.

21 :: How to use cursor shapes in InPage?

On moving the cursor on and around the boundary of the Text box, the cursor takes the ARROW shape. Inside the Text box, the cursor is displayed as the Dotted IBEAM. If you now click inside the Text box with this Dotted IBEAM cursor, the cursor shape changes to IBEAM and a caret appears at the empty Text box is in Text Edit mode and this is positioned at mouse click. The text box boundary from gray to black.

22 :: How to Create a Square Text box in InPage?

If you keep the SHIFT pressed while creating the Text box, then the Text box is created with equal height and width.

23 :: How to use text box delinking tool in InPage?

★ Select this Delinking Tool.
You will notice that all the text boxes on the visible pages will display the linked to and linked from arrows. Thus you can see how a particular text box is linked in a text chain.
★ When you bring the cursor on text of a text box that forms part of a text chain, you will notice that the cursor changes to the 'Break Link' shape. If you now click the text box when the shape of the cursor is 'Break Link', the link will break at that text box. In other words this text box and other subsequent text boxes in this text chain will get separated from the existing chain and the text chain will break into two text chains.

24 :: How to use text box linking tool in InPage?

★ Ensure that you have created all the text boxes which are to be linked together. These text boxes may be on the same or on different pages.
★ Next, click on the Linking Tool. You will notice that the cursor shape changes to the Cross cursor. And all the text boxes that can be linked will be displayed with small square shaped multi colored boxes. These boxes appearing on the top left and bottom right of your text boxes signify the text boxes to which this text box is linked to. If the text box is already part of a linked chain, then you will see incoming arrow to this box if there is a text box before this text box in the linked chain. On the other hand if there are text boxes after this text box then you will be able to see arrows going out from this text box.
★ To link a text box first you will need to click on the text box to which you wish this text box to link to. Lets call the clicked text box as the selected text box.
★ You will notice that the cursor changes to the linked cursor when you bring the mouse over a text box which can be linked to the selected text box. You can now click on this text box. You will find that a linked arrow is displayed from the original selected text box to the newly linked text box.

25 :: How to use rotation tool in InPage?

Rotation Tool allows you to fix the axis around which the selected objects will be rotated. To rotate objects using this tool, you will first need to select the objects using the ARROW Tool. Once the objects have been selected, you can choose the Rotation Tool. The cursor will change to Rotation Cursor. Clicking with this cursor at a point will set the point around which the selected objects will be rotated. Keeping the mouse pressed, you can rotate the selected objects and let go off the mouse the moment you have achieved the required rotation.
InPage Interview Questions and Answers
111 InPage Interview Questions and Answers