Google Inc Interview Questions & Answers
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Sharpen your Google interview expertise with our handpicked 30 questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Google. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Secure the free PDF to access all 30 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Google interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

30 Google Questions and Answers:

Google Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

Google Job Interview Questions and Answers
Google Job Interview Questions and Answers

2 :: How many balls of strings would it take to reach the moon?

Just one if it is long enough.

3 :: Why do birds fly south in winter?

ecause it is too far to walk.

4 :: Tell me noisiest game?

It is squash because you can not play it without raising a racket.

5 :: Explain archaeologist?

Someone who's career is in ruins.

6 :: What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and grey when you throw it away?

The answer is Charcoal. In Homer Simpson's words: hmmmm... Barbecue.

7 :: What is a myth?

A female moth.

9 :: If you overtake last person, then you are?

If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST person?!

12 :: Suppose you are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

If you answer that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!

15 :: There are two plastic jugs filled with water. How could you put all of this water into barrel, without using the jugs or any dividers, and still tell which water came from which jug?

Colour and Freeze them first. Take them out of the jugs and put the ice in the barrel. You will be able to tell which water came from which jug.

19 :: How you feel about your current employer?

I enjoyed my time at Sample Co Ltd. We parted on very good terms and I still have some great friends there. I learnt a lot during my stay at the company it was a very rewarding experience. I decided to leave because I wanted to move to a company with greater ambitions where I could continue to fulfill my career goals.

20 :: What are your weaknesses? How do you overcome them?

I am always ready to learn new skills and adapt my methods to become better at what I do. If I become aware of a weakness in my knowledge base or in the way I perform my duties, I do my best to fill that gap whether through formal training, informal training, or directly from my colleagues.

21 :: How do you handle stress?

I'm not the type of person that becomes stressed very easily. However, if in an extreme circumstance I did start to become stressed, I would look to the cause of it and attempt to identify a solution. I would certainly not be afraid to look to others for their input and assistance. In a working environment I think stress comes around from pressurized situations. In such cases the best solution is often one of situation management until the crisis abates.

22 :: Common Google Interview Questions

Here are some more questions: -
1) How do you look up for particular words in dictionary explain the process? (This question has been since ages and it is important).

2) Which work related to your field of education or experience makes you happy?

3) Which work can you perform without getting tired for hours?

4) Approximate how many gas stations are there in United States, any specific logic for arriving at the answer?

5) Three boys stole some mangoes from a garden. As it was late in the evening they decided to divide the fruit equally among them in the morning, and went to sleep. At night while the other two were sleeping, one boy woke up, tip-toed to the basket of mangoes, counted them and ate one. From the remainder he took a precise third and went back to sleep. After some time a second boy woke up. He counted the mangoes, ate one, took an exact third of the remaining and went back to sleep. A little before sun rise the third boy also woke up, ate one, and like the other two boys took a precise third of the remainder in whole mangoes. In the morning, all the three boys went together to the basket of mangoes, counted them. Amongst them they found a ripe mango and discarded it as it was not good for eating. From the remainder they made an exact division.
Find the total number of mangoes which were stolen from the yard?

6) The cherry is a round fruit with a round stone. If the flesh of the cherry around the stone is as thick as the stone itself, can you calculate mentally how much more pulp than stone there is in the cherry?

7) A monument in India is marked as MDCLXVI which year does it represent?
Make sure that you read probability questions because there would be at-least one question from that.
Best of luck.

23 :: Do remember that Google uses cutting edge technology and it is very important for them to hire high end professionals. But general talk is that they train professionals once they are in for high end applications according to their skill.

Get preparation for this question Do remember that Google uses cutting edge technology and it is very important for them to hire high end professionals. But general talk is that they train professionals once they are in for high end applications according to their skill. yourself

24 :: Java development programmers should be able to answer about JVM, GC (Garbage collection pattern or process of various platforms), multi threading concepts, servlets, applets, info about JDBC basics, etc.

Get preparation for this question answer about JVM, GC (Garbage collection pattern or process of various platforms), multi threading concepts, servlets, applets, info about JDBC basics, etc. yourself