Contract Labour Interview Questions & Answers
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Strengthen your Contract Labour interview skills with our collection of 43 important questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Contract Labour expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 43 questions to help you succeed in your Contract Labour interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

43 Contract Labour Questions and Answers:

Contract Labour Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

Contract Labour Job Interview Questions and Answers
Contract Labour Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Why do you want this job as Contract Labour?

I want this job because I want to deliver my skills and expertise to maximize the efficiency of construction projects

2 :: Explain what is your greatest weakness?

I cannot refuse someone straightforwardly (This is a positive weakness - actually it will go in favor of you)

3 :: Explain why do you think time management is important if you are working as a labourer?

Labourers often have to finish many tasks at the same time and this is why they have to make sure that every task is done in a time-efficient manner.

4 :: Explain what are the common duties of a general labourer?

General labourers are expected to handle a lot of duties within a construction or production environment. Depending on the actual environment in question, he or she may be required to operate equipment in a safe manner, clean water tanks, dispose of trash and prepare work sites.

5 :: Explain what made you choose the profession of a laborer?

To be honest, I came into this profession by sheer chance. I was an ace student in shop class in high school and when I graduated from high school, I realized that this was my vocation. I have been working as a laborer ever since.

6 :: Tell me what makes you a great choice for a general labourer position at our company?

I am well-versed in preparing jobsites by clearing away debris and hazardous materials. I am also physically dexterous which makes it easy for me to manage physically demanding work easily. Additionally, I am great at taking and following instructions properly and ensuring that work assigned to me is done on time.

7 :: Tell me how do you measure your performance as a labourer?

I believe that I am highly qualified for this position as I have performed quite well over the years. With a lot of experience over the past nine years, I would rate myself at least an 8 on a scale of 10.

8 :: Do you have questions?

When asked if you have any questions about the role or the organisation, always have a few questions prepared to ask the interviewer. It is important to ask questions as this will illustrate your enthusiasm and desire to join their company. As with the other typically asked job interview questions, research and prepare some typicalinterview questions for the recruiter. You will find tons of content and guidelines to assist in preparing ahead of time to ask the interviewer and display your interest in the company as well as joining the team.

9 :: Explain what are you looking for in a job?

This may seem like an easy common interview question to answer, it is in fact a tricky job interview question. While the interviewer is asking you what you are looking for in a job, in actual fact they want you to answer with what they are looking for from you. Again when preparing for this question, be sure to have the job ad close at hand in order to assess in precise detail what the recruiter is looking for in a candidate. Answer this question the way you think the interviewer wants you to answer it, by describing desires that the job you have applied for will be able to deliver to the candidate.

10 :: Can you please describe your working experience?

Study your CV prior to your job interview and indentify areas of your work experience that is specifically relevant to the job that you are being interviewed for. Be sure to scrutinise the job advert as this will guide your answer and provide you with clues on what exactly the recruiter is looking for in a candidate. Your answer should be concise and relevant; the recruiter has already seen your Curriculum Vitae and already has a good idea of your experience. Try to get the recruiter to specify what areas they would like you to discuss so as to avoid digressing off the topic with long winded explanations. The reason why the recruiter is asking this question even after having seen your CV application is because they want to hear how you would describe your experience verbally and to ensure that your verbal explanation is consistent with the information detailed in your CV.

11 :: Tell me as far as maintenance is concerned, how do labourers fit into the role?

Maintenance of facility and equipment is of extreme importance in the role of a general labourer. Since preparing job sites and operating equipment are two of the main duties of a person working at this position, one has to make sure that sites are kept clean and safe and that equipment is properly maintained, by performing both preventative and regular maintenance on it.

12 :: Where do you see yourself in next five years?

When answering this typical job interview question stay focussed on career goals and aspirations. Potential employers don't want to hear about your plans to 'Take over their company' nor your desire to become a pro golfer. Keep these career aspirations realistic and attainable within a 5 year period. Discuss ways in which you anticipate attaining your career goals as well as steps you have already taken to reach these career goals.

13 :: Tell me what is your greatest strength as Contract Labour?

I am a dynamic person and work with full dedication

14 :: Tell us what are your salary requirements?

Prepare ahead of time prior to your job interview on how you intend on answering this question. A good place to start is to research the industry standard or market related salary that employees in similar roles are earning. Generally this information can be found on the internet or alternatively recruitment agents will be able to give you a good indication of your market related salary. In your interview, try not to discuss exact figures but rather give a ball park figure that you will be able to negotiate on later on should the employer makes you an offer. Never discuss your salary goals unless asked by the interviewer.

15 :: Explain how do you manage the safe use of construction equipment?

I have been especially trained in the use of tools and equipment that is used in a laborer's work. I can read manuals and ensure that I read and re-read safety instructions before I use a new tool or equipment.

16 :: Explain me what are your strengths and weaknesses?

Although this question may seem as though you should answer with a positive answer for your strengths and a negative for your weaknesses, try to give two positive answers. When discussing your strengths highlight roughly three positive attributes or strengths that specifically apply to the available post based on what you consider to be the recruiter's specific requirements. When indicating your weaknesses, never detail a character defect or poor performance areas that have no opportunity to be improved on. Rather, try to explain where you identified a problem area where you were able to remedy this and explain how you did so.

17 :: Difficult Contract Labour Interview Questions:

☛ Have you ever had a boss you disliked? Why did you dislike him/her?
☛ How would someone that dislikes you describe you?
☛ Tell me about a group you participated in that was having problems:
☛ What was your role?
☛ How did you handle it?
☛ What was the outcome?
☛ What would you have done differently?
☛ How could the group have improved its performance?
☛ Tell me about a time when you experienced a failure and how you reacted to it.
☛ Tell me about a time when you were under considerable pressure to meet one or more goals.
☛ Describe a problematic situation at work and how you resolved it.
☛ Give me an example of how you are a risk taker.
☛ If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
☛ How are you motivated?
☛ Why do you want to work for us?
☛ Why should we hire you?
☛ Give a one sentence positioning statement of yourself.
☛ How do you decide what to do first on a new project?
☛ How did you handle a situation where you did not agree with something your boss asked you to do?
☛ What did you like about your last job? Dislike?
☛ What would you like to be doing five years from now?

18 :: Strengths and Weaknesses Based General labor interview questions:

☛ How do you see your job relating to the overall goals?
☛ Who else have you applied to/got interviews with?
☛ What do you believe are your key strengths?
☛ When was the last time you were in a crises?
☛ What assignment was too difficult for you?

19 :: Career potential based Contract Labour Interview Questions:

☛ Why did you choose (name of school)?
☛ Why did you want to major in (name of major)?
☛ What course did you like to most? The least?
☛ What things did you learn in school that you could use on the job?
☛ Do you think your grades adequately represent your abilities?
☛ We have hired people from your school before, but they have not worked out. What makes you different?
☛ What problems did you see in your school? How would you go about changing it?
☛ Tell me about your accomplishments that show you have initiative and a willingness to work.

20 :: Video Based General labor interview questions:

☛ What was the most difficult period in your life, and how did you deal with it?
☛ Describe a situation in which you had to collect information.
☛ How did you react when faced with constant time pressure?
☛ What negative thing would your last boss say about you?
☛ What problems have you encountered at work?

21 :: General Labour Based Interview Questions:

☛ What duties have you enjoyed doing in previous roles?
☛ What has been the hardest task and why and how did you tackle it?
☛ Are you used to working on your own or as part of a team and what do you prefer?
☛ Do you consider yourself to be physically fit?
☛ How do you feel about working outside in the bad weather?
☛ How good are your DIY skills and how quickly do you learn new tasks?
☛ Tell me about yourself.
☛ What are your strengths?
☛ What are your weaknesses?
☛ Why do you want this job?
☛ Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?
☛ What's your ideal company?
☛ What attracted you to this company?
☛ Why should we hire you?
☛ What did you like least about your last job?
☛ When were you most satisfied in your job?
☛ What can you do for us that other candidates can't?
☛ What were the responsibilities of your last position?

22 :: Communication skills based general labor interview questions:

☛ What do you see yourself doing within the first days of this job?
☛ What do you consider your most significant accomplishment?
☛ What irritates you about other people?
☛ Describe a recent unpopular decision you made.
☛ What three character traits would your friends use to describe you?

Say something relevant to the objective line in the resume.
Just speak out about your basic values that you adopt at the workplaces. Ask a friend or relative of yours to help you practice answering General labor interview questions.

23 :: Phone Based General labor interview questions:

☛ How well did your college experience prepare you for this job?
☛ What do you feel is the best educational preparation for this career?
☛ What has been your biggest professional disappointment?
☛ Who was your favorite manager and why?
☛ Do you prefer to work in a small, medium or large company?

Discuss any attributes that may set you apart from other job candidates.
If you don't know the answer, just be frank and tell them that. Your answer should be focused on what you can bring to the role that will be of benefit to the company.

24 :: Career Goals Based Contract Labour Interview Questions:

☛ What are your long term career goals? How are you preparing to achieve them?
☛ What career rewards are most important to you?
☛ How do you spend your spare time?
☛ What are your salary requirements?
☛ Are you willing to relocate?

25 :: Competency Based General labor interview questions:

☛ What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?
☛ What are your expectations regarding promotions and salary increases?
☛ What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?
☛ How do you react to instruction and criticism?
☛ How would you describe the experience of working here?
Contract Labour Interview Questions and Answers
43 Contract Labour Interview Questions and Answers