Cleaner Interview Questions & Answers
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Refine your Cleaner interview skills with our 50 critical questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Cleaner interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Don't miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 50 questions to help you succeed in your Cleaner interview. It's an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

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Cleaner Job Interview Questions and Answers
Cleaner Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell us what do you think is your biggest strength?

For this question remember that you need to mention your strength that is associated with the job role. Say that you’re a good problem-solver, motivator, team player, optimist, loyal, patient, and can work under pressure. Also, contribute your answers with examples so that they are effective.

2 :: Tell me are there any questions you want to ask?

It is always advisable to ask one or two questions as it shows your interest in the company and boosted about the job role. Remember to ask some questions related to the job description, workplace environment, job role growth and more. Remember not to ask about salary, perks, leave etc

3 :: Can you tell me about yourself?

This is the very first question in any interview and one needs to be prepared with an answer to this question. The answer should be casual and not work related unless asked for. For this question mention the jobs that you have worked till now and how your skills and experience would be perfect for this job. Always start from the farthest and talk about the present.

4 :: Can you explain what do you like about your present job?

This is a straightforward question. All you have to do is make sure that your 'likes' correspond to the skills required for the job on offer. Be enthusiastic; describe your job as interesting and diverse but do not overdo it - after all, you are looking to leave.

5 :: What salary do you expect as Cleaner?

This is somewhat a tough question and hence, you need to leave the choice to the employer. Do not ask for any specific salary, you can mention and leave the choice by saying them to mention the range for this job role.

6 :: Tell us what do you think is rewarding in this job role?

Say that you obtain complete satisfaction in janitor or custodian jobs. You gain a sense of completion when you look at the output of your hard work at the end of the day.

7 :: Tell us what are the job tasks for a janitor?

The key intention for a janitor position is to sustain a germ-free environment which is always neat and tidy. The main janitorial duties include dusting furniture and equipment’s, office cleaning, mopping the floor, sweeping, minor electricity maintenance and plumbing, cleaning toilets, lawn, and clearing up snow off pathways.

8 :: Explain me something you have done beyond your duty level?

This type of character interview questions are asked to know your efficiency and if you would be ready to do any task at times. You can mention an example where you worked in an organization which had less staff. At that moment, you were asked to do extra shift in order to support your organization.

9 :: Can you please explain why do you want to leave your current employer?

State how you are looking for a new challenge, more responsibility, experience and a change of environment. Do not be negative in your reasons for leaving. It is rarely appropriate to cite salary as your primary motivator.

10 :: Tell us how would you handle yourself under pressure and stress?

I would find it good to work under pressure and interested in handling challenging situations. Say that you have the capability to diffuse stress and enjoy work. Mention that you have been working under stressful conditions and have met the strict deadline.

11 :: Tell us how would you handle a situation where your client uses abusive language?

This question tests your patience and hence answer that you would not react and stay calm at that moment. You would definitely feel bad, but I would do my duty and wind up from that place. You can mention that you know how to control your temper and would not respond to such situations as it makes the condition worse.

12 :: What are your weak points as Cleaner?

If you’re counting on your fingers, stop now. Only ever give one weak point – which you can shed in a good light. Have another up your sleeve in case you’re pushed.

13 :: Explain me are you comfortable in working independently or in a group?

I have previously worked in a group setting for a large organization. I enjoyed that type of arrangement since we could exchange shifts or duties conveniently if someone needed to take leave. Also, I have a verifiable record of working individually with no supervision.

14 :: Tell me your worst experience that happened in your janitor job?

The employer would like you to know if you have faced any hindrance and how you handled it. Hence, mention a bad experience and the way you handled the situation in a calm and patient manner.

15 :: Explain me would you be able to lift heavy things and stand for a long time?

You can say that you have been working in this field and have been used to it. If not, you can mention that you are dedicated and passionate about making a place clean and hence I can lift heavy things and also stand for a long time without hassles.

16 :: Tell us how do you react when somebody criticizes you?

I always work with dedication and am willing to improve my work quality, so I usually take instructions and criticism very positively and make adaptations in my service quality accordingly.

17 :: Explain me what have you learned from your mistakes as Cleaner?

Everyone has made mistakes. If you’re honest about one or two mistakes you’ll come across as more believable and trustworthy than someone who denies all. Focus on the take outs from these mistakes.

18 :: Can you tell us do you possess any professional janitor experience?

The fact about the janitor posting is that the individual should possess a good understanding of the procedures and cleaning equipments. If you possess any previous experience in the same janitorial work, do mention it to the employer. You can say that I have been a janitor for the past four years and possess experience in cleaning and its procedures. I also have experience handling cleaner chemicals.

19 :: Tell me how do you know that you were successful in your janitorial job?

There are many ways to answer this question, you can mention that you had challenges and you met them. You can say that by monitoring your job, your boss appreciated you and hence you are successful. In another way, you can mention that you are successful as you dreamt of working for this company and nowhere. You are ready to do anything to be successful.

20 :: Tell us what was the reason for applying for this job?

You can say that you like the responsibilities mentioned in the job role and also mention that you’re a perfect match for the job role and hence applied for the job. Say that you have the skillset and expertise for the job. Another reason for applying is that the organization itself which is prestigious and you had a dream of working here.

21 :: How much do you think this position pays as Cleaner?

The interviewers are trying to find out if you are affordable and how little they can get away with paying.

22 :: Explain me have you ever taken out the trash and cleared snow? What methods do use for these?

I am trained in taking out and safely disposing of trash in an environmentally friendly manner. I am skilled in clearing snow off pavements using snow cleaners, vacuum pumps, and nitrogen-based chemicals.

23 :: Can you please tell me what do you know about our company?

Remember to research the company before you walk in for an interview. Run through their web pages especially the about us and careers section. Also glimpse through the LinkedIn profile of the company, google search and find out the latest news and get updated. All these would help you know about the organization and move forward.

24 :: Explain me what is the assurance that you would perform well in this job?

You can mention that there are a number of reasons which can be added such as skills, experience and dedication to the job role. You can say that you’re a quick learner and possess the capability to perform well under pressure. You can also add that you’re a great team player and hence other workers would be motivated and add to the organization’s success.

Mention that since you already have experience in the same field, you would use the same in this job too. You are dedicated to the job and also, would like to learn new aspects of this job role. Since you have the passion and determination, you would perform the best and succeed in the job role.

25 :: Explain me how would you keep yourself boosted by performing repeated cleaning tasks?

By posting this question the interviewer would like to know if your quality of work would be constant. You can mention that you are motivated in performing the job though there is no great difference each day, and you’re faster each day in performing janitor job as you are well-versed in the chore. You can say that you also find new ways so that you’re more efficient and achieve work in short timings.
Cleaner Interview Questions and Answers
50 Cleaner Interview Questions and Answers