Behavioral Biomedical Engineer Interview Preparation Guide
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Biomedical engineer Frequently Asked Questions in various Biomedical Engineer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview

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Behavioral  Biomedical Engineer Job Interview Questions and Answers
Behavioral Biomedical Engineer Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain me what is therapeutic cloning?

Cloning is a method of duplicating a DNA or a part of the DNA. Therapeutic cloning otherwise called somatic cell nuclear transfer is a process where an embryo is utilized. The embryo contains stem cells, which can be used in regeneration applications. Embryonic stem cells have the capability of renewing and are pluripotent that is it can transform or grow into more than 220 types of cells of the human body.

2 :: Tell me what are the wave patterns seen in an EEG scan?

Wave patterns seen in an EEG scan are delta - state of sleep, theta drowsiness, alpha - relaxation, beta - active thinking and gamma. Alpha also contains a mu-rhythm

3 :: Tell me what is DNA fingerprinting?

DNA fingerprinting or genetic fingerprinting is a technique wherein a DNA sequence is used for identification of an individual. It is mostly used in forensics. Polymerase Chain Reaction and Short Tandem Repeats techniques are commonly used for DNA fingerprinting.

4 :: Explain what is Biomechanics?

Biomechanics applies principles of mechanics to understand and simulate medical problems and systems such as fluid transport and range of motion. Prosthetic organs such as artificial hearts, kidneys, and joints are examples of devices developed by biomechanical engineers.

5 :: Can you please explain the difference between introns and exons?

An intron refers to any nucleotide sequence within a gene which is removed by RNA splicing to generate the final mature RNA product of a gene. The term intron refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene, and the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts. Introns are found in the genes of most organisms and many viruses.
An exon can be referred to a sequence in DNA or its RNA transcript. In broad sense. An exon is a nucleic acid sequence that is represented in the mature form of an RNA molecule.

6 :: Tell me do you know what are the wave patterns seen in an EEG scan?

Wave patterns seen in an EEG scan are delta – state of sleep, theta drowsiness, alpha – relaxation, beta – active thinking and gamma. Alpha also contains a mu-rhythm

7 :: Do you know what is Medical Imaging?

Medical Imaging combines electronic data processing, analysis and display with understanding of physical phenomena to identify and characterize health problems such as tumors, malformations and the like. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound and other techniques are commonly used

8 :: Tell me what do you understand by MRI?

MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This technique uses medical imaging that provides a detailed structure of internal organs; especially soft tissues.MRI provides good contrast between different soft tissues. A strong magnetic field is used in MRI which generates images and models of the specified organ. MRI works on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance to generate image of nuclei of atoms inside the body.

9 :: Tell me what is myoelectric control?

Myoelectric control uses the signals from a residual limb for the movement of the prosthetics. Myoelectric control technologies obtain signals from the skin on the limbs.

10 :: Tell me do you have any idea what kinds of jobs are available for BME graduates?

Graduates of the NJIT’s Department of Biomedical Engineering have found employment as design engineers, development engineers, process and manufacturing engineers, and as product managers. NJIT’s location in New Jersey provides proximity to the nation’s largest concentration of medical device and pharmaceutical companies. Over 500 large and small biomedical businesses are located within 50 miles of the campus. Biomedicine is now New Jersey’s largest industry.

11 :: Tell me what you know about microarray?

Microarrays are arrays where DNA oligonucleotides of DNA sequences are spotted as a matrix. Microarrays are used in gene expression profiling, single nucleotide polymorphism detection, detection of alternative splicing etc. Microarrays perform hybridization of cDNA using probes. A microarray chip has the capability to perform a large set of genetic related experiments simultaneously.

12 :: Tell me what is gram staining method?

This method is used to identify bacterial species into two communities i.e. Gram positive and gram negative. This method is based on chemical and physical properties of their cell walls. It can be used to detect peptidoglycan, which is present in a thick layer in Gram positive bacteria. Purple/blue colour refers to the gram positive bacteria. Red colour stain refers to the gram negative bacteria. This method is very popularly used in the identification of bacterial organism.

13 :: Explain what is therapeutic cloning?

In the process of cloning DNA or a part of DNA is duplicated. This process is also called somatic cell nuclear transfer. In this process embryo is utilized for cloning. Embryo comprises of stem cells which is later employed in regeneration applications. The embryonic stem cells are renewable and are pluripotent.

14 :: Tell me do you know what are the most commonly used technologies in medical imaging?

Electron microscopy, Computer Tomography, radiography, thermography, nuclear medicine, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

15 :: Explain me will I need an advanced degree?

A BS in biomedical engineering allows the graduate to enter a professional career without further graduate study. NJIT’s BME program prepares its students to function as engineers who can be highly successful in their first job.

16 :: Explain me what is employment criteria in Biomedical Engineering?

Biomedical engineers held about 16,000 jobs in 2008. Manufacturing industries employed 36 percent of all biomedical engineers, primarily in the pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing and medical instruments and supplies industries. Many others worked for hospitals. Some also worked for government agencies or as independent consultants.

17 :: Explain me what is MRI?

MRI is Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is a medical imaging technique that gives a detailed structure of internal organs, especially soft tissues. MRI uses a strong magnetic field and generates images and models of the specified organ.

18 :: What is forbidden clones?

Clones refer to producing genetically identical individuals. Forbidden clones refer to clones of those cells which had immunological reactivity with self antigens. Embryonic life is eliminated from these types of clones. Such type of clones is called ‘forbidden clones’.

19 :: Do you know epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder. It occurs due to abnormal signals in the human brain. These abnormal signals cause seizures and unconsciousness.

20 :: Explain me why did you choose a career as a biomedical technician?

I have done B.E in biomedical Engineering and would like to apply my theory knowledge by acting as a biomedical technician.

21 :: Tell me what is Bioinstrumentation?

Bioinstrumentation involves use of engineering principles and methods, including computers, in developing devices for diagnosis and treatment of disease.

22 :: Suppose if a double shift was required of you how would you handle that?

I will try to manage quite possibly and get some help from my colleagues.

23 :: Tell me would you like to advance your career in any other technical fields?

I have an EPA universal certification and I am working on CBET certification.

24 :: Tell us do you know about BMI?

BMI is Body Mass Index. It is a comparison of a person’s height and weight. It is a person’s weight divided by the square of the height. Its SI unit is kg/sq.m.

25 :: Explain what Is Myoelectric Control?

Myoelectric control uses the signals from a residual limb for the movement of the prosthetics. Myoelectric control technologies obtain signals from the skin on the limbs.
Biomedical Engineer Interview Questions and Answers
74 Biomedical Engineer Interview Questions and Answers