Biology Assistant Interview Questions & Answers
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Biology assistant related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Biology Assistant. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

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Biology Assistant Job Interview Questions and Answers
Biology Assistant Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell us how detail oriented are you?

I pay extremem attention to detail. One wrong move can be a potential health risk or could mean inadequate results or patient information. I am always acting under preventative measures.

2 :: Explain me what are your short and long term goals?

Short range: To secure an appropriate new position where I can apply my skills and experience to increase the company’s productivity and profitability.
Long range: Assume more responsibility and make greater contributions over time for my employer.

3 :: Tell me about the best/worst boss you’ve ever had?

Trap question: Never state anything negative! Say that while every boss has been different, you have worked productively with, and learned something from each one. (Be prepared to give some examples of what you have learned.)

4 :: Explain what's your ideal company to work for?

I seek to work for a company that delivers quality products and accurate results. I want to work for a company that prioritizes work ethic and proper treatment. I also want to work in a professional environment, minimizing the presence of lazy colleagues and corrupt systems.

5 :: As you know everyone has pet peeves. What are yours?

Trap question. Never state anything negative! Turn this question around by talking about your high professional standards. Your only “pet peeves” are with yourself—pushing yourself hard and not accepting mediocrity, for example—or how you are always striving to reach your full potential on the job, etc.

6 :: Suppose if you could relive your last 15 years, what changes would you make?

Nothing is perfect, but overall I would say that I’m quite satisfied with the way my life and career have developed—so I wouldn’t make any significant changes.

7 :: Tell me what have you done to improve yourself during the last year?

Talk about professional development, training programs, educational curricula, study in your field, on-the-job training, skill-building, relevant books you’ve read, etc.

8 :: What weaknesses do you have for this job?

Trap question. Never state anything negative! Answer is to ponder for a while and then state that you can’t think of any weaknesses that would compromise your performance at this job; or negatively impact your performance of the job’s responsibilities.

9 :: Please explain us how do you handle stressful situations?

I try to keep a leveled head when dealing with a stressful situation. I try not to let the pressure push me into making a decision that I may regret. Slowing down and controlling the situation allows me to fully view the problem and trouble shoot with the best results.

10 :: Explain me how do you spend your spare time?

Say something inoffensive, apolitical, and innocuous. (reading, exercise, travel, home projects, gardening, family activities, home projects, etc.)

11 :: What has kept you from progressing faster and farther in your career?

Trap question. Never state anything negative! State: “I don’t know what could have given you the impression that I am dissatisfied with the progress and pace of my career. I am quite satisfied with where my career is at this point in my life. However, I am ready to take on greater challenges.”

12 :: What does your work entail as Biology Assistant?

I spend a lot if time setting up and taking down labs, cleaning tables, and picking broken test tube glass out of the sinks. My school doesn’t give me any more extra time to do this than other-subject teachers get. Some schools give science teachers an extra free period, some don’t . Some schools even have a designated lab technician that will do all of this for you. Some schools require science teachers to move their labs from class to class on a cart! Science teachers are usually busy with the variety of activities that go along with being a good science teacher and are often perceived as socially-awkward or pompous by their colleagues.

13 :: Explain me what other companies/opportunities are you looking at now?

As I’m sure you can appreciate, I’m not at liberty to say as I am still in discussions with these companies. I need to protect their privacy, as I would for your company under similar circumstances.

14 :: We have all the information we need. We’ll be in touch?

Take the initiative. Ask such questions as: “Where do I stand? Am I being considered as a strong candidate? When should I expect to hear from you, or would you prefer that I contact you in a day or two? What is your time-frame for making a final decision? Is there anything else I can provide to facilitate the process?” etc. Then restate your strong interest in the position and your confidence that your background is an ideal match to the job.

16 :: If you were choosing someone for this job, what kind of person would you select?

generally state your own general qualifications without being too “obvious.” Leave out the details.

17 :: Explain how would a former co-worker or previous supervisor, describe you?

They said I am very hard working person and always tried to help them in any situations and I am very clean person.

18 :: Tell me how does this opportunity compare?

From what I’ve heard so far, very favorably...and I would like to learn more.

19 :: Explain me about your greatest achievement/disappointment in your life?

Give one personal example (like meeting your spouse and getting married; putting yourself through college and graduate school; or saving up to buy your first house, etc.). Then give your best professional accomplishment story. As for the disappointment, give an answer similar to the one above implying that “overall, I would say that I’m quite satisfied with the way my life and career have been developing, so I really can’t think of any major disappointments.”

20 :: As you know everybody likes to criticize. What do people criticize about you?

Trap question. Never state anything negative! Say that you can’t think of any criticisms you have received from colleagues on the job. Of course, there have been areas for development—such as when your supervisors would have given you your “employee review,” and they might have made a suggestion for improvement. State that you have always taken these kinds of suggestions seriously, and have taken steps to make the improvements that were requested, and that this has made you stronger as a professional. (State at least one example).

21 :: Explain what do you like about what you do?

Teaching science allows you to be creative and to use a variety of approaches for instruction. Students and colleagues always bring in stuff…dead birds, deer hearts, hawk talons, etc. and businesses and colleges like to give things away to science teachers. I feel that science teachers are lucky because it is easy to engage students and you often reach some of those students that many other teachers have a hard time developing rapport with. The BEST part of the job….the clean slate you get at the start of the next year and being able to change things that didn’t work.

22 :: Tell me you don’t have the experience/background for this position. How could you handle it?

Say you’re confused by their comment, that you’re quite confident that you DO have the experience and background for this position, and that you’re a very strong match for the responsibilities. Ask what specifically concerns them about your background; what’s missing in your experience? (Sometimes the interviewer is just testing you.) Re-state your qualifications as needed, tying your accomplishment stories to the employer’s requirements.

23 :: Explain me at your previous job(s), what did you think management could have done to make you function more effectively as an employee?

Trap question. Never state anything negative! Say that the employer was very good in providing resources and support to your position and that you have no complaints about this.

24 :: What do you expect to get in this job that you haven’t gotten in you current/previous job?

Trap question. Do not say anything negative. State that your current/previous jobs have met or exceeded your expectations. With the new position you would hope to have broader responsibilities and make greater contributions.

25 :: Explain me your experience working beyond the laboratory. What unique skills have you developed?

Outside of school and labs, I'm a pretty good musician, namely piano and voice. I like to sew, run, cycle, hike, ski - pretty much anything outdoors. I really enjoy talking to new people, finding new projects and challenges, and generally improving myself. That's actually my personal mantra - to never stop growing.
Biology Assistant Interview Questions and Answers
62 Biology Assistant Interview Questions and Answers