Basic Assistant IT Interview Preparation Guide
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Assistant IT related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Assistant IT. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

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Basic  Assistant IT Job Interview Questions and Answers
Basic Assistant IT Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Explain me what are some things that you look for in a job?

Tailor your answer to the interviewers’ company. Talk about challenges, job satisfaction, opportunities and work environment.

2 :: Tell us how do you remain abreast of new developments in technology?

You could mention seminars, courses, trade journals and technology magazines. You could also mention the value of social networking.

3 :: Can you tell us what is your style of management?

Tailor your answer to the management style of the company to show that your style will complement it. A good maxim to remember is ‘task needs, group needs and individual needs’. You might also mention motivation and delegation.

4 :: Tell us why do you want to work for this organisation?

Let the interviewers know that you have done some homework by saying that in your job search their company stood out from the rest because “….” You should also mention the company’s history, products, philosophy, reputation etc.

5 :: Can you define Hard-Disk Partitions?

Hard disk partitions divide the hard disk drive into smaller segments to enable better space management. Each partition on the disk can then be considered as a separate disk allowing different file systems to be used on each.

6 :: Explain me what is your favourite aspect of desktop support?

The question is a test of motivation. You need to match your answer to the job. Mention aspects like the challenges of working with new systems and meeting new people.

7 :: Explain me how do you feel about your abilities as a manager?

Focus on how you achieve results while maintaining good staff relations. Use examples of your successes and how you have learned from mistakes. Emphasise your energy and experience.

8 :: Explain me what are your reasons for leaving your previous/present job?

Be honest and brief but avoid answers suggesting personality conflicts or that you were dismissed. Try to present the move in a positive light.

9 :: Tell us what are the disadvantages of using imaging software?

This question is designed to test your familiarity with imaging software. Describe image testing and the attributes of particular software to show your familiarity with imaging.

10 :: Tell us what does DHCP stand for and what is its purpose?

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol – it assigns dynamic IP addresses to network devices allowing them to have a different IP address each time they are connected to the network.

11 :: Explain me what is your least favourite aspect of desktop support?

This is designed to see how well you will fit with the present team. A good answer would be along the lines of being unable to solve a problem due to factors outside you control, like hardware failure for instance.

12 :: Tell us how successful do you feel have you been?

Here you need to give an air of quiet confidence. Say that your career progression to date has been quite good (give examples of how you think you have been successful).

13 :: Explain what does USB stand for?

Universal Serial Bus – the current version is 2.0. It allows the connection of peripherals without the need to shut down the computer.

14 :: Tell us a few Firewalls?

There are two basic types of firewall
Network layer, which makes decisions based on source and destination addresses, and application layer, which are hosts run on proxy servers and allow no direct traffic between networks. Comodo and Zone Alarm are two commonly used firewalls.

15 :: Explain me would you describe yourself as a problem solver? If so, why?

You should obviously give a positive answer. You should give examples that show that you can think critically and highlight your skills.

17 :: What are your biggest strengths as Assistant IT?

I'm not sure why interviewers ask this question; your resume and experience should make your strengths readily apparent.

Even so, if you're asked, provide a sharp, on-point answer. Be clear and precise. If you're a great problem solver, don't just say that: Provide a few examples, pertinent to the opening, that prove you're a great problem solver.

18 :: Tell us what are your reasons for wanting to work with us?

From your research on the company, you should be able to spell out what has attracted you to apply for the position – perhaps they focus on an area of research that you enjoy or would like to become involved with; maybe they offer opportunities that competitors do not; or possibly they are active in a field that interests you. Be careful, though, do not pretend to have an interest in something that you do not – your deception will be noticed.

19 :: Please explain what do you feel is an appropriate salary for this position?

Salary is a delicate question. You can answer in several ways. You can give a figure based on industry norms for the position or else you could say that you cannot give a realistic answer until you know more details of the job. Do not undersell yourself - you will regret giving a figure that is too low. Equally, if the figure is too high, you will put off the employer. It is best to avoid being too specific but do not give the impression that salary is unimportant.

20 :: Explain me which desktop operating systems are you familiar with?

You will need to have familiarised yourself with the system used by the organisation you are hoping to join. Focus your answer on those systems, but also mention other systems with which you have experience.

21 :: Tell us what are the lights on a Modem/LAN Card and what do they indicate?

☛ Power light - indicates if the power is on
☛ Link light - indicates if the modem is receiving broadband or internet signals from the ISP
☛ Data light - indicates if the internet is working
☛ Connectivity light - indicates if the modem is connected to a computer

22 :: Tell us what is one of the latest Computer Processors (CPU)?

The Intel Pentium Quad Core Intel I3, I5, and I7 processors.

23 :: Explain me what are some of the Ports available on a computer?

Common ports are PS/2 ports, for keyboard and mouse. USBports. Sound ports.LAN or Ethernet ports. VGA ports.

24 :: Tell us what does DNS stand for and what is it used for?

Domain Name Service (or System or Server) – it translates domain names into IPaddresses.

25 :: Tell us what is the purpose of BOOT.INI?

Boot.ini is used to decide which operating system options are displayed during the start-up process.
Assistant IT Interview Questions and Answers
55 Assistant IT Interview Questions and Answers