Test Cases Question:
Write the testcase for a login page?

Feature Ref No.: Login page
Sub feature No.: N/A
Test_case id: TC_01
Functionality: Login
Steps Description: Enter the valid user name and password
Pre condition: Application must accept the user name and
Input Criteria: username: abc, Password: ***
Expected Result: Login user page should open with all its
Severity: C1: High, C2: Normal, C3: Low
Observed Result: Application user page should open with all
its content
Status: Pass
Remarks: Done
Sub feature No.: N/A
Test_case id: TC_01
Functionality: Login
Steps Description: Enter the valid user name and password
Pre condition: Application must accept the user name and
Input Criteria: username: abc, Password: ***
Expected Result: Login user page should open with all its
Severity: C1: High, C2: Normal, C3: Low
Observed Result: Application user page should open with all
its content
Status: Pass
Remarks: Done