CorelDraw Question:
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The Fish eye lens effect lets you__________________
a: distort, magnify, or shrink the objects beneath the lens, according to the percentage value you specify.
b: create the effect of an infrared image by mimicking the heat levels of colors in object areas beneath the lens.
c: make an object look like a piece of tinted film or colored glass.
d: create the effect of an infrared image by mimicking the heat levels of colors in object areas beneath the lens

CorelDraw Interview Question
CorelDraw Interview Question


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What is a spot color?
a Any color other than CMYK.
b Any color with premixed inks that requires separate printing plates.
c Any color that is produced by mixing CMYK.
d None of the above.
Which option lets you open only a part of an image by typing the range of the frame in load frames box?
a: Maintain layers and pages
b: Load partial file
c: Link bitmap externally
d: None of the above.