Microsoft Access Developer Question:
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Explain me how do I make an autonumber field start from 1 again?
When you are doing initial testing or if you make mistakes entering data and delete a row, the AutoNumber field keeps incrementing from the last number used. You may wish to start from 1 again (perhaps with existing data or perhaps after deleting initial test data).
This is very simply done as follows:
☛ Make a copy of the table (just in case)
☛ Remove all relationships between this table and any others
☛ If the AutoNumber field is a primary key, click on the primary key icon to undesignate it as a key
☛ Delete the row for this field
☛ Insert the row again and recreate the field as an AutoNumber field
☛ Redesignate it as a primary key, if appropriate
☛ Look at the table in design view - it should now be renumbering from 1 again.
☛ Reinstate the table relationships.
This is very simply done as follows:
☛ Make a copy of the table (just in case)
☛ Remove all relationships between this table and any others
☛ If the AutoNumber field is a primary key, click on the primary key icon to undesignate it as a key
☛ Delete the row for this field
☛ Insert the row again and recreate the field as an AutoNumber field
☛ Redesignate it as a primary key, if appropriate
☛ Look at the table in design view - it should now be renumbering from 1 again.
☛ Reinstate the table relationships.
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