Biomedical Engineer Interview Questions And Answers
Elevate your Biomedical Engineer interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 74 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Biomedical Engineer. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Get the free PDF download to access all 74 questions and excel in your Biomedical Engineer interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.
74 Biomedical Engineer Questions and Answers:
Biomedical Engineer Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Tell me what piece of equipment do you find most challenging to repair?
As I've stated earlier answer every part of it is important, but for me the challenging part would be the software development part , it would be difficult but I would try hard and focus on so I can give my best to it and give a better result of the company's good.
Read More2 :: Explain what are your long term career goals as a Biomedical Technician?
Since I have always been interested in medical devices this would be satisfying field.
Read More3 :: Tell me what is the riskiest decision you have made? Tell me about the situation and the outcome?
I wrote a letter to my CEO asking if they would do a scholarship for me for school. I had lost my soccer scholarship due to injury so needed assistance. I was not expecting much from the letter, but his secretary called me and they awarded me a scholarship.
Read More4 :: Explain me what you know about the popularity of BME a passing fad?
No one can know if the rapid growth of BME will continue at its current pace. All fields are susceptible to fluctuations in the economy. However, if we consider the explosion in scientific and medical knowledge of recent years, we can see that there are enormous opportunities to use that knowledge in the development of new medical devices and healthcare systems. The importance of healthcare in the U.S. appears to be increasing yearly and bodes very well for the future of biomedical engineering.
Read More5 :: Tell me what is Rehabilitation Engineering?
Rehabilitation Engineering focuses on enhancing the independence, capabilities and quality of life of individuals with physical impairments. This specialty may involve development of customized solutions to address highly specific needs of individuals.
Read More6 :: Tell me do you know what Biomedical Engineers actually do?
Biomedical engineers may work in hospitals, universities, industry and laboratories. They enjoy a range of possible duties, including the design and development of artificial organs, modeling of physical processes, development of blood sensors and other physiologic sensors, design of therapeutic strategies and devices for injury recovery, development and refinement of imaging techniques and equipment, development of advanced detection systems, testing of product performance, and optimal lab design.
Read More7 :: Explain what is Alzheimer’s disease?
Alzheimer’s is a brain disease caused due to tau protein misfolding. It is an incurable disease and can be diagnosed in a PET or MRI scan. Alzheimer’s is related more with aging, where the disease is detected in human more than 65 years of age. The symptoms are memory losses, stress, confusion and also aggression. Diagnosis is mostly done by behavior related tests.
Read More8 :: Explain what is Biomedical Engineering?
Biomedical engineering is an application of engineering in medicine. It combines the expertise of life sciences, engineering and medicine. Biomedical engineering deals with design and development of advanced medical devices, artificial replacement of organs, devices and methods for disease diagnosis and DNA chips. Biomedical engineering is one of the upcoming fields with its reach expanding exponentially everyday.
Read More9 :: Do you know what is the principle behind DNA fingerprinting?
DNA fingerprinting is the technique of genetic fingerprinting. In this technique, DNA sequence can be used for identification of an individual. The main application of DNA fingerprinting is forensics. The main principle behind behind DNA fingerprinting is Polymerase Chain Reaction. This technique is also popularly known as DNA profiling.
Read More10 :: Tell me the technique of gene conversion?
Gene conversion refers to the event in DNA genetic recombination. This event occurs at high frequencies during meiotic division but which also occurs in somatic cells. Through this process we can transfer DNA information from one DNA helix to another DNA helix, whose sequence is altered. Gene mutation can also be accomplished through this process. IT may lead to non-Mendelian inheritance. This phenomenon has often been recorded in fungal crosses.
Read More11 :: Is there one type of equipment that you feel you are the most efficient at repairing?
While getting my associate’s, I particularly enjoyed learning about MRA machines, and I had the opportunity to repair many of them at my previous position. I have more expertise with MRA machines than any other piece of equipment.
Read More12 :: Tell me what is isotopic tracer technique?
This technique is used to understand chemical reaction and interactions in bio-chemistry and chemistry. In this technique, one or more of the atoms of the molecule of interest is substituted for an atom of the same chemical element, but that element belongs to different isotope. It can be used to detect the difference in number of neutrons separately from the other atoms of the same element. The atom has the same number of protons; it will behave in almost exactly the same way chemically as other atoms in the compound, and with few exceptions will not interfere with the reaction under investigation.
Read More13 :: Explain me what is Alzheimer's disease?
Alzheimer's is a brain disease caused due to tau protein misfolding. It is an incurable disease and can be diagnosed in a PET or MRI scan. Alzheimer's is related more with aging, where the disease is detected in human more than 65 years of age. The symptoms are memory losses, stress, confusion and also aggression. Diagnosis is mostly done by behavior related tests.
Read More14 :: Tell me what you know DNA fingerprinting?
DNA fingerprinting or genetic fingerprinting is a technique wherein a DNA sequence is used for identification of an individual. It is mostly used in forensics. Polymerase Chain Reaction and Short Tandem Repeats techniques are commonly used for DNA fingerprinting.
Read More15 :: Tell me do you know what is flow control in Biomedical Engineering?
Flow control, also called optimized production technology, focuses on the efficient flow of material through the production process. The philosophy of flow control focuses on bottlenecks. For example, an owner using flow control will not buy a machine capable of 1,000 units an hour if supply is only 500 units. Examine systems and determine where lowest flow is experienced, then address that point and make sure it operates at full capacity. Flow control applies well where maximum productivity is required.
Read More16 :: Tell me what equipment did you specialize in during your training?
Bachelors degree in biomedical engineering.
Read More17 :: Tell me working on million dollar equipment can be stressful, how have you prepared to handle this?
First I will find to figure the problem and then I will handle.
Read More18 :: Tell me do you hold, or are working towards, any certifications for a specific piece of equipment?
Yes, I plan to pursue a masters degree in health care administration or project management degree. I am also looking forward to be CBET certified.
Read More19 :: Tell me do you know what careers are open to BME graduates do after they complete their degree?
BME is an excellent preparation for a career in engineering in large, medium and start-up companies. It also prepares one very well for careers in management, medical administration, sales, and regulatory practices. Biomedical engineering graduates from NJIT have gone on to graduate study in medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, management and law, as well as biomedical engineering.
Read More20 :: Explain me what is Systems Physiology?
Systems Physiology focuses on understanding – at the microscopic and submicroscopic levels – how systems within living organisms function, from pharmaceutical drug response to metabolic systems and disease response, voluntary limb movements to skin healing and auditory physiology. This specialty involves experimentation and modeling using mathematical formulations.
Read More21 :: We frequently bring in new equipment to replace older models. Did you ever encounter an instance where you had to learn about a new piece of machinery that you had never encountered before?
Yes, this was a common part of my previous job. I always thoroughly study the technical manuals of all the hospital’s equipment so I can learn something new about its makeup and be better prepared during an emergency. I strive to be as efficient as possible when working, and that involves staying on top of any new equipment additions. Sometimes, I offered suggestions to my superior about the equipment I felt was most in need of updates or replacement.
Read More22 :: As you know there has been a lot of talk about advancements in technology. Are you worried that remote diagnostics will replace your job?
A remote diagnostics may assess a device's status, yet cannot rectify the issue in real world, real time.
Read More23 :: Tell me are you at the point in your career where you are ready to write a manual for all newcomers to the field?
The required data has to be understoud to write a manual. This data will be written so it is easier to understand to same time and refresh to subject quicker.
Read More24 :: Tell me is biomedical engineering really ‘engineering’ or is it better to study mechanical, electrical or chemical engineering?
Like most new fields, BME developed because of the need to address complex problems that require interdisciplinary knowledge. A strong BME program will provide students with the skills necessary to work as engineers as well as provide physiological and biological foundations that are not included in more traditional engineering programs. According to the National Science Foundation, BME is the fastest growing branch of engineering in terms of student enrollment.
Read More25 :: Tell me do you know what is Biomedical Engineering?
Biomedical Engineering blends traditional engineering techniques with biological sciences and medicine to improve the quality of human health and life. The discipline focuses both on understanding complex living systems – via experimental and analytical techniques – and on development of devices, methods and algorithms that advance medical and biological knowledge while improving the effectiveness and delivery of clinical medicine.
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