Webmaster Interview Preparation Guide

Prepare comprehensively for your Webmaster interview with our extensive list of 45 questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Webmaster. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Secure the free PDF to access all 45 questions and guarantee your preparation for your Webmaster interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

45 Webmaster Questions and Answers:

1 :: Who is Webmaster?

A webmaster (from web and master) is a person responsible for maintaining one or many websites.
Webmasters may be generalists with HTML expertise who manage most or all aspects of Web operations. Depending on the nature of the websites they manage, webmasters typically know scripting languages such as JavaScript, ColdFusion, .NET, PHP and Perl.[citation needed] They may also be required to know how to configure web servers such as Apache HTTP Server (Apache) or Internet Information Services (IIS) and be a server administrator.[citation needed] Most server roles would however be overseen by the IT Administrator.
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2 :: What are the duties of webmaster?

The duties of the webmaster may include:
Ensuring that the web servers, hardware and software are operating correctly, designing the website, generating and revising web pages, A/B testing, replying to user comments, and examining traffic through the site. As a general rule, professional webmasters must also be well-versed in Web transaction software, payment-processing software, and security software. Due to the RFC 822 requirement for establishing a "postmaster" email address for the single point of contact for the email administrator of a domain, the "webmaster" address and title were unofficially adopted by analogy for the website administrator.

3 :: What are the other names of webmaster?

A webmaster also called a web architect, web developer, site author, website administrator, or website coordinator.

4 :: What are the core responsibilities of webmaster?

Core responsibilities of the webmaster may include the regulation and management of access rights of different users of a website or content management system, the appearance and setting up website navigation. Content placement can be part of a webmaster's numerous duties, though content creation may not be.

5 :: Can domain name should be website name?

Naming your site after your domain may seem obvious to some of you, but you'll be surprised to learn that not every website is named after the domain name even when the webmaster owns that domain name.
Naming a site after its domain name is important, for the simple reason that when people think of your website, they'll think of it by name. If your name is also your URL (ie, web address), they'll automatically know where to go. For example, when people think of globalguideline.com, they don't have to wonder what web address to type into their browser to get there. The name of the site is also the URL.
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6 :: What you do if you cannot get the domain name of your choice?

It really depends on how committed you are to that particular name. If you have an existing brand name that you're known for, you'll probably not want to ditch that name just because you couldn't get the domain name. After all, it took you a lot of time and money to establish that name. If so, you might simply want to try to buy over the domain name from the current owner. Check up the "whois.com" information for the domain, and contact that person listed to see if they're willing to sell it. You probably should be aware that they are likely to want to charge a higher fee than you'll normally get when buying new domains (assuming they want to sell it in the first place).
On the other hand, if you're just starting out, you might prefer the cheaper alternative of trying to obtain a domain name first, and then naming your website (or business) after the domain that you've acquired. So if you've acquired, say, the domain name "globalguideline.com", then your website and business might be named "globalguideline" or "globalguideline.com". I know this seems a bit like putting the cart before the horse, but that's the reality if you don't want to lose out on the Internet.

7 :: How much generic names or brand name domains are important?

I personally feel that a domain name that matches your brand name is very important. The very name that you use to advertise your product is the name that you will want for your domain, because that is the first thing that people will try in their browser. It is also the easiest thing for them to remember, and whatever that is easily remembered, will be more likely to be tried out than the obscure domain name.

8 :: Which domain name is better long or short?

Some time that shorter domain names are easier to remember, easier to type and far less susceptible to mistakes: for example, "mp34" is easier to remember and less prone to typos than "audivideomobilemusic.com".
While sometime longer domain name is usually easier on the human memory - for example, "gtdagtb.com" is a sequence of unrelated letters that is difficult to remember and type correctly, whereas if we expand it to its long form, "Getdomaingrowbussiness.com", we are more likely to remember the domain name.

9 :: What are the disadvantages of hyphenated domain names?

It's easy to forget the hyphens when typing a name. Many users are used to typing things like globalguideline.com but not global-guide-line.com. They'll probably leave out the hyphens and end up at your competitor's site.
When people recommend your site to their friends verbally, having hyphens in your domain name leads to more potential errors than when the name does not contain hyphens. For example, how do you think your visitors will refer to your site if it is named "global-guide-line.com"? They might say, "I visited Acme Book and Videos dot com yesterday. It was fabulous." Their friends, remembering that comment later, might type into their browsers "globalguideline.com".
It's a pain in the neck to type. Enough said.

10 :: What are the advantages of hyphenated domain names?

☛ Search engines can distinguish your keywords better and thus return your site more prominently in search results for those keywords occurring in your domain name.
☛ The non-hyphenated form may no longer be available. At least this way, you still get the domain name you want.
☛ Personally, I prefer to avoid hyphenated names if I can, but I guess it really depends on your domain name and your situation.
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