Recruiting Coordinator Interview Preparation Guide

Recruiting Coordinator related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Recruiting Coordinator. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts
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55 Recruiting Coordinator Questions and Answers:

1 :: Please explain what kind of experience do you have that shows you are ready for a position acquiring talent for this company?

I already talked a bit about how I conducted interviews in my management position in the restaurant industry. I have also undergone training to prepare myself to be a great human resources worker. I think one thing that really demonstrates my capabilities and dedication is the fact that I went through training to be certified as a Certified Professional through the Society for Human Resources Management. I invested time and money into completing the program to make sure I was fully prepared for a job in the industry.
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2 :: Explain me what is your company’s relationship with the hiring company and how long has your firm worked with them?

This will tell you more about whether the hiring company trusts this recruiter and is likely to hire from them.

These are all questions you should ask a recruiter that works for a staffing or recruiting agency.

You’ll learn a lot of key facts, and you’ll also get a sense of their personality and confidence based on how they answer.

In the end, trust your gut and work with a few good recruiters that seem to enjoy their work and know it well.

3 :: Tell us what is the pluralistic perspective of IR system? What are the implications of this approach?

Pluralism perspective views the organization being made up of two groups – Management and trade unions. Both of them are considered strong.

☛ It sees the conflicts over distribution of profits as normal and unavoidable.
☛ It believes that the role of management is more of persuading and co-ordinating
☛ Conflict is not viewed as a bad thing and is dealt with through collective bargaining
☛ Trade unions are viewed as legitimate representatives of employees.

The basic implications of this approach are:
☛ Union recognition is encouraged.
☛ Calls for an independent external arbitrator for resolution of conflicts.
☛ It calls for collective agreements to be negotiated with the trade unions
☛ Calls for appointment of IR specialists to advise managers in staffing and matters related to trade unions.

4 :: Tell us collective bargaining. What are the different types of activities which comprise collective bargaining?

Collective bargaining means a process of negotiations between employers and a group of employees. The purpose is to reach an agreement to regulate the working conditions.

The collective bargaining mainly comprises of 4 types of activities:
Distributive bargaining – Also termed as conjunctive bargaining, this form of bargaining aims at re-distribution of benefits between the management and the group of workers. In this form of bargaining, one group gains while the other looses something.

Integrative bargaining – Also termed as co-operative bargaining, this form of bargaining is for overall improvement in the working of the organization. No party looses here, so, the level of co-operation is more.

Attitudinal restructuring – This type of bargaining mainly aims at developing a change in the attitude of the management and the employees. The purpose is to reduce the bitterness and develop a congenial atmosphere.

Intra-organizational bargaining – This kind of bargaining aims at achieving the consensus within the trade union and management group.

5 :: Explain me why are trade unions formed? What services do they provide to the members?

☛ Trade unions are formed to protect their members from the exploitation by their employers.
☛ They negotiate with the management the issues affecting the employees working in the organization.
☛ They intervene in the decisions which affect the workers directly like transfer, lay off etc.
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6 :: Explain me what measures do you propose to develop congenial Industrial Relations?

Following are certain measure to promote congenial industrial relations:

☛ i.) Personnel policies acceptable to all – These should be formulated in conjunction with representatives of employees, clearly stated and uniformly implemented across the organization.
☛ ii.) Will to sincerely implement the agreements reached together by the management and unions
☛ iii.) Participation of worker’s in managerial decisions
☛ iv.) Mutual trust and respect within employees and employers
☛ v.) Compromising attitude
☛ vi.) Strong and stable unions
☛ vii.) Government’s role as a peacemaker when the employees and employers are not able to solve the issues themselves

7 :: Please explain example of a time when you demonstrated excellent interpersonal skills, and in particular when it comes to seeking out talent?

There was frequently a need for new staff when I worked as assistant manager at a restaurant, due to the high turnover rates in the industry. I was tasked with interviewing job candidates in order to determine who would be the most effective replacements. When I began recruiting people, our restaurant experienced a decrease in turnover rates of over 20 percent. I attribute this to my selective process and my knack for asking the right questions. In that job I also led the team a lot of the time, and the fact that I kept everyone motivated and ready to work hard is also a demonstration of my interpersonal skills.

8 :: Tell me a participant is not complying with the rules of the study. How do you manage the situation?

Candidates need to ensure that all participants understand what is expected of them as participants and what kind of actions or behavior could compromise the study. Participants who do not comply should be discarded from the study.

9 :: What can you tell me about the hiring manager as Recruiting Coordinator?

Not only will you interview with this person, but you also might report directly to them (it’s a good idea to ask specifically whether the hiring manager is also the person you’ll be reporting to).

So it’s helpful to know what type of technical background the hiring manager has, as well as information about his/her history within the company. This information will be helpful when speaking with the hiring manager later in the interview process.

10 :: Explain me what is marxist perspective of IR system?

☛ The focus of Marxist perspective of IR system is on fundamental division of interest between capital and labour.
☛ It assumes that the conflict at work place is a reflection of conflict in the society.
☛ Trade unions are deemed as a natural response from workers to protect themselves against exploitation.
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